Saturday, October 23, 2021

Humbug Upwelling / by Sandy S.

May 7, 2020

Humbug Upwelling / by Sandy S.

In this "New Age" of Covid-19 and quarantine, Chuckster the Huckster and his for-profit Psychology of Vision spiritual capitalist franchise holders are filling the online world with desperate psychobabble sales pitches more than ever. Even in the short time the virus has been active the Spezzano sales formula is already revealed as sort of a one-two punch. First you are offered a free online event, and then after he has groomed his victims and made sure they are set up with the Zoom technology, he clobbers them with an expensive "workshop."

One of Chuck Spezzano's chief enablers has been the Frankfurter Ring, helping him milk the gullible German cash cow as they set up so-called "workshop" events. The Frankfurter Ring has consistently lied about and inflated Spezzano's credentials and Chuck seems to be OK with that. As you can see in their Youtube description, the Frankfurter Rings calls Chuck a "psychologist." In the recent past they called him a "clinical psychologist" with some regularity until we challenged it.

The ultimate responsibility for correcting this should come down to Chuck himself since he is a regular part of the Frankfurter Ring pool of New Age talent, but FR officers Brita Dahlberg and Corinna Weth among others are also promoting this fraudulent claim and could fix this at any time  Why has this lie been allowed to stand for so long? We sure hope the Hawaii State Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is paying attention to this --Chuck is breaking the conditions of his 2004 court fine when the State of Hawaii nailed him for pretending to be a professional in the field of psychology.

Yet again we for the 100th+ time with the Frankfurter Ring must point out this is false advertising. Falsifying Chuck Spezzano's credentials in marketing seems to be the rule rather than exception, especially in European merchandising of POV literature and events. The Spezzanos have allowed this to spread-- much to their economic advantage. Sitting by and passively letting these falsehoods become so widespread year after year to their financial benefit is ultimately the responsibility of Chuck and Lency Spezzano.

Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology" and seems to be peculiar to the now extinct school he attended. It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Even in Europe this should disqualify him from being called a "psychologist." Both of the Spezzanos are on record saying Chuck is not a "psychologist." Lency claims she never heard Chuck call himself a "psychologist," so apparently she has not watched his videos.

Spezzano is not licensed and not even remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. He has NEVER worked as a licensed "psychologist" or published any research in peer-reviewed journals that we can locate. His credentials have been inflated and falsified for decades, starting with his own newspaper advertisements in the 1980s.

In the following infomercial we see Chuck Spezzano, his chief cheerleader Torsten Konrad, and Frankfurter Ring honcho Brita Dahlberg. Konrad interprets for Dahlberg. The trio shares a split screen and the nearly half hour video merely shows their talking heads, which is about as visually exciting as watching a speech by US Vice-President Pence. Konrad is deeply financially invested in POV and has proven himself to be one of Spezzano's more enthusiastic minions. If I were Torsten I would take a lesson and study the fate of some of the other German POV trainers like himself who not all that long ago also served as a translator for this fraud.

Brita Dahlberg was once a Psychology of Vision official, serving as the German "Managing Director" of the cult from 1999 to about 2005. She knows full well he is not a real "psychologist" but continues to allow that lie to exist in Frankfurter Ring promotions. And Chuck himself is even more of a liar for allowing it to stand. I should point out that in the last year or so we have been active in having hundreds of Spezzano ads in Europe either pulled entirely or corrected where he was touted as a "psychologist." Bavaria's most major bookseller, an area where Chuck enjoys a lot of support from his victims, graciously went out of their way to thank us for the evidence we presented since they did not want to be associated with a fraudulent claim involving a scam artist. The number of booksellers who examined the documents we provided and then took action to correct the lies was a positive affirmation of human nature. You cannot say that about the Frankfurter Ring or Psychology of Vision. They belong in the Trump universe of con artistry and pathological lying.

POV followers who support the Spezzanos but oppose Trump are suffering from a split mind. Chuck Spezzano and Donald Trump are members of the same lodge, a club consisting of narcissistic liars, con artists, and scamsters who will betray anyone around them in order to obtain money and power. The POV relationship with Oneness University is a typical example of just how commercially opportunistic and dishonest about their past the Spezzanos can be. More on that later.

Perhaps only those of us who are Spezzano's fellow Americans can see the obvious flim-flam game, so please all you international readers heed our warning, Chuck and Lency Spezzano's Psychology of Vision is based on lies and is just a huge scam. You will notice POV has zero Americans in their steep pyramid organization except for the Queen Bee and the Bloated Tick. There is a reason for that. Think about it.

To the relief of my fellow critics (and I expect the Congressional Medal of Honor for this), I transcribed the mind-numbing nonsense blathered by Spezzano with Konrad and Dahlberg in a Youtube promoting a free event as the grooming for the later for-profit scam "workshop." Now my comrades don't have to watch this insipid nonsense because I did it for them.

The video was posted on May 4, 2020 promoting an event for May 9, 2020.

I have transcribed this promotional piece, which is almost a half hour but seems like an eternity. I'm going to use the Mystery Science Theater 3000 technique of inserting my own comments, which will be in bold type.


 BD: OK, it's running. [Addresses German listeners while introducing Spezzano and Konrad, then says] Hello boys, willkommen.

TK: Hi and welcome to this event with Chuck and Torsten and Brita.

CS: Hi, it's good to see everyone here. Welcome to Hawaii.

[As it turned out the way this promotional video opened, Spezzano did not have the opportunity to introduce himself as "Dr." Chuck Spezzano as he usually does. I know many other academic doctors who, unlike Spezzano, have real accredited professional degrees instead of the rather dubious sheepskin he has. None of them feel the insecure egotistical need to use that personal prefix. Spezzano uses it frequently as part of his con game, although his claim as a "doctor" is a bit cheesey. Old time snake oil salesmen frequently employed titles like doctor or professor in order to fool the vulnerable]

BD: Ja, early morning in the bedroom of Chuck.

CS: I can't come to you so maybe you can come to me. Welcome. Welcome.

TK [translating for BD]: There's a very important reason we want to talk to you today. Special moments they request that they ask for a special kind of act, acting. And we want to invite everybody to a free webinar that's going to happen here on Zoom pretty soon. It's going to be an international event, we initiated from Germany but we are going to invite the whole world to participate in it. Our dear Chuck Spezzano has developed over 50 years a lot of methods and has studied a lot of techniques to help and he has composed them in the framework of his Psychology of Vision and he's going to present them and help us to have a better life. And one of his most known mottos is "Friends Helping Friends" and in this very special time it is something that is really helpful and important for everybody so we want to help and therefore we have invited one of the best people to help you. There's a Hawaii saying that I think it's very appropriate to use and to mention in this momentary situation, "We can't stop the waves but we might as well learn to surf them, to ride them." May I invite you to be our surf instructor?

CS: Yes, thank you. Thank you, Brita. They also, besides "The waves never stops so you might as well ride," there's a second part that they add to that 'cause the Hawaiians are very earthy and lovely and naughty. It's a surfing world over here so they say, "If it swells, ride it."

[Spezzano's use of lewd Rat Pack era humor is well known, he uses it as a bullying shock talk method to intimidate his listeners. He has also railed aggressively against "political correctness" much like Donald Trump, who he so closely resembles in many ways]

So there's a big wave swelling in the world and let's learn to surf. It's obvious to me that this is a big upwelling of the unconscious mind, the soul mind.

["Upwelling" is Spezzano's new word for the virus. He uses it a lot as of late. But the only upwelling I feel is in my stomach as I read his utter nonsense]

And it's really important that we face into the wave instead of just being knocked about by it. It looks like we're being separated and torn apart but actually underneath it's been bringing us together. It's a wonderful thing to realize that we're all together, that we're one team, one family on Spaceship Earth.

[I just read a scathing blogpost by a recent ex-POV trainer about how Spezzano's organization is filled with backstabbers and ruled by pernicious gossip. So much for that "one family" fable]

Yesterday I was part of a seminar in Japan on "self-love." And when you have self-love you just want to love everybody. And all the reasons you have to not love yourself, it's just a big mistake. All the reasons you feel guilty, all the reasons you feel unworthy, all of your heartbreaks, they were all a mistake that can be transformed, can be corrected. And if you have that self-love you just look into people and you fall in love with them. You see a bald head and you just want to go over and kiss it. Leave no bald head unkissed.

[Both Spezzanos are infamous for groping and getting lippy with their victims. Start at the 11:30 mark on this video and then watch in horror]

Because it's what you see in the world and this is at a soul level of the mind.

[Soul level of the mind is a premise he states as fact. But it isn't. It is part of the special language POV cult-speak]

It's actually a reflection of you. What you believe about yourself. So the love you see reflecting off someone's head, that's your light. So we're going to have this two-hour meeting where we will join together as one mind.

[One mind. The Borg. It also is a reflection of the influence of Oneness University and a period of time when Psychology of Vision was a subordinate franchise of that body 2007-ca2011. POV was so proud when they became authorized to become "Oneness Blessing Givers" in 2009. Later they dropped the whole thing like a hot potato and betrayed their heroes and then, big surprise, lied about the extent of their involvement. Throwing others under the bus and denying any responsibility is a time honored POV tradition]

People from Asia, people from Europe, people from North America and we'll join together to see what we can create. And in our joining the closer we can get together, and in our pain and problem and guilt it all melts away as we join. [Torsten stumbles in translating this to German] So everybody who sees this, now let's kiss that beautiful head there.

TK [translating for BD]: How are you going to do this, Chuck? We know your work, we know also how you do the lineups. How are you going to do that in the online format?

[The lineups are a reference to Spezzano's long-time habitual forumula of using of Hitler apologist Bert Hellinger's family constellations model. Nothing in POV is original. But Brita is also asking, how are you going to use your usual cult techniques such as controlling the physicality of your sessions since you cannot bully people in person, or cram them in a crowded space in your loft with uncomfortable chairs with no bathroom breaks for long hours, or make them sign waivers for potential harm as a result of the bullshit you are making them endure, or be exposed to Lency's stage hypnotism, or use the Hawaii destination venue as vacation bait for foolish people with more money than sense?]

CS: Uh, very gently. Actually the last two months around the world I've been doing these types of conferences and what we have found is they're actually quite effective. We've had some very high feedback from people. Sometimes who's just been to one of the two-hour free webinars or one of the workshops or something like that, they reported that's it's been even more amazing than if they had been there in person. Of course they don't then get their head kiss, but--  So, it's been surprising, but it, we were wondering how it would work also, but actually people really concentrate and they're at home, so you know, so people don't even wear pants if they don't want to. They're relaxed. They have their morning coffee [lifts cup].

[In point of fact the Spezzanos have used webinars in the past and apparently they were not as profitable as the close up and personal form of bullying and brainwashing their victims clients, so they were dropped. Here we see Chuck putting the best face he can in a difficult situation]

TK [translating for BD]: It will be like an appetizer when you talk to us on the 9th of May to get people into this kind of approach. And like it is with very tasty stuff you just start to get a sense of wanting more of it.

[Brita is pushing the idea that these free online events are just grooming victims to be financially exploited at a later date. Since POV is apparently addicting in a negative way, where the perpetrators are not regulated and beyond the reach of any professional licensing, she could be compared to a cheap drug pusher. Admission to the online Spezzano event subsequent to this free shindig and hosted by the Frankfrauder Ring costs several hundred dollars USD]

CS: We found that people can really start to take something away from these events also. And to imagine to being able to see people from all over the world who are on this healing path, because once you get on the healing path you know that whenever it comes up, oh, that's just another thing for healing. A lot of things are just, we're living in this quarantine, we're living in pressure cookers. So whatever's inside tends to come to the surface. All problems, all patterns, all pain is actually coming from the past. And when you're in a pressure cooker that pain comes to the surface. They say that divorce has really increased in China since the virus has come about. I see this as a chance for an enforced honeymoon.

[Call it "knowing this to be true," but somehow I sense Spezzano is not all that thrilled to be imprisoned in his own home and is still far away from accepting the reality of the virus. The use of the words "enforced" and "pressure cooker" are not exactly positive and tells us quite a bit about where Chuck is at these days in his head. I am an American senior citizen also staying at home, like Chuck. My "enforcement" is for the good of my community but I would hardly call this condition a "pressure cooker." Makes me wonder what is going on in Spezzanoland which in turn makes me think POV is simply an extension of Spezzano's own personal insecurities] 

We have lots of good food in, lots of vegan food, lots of grain food, lots of desserts.

[This from the guy who served Kentucky Fried Chicken and fast food in styrofoam recently to at least one group of hapless victims at his expensive digs. So let's drop the holier than thou fakey dietary pose, OK? Obviously he's a pizza and booze kind of guy as demonstrated from past documents]

But we want to get people back, back on track so we can be celebrating life and celebrating your life. This is the month of May where we are meant to be going from what was winter to the promise of summer. So it's getting back to your happiness, it's getting back to your innocence. Yesterday in Japan I was working with a woman who at five years old and another one at three years old who had had had [sic] misread, misinterpreted an event. And how you know you've misinterpreted an event is you feel bad, you feel pain, you feel guilt. None of that is true.

[Actually it could be true. News flash for POV cult followers! Chuck is not God]

So as you understand what was really happening then you can change it. It's easily changed. There's not even a need for forgiveness. You can realize oopsie, that was a mistake. Now some people are holding on to the pain so much they have to go through the pain and just feel it through but when there's love it can be an easy birth. And when you get to that place there's a rebirth in your life, a Renaissance. In the Course in Miracles I read this morning where it said that what The Resurrection is is changing guilt by guiltlessness.

[You all realize, I hope, that A Course in Miracles is a document that was supposedly dictated by an "inner voice" (sometimes attributed as Jesus) to Helen Schucman in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Some sources claim she later disowned the entire thing. This is the copyright free tome the Spezzanos have latched on to as their Bible. They used to count ACIM and Oneness University as their two "greatest inspirations" but now it is just the former after they attempted (and miserably failed) a Stalinist type purge of all online records connecting them with Amma and Baghavan]

Guilt is the opposite of life when you head for death. And when you get past that you're alive again. And, and you want to love the people around you. You want to grab a bald head and go "mwhaaa" [makes kissing gesture]. So many things around you you could just grab and kiss. But as you give love it's like your creative juices flow, as you give love your self-love increases. Y'know over these last 49 years it's like y'know I found the healing methods were very complicated and intricate.

[Citing how many years he has been in this con game is a Spezzano staple. 49 years ago, 1971-1972 - Spezzano "was hired as a counselor and Director of Outreach at the Brashear Association, there in Pittsburgh." Then in 1973-1979 - Spezzano was employed as a "therapy supervisor, workshop coordinator" for the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center, San Diego. Spezzano also claims he was a "psychologist" during this time but that isn't really true]

And healing methods that were so simple it would just take ten seconds. So recognize the territory you're in, y'know, this may be, you may be swimming in the unconscious. Y'know Kierkegaard said he was, like, in a rowboat over 70,000 leagues with sea monsters underneath. And y'know even if that's the case then the bigger the problem the bigger the gift on the other side of it, the bigger the new stage that is waiting to welcome you. I don't need to teach you about love.

[Lency Spezzano has a different slant on love and says she does indeed need to teach you about love-- for a fee]

You were created as love itself in God's image.

[Chuck apparently knows what God wants and you don't. Interesting]

I've just become really good in going into the unconscious and subconscious and finding the ways through. I'm really good at pulling back the covers, just ask my wife.

[You already told us that one, Grandpa. He has used this same tired sleazy joke for years]

TK [translating for BD]: Thank you Chuck, this is really the quality we enjoyed in you over the years and all the live events we hope soon being able to offer again. You really empower each of us and help them to be, to master their destiny again. We no longer need to say that we are lived [sic] but are really actively creating our life again, and also in this crisis situation through this crisis. And thank you for giving us these tools to move through this territory and on the 9th of May and certainly as I've heard may be also there's going to be something happening after that.

CS: Yes, there is. There's always a chance we'll go deeper. And I know you all like a chance to go deeper.

[Oh goodie, he got in one last dirty joke. My, how pleasing]

And don't forget to laugh. Children laugh two or three hundreds times a day. How many times do we laugh a day? Let's get the laughter in your heart back, the laughter in your life back.

TK [translating for BD]: It's a great final statement.

[Your long reading nightmare is now over]

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