Saturday, October 23, 2021

How New Age Failed Me

July 21, 2019

Our loose international confederation of Psychology of Vision critics arrived at this place through different experiences. Some of us were members of cults themselves (including POV itself). Others of us cannot just sit by and passively watch POV con artists cynically victimize vulnerable people. Either way these ripoff artists need to be exposed for being the quacks and liars that they are.

One comrade who came here from a former-cult member background pointed us in the direction of this new Youtube by Andey Fellowes. Although Andey is talking about Teal Swan, who is a competitor of the Spezzanos in the world of spiritual New Age capitalism and (it is all about the money with these unqualified people, after all), Andey might as well be talking about the Psychology of Vision scam since the parallel is almost exact.

A most articulate and powerful testimony here. I hope anyone who is thinking of signing up with POV, or are already being manipulated by the greedy, unqualified, unlicensed, and dishonest people who manage it, will take the time to listen to this Youtube.

Also, it should be pointed that two very relaxed cats make an appearance in the lower left corner of the screen which somehow adds a feeling of serenity and hope to Andey's message.

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