This interview includes the sidebar introduction stating: "Chuck Spezzano hat den Doktor in klinischer Psychologie, ist Hawaiianischer Schamane und hat bereits 35 Bücher zu Themen wie Liebe, Beziehung und Erfolg geschrieben, mehrere davon Bestseller und in 20 verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt. Darüber hinaus hält er weltweit Seminare ab."
It should be recorded that Chuck Spezzano does not have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and that the Native Hawaiian community has some serious issues with the claim Spezzano is a shaman (or kahuna, as Spezzano himself claims) as evidenced on the Huna is Not Hawaiian Facebook page.
In the course of the interview, Spezzano characterizes his fellow Americans as being "cowboys" as an apparent form of derision.
Discussion of Questico can be found at the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum:
Full interview can be seen at this link:
[Substitute link]