From the Superior Court of California County of Siskiyou is this Declaration of Petitioner Steve Tipaldi and the following excerpt concerning Chuck and Lency Spezzano:
I declare that all allegations of abuse are incorrect and false. Almost without exception all alleged allegations that have been made against me are a result of the children’s mother using fraudulent documents that are contained in the record of this case by Chuck Spezzano, Lency Spezzano, Katherine Snow Davis, Christine Snow, and Cindy Yanover. All of these individuals supplied written documents that were entered into the record by Sarah Carpini. All these individuals claimed in their individual documents they were licensed professional to practice in the area of Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapists or Social Workers. All of these individuals were personal friends of Sarah Carpini. The attached documents are from the State of Hawaii Licensing division for said alleged professionals showing these individuals were in fact not licensed. See exhibits C, pages 1 through 9. The licensing division in Hawaii did in fact take action against these individuals. Also see order from Judge Watanabe, Fifth Circuit, State of Hawaii. I had never been or was not abusive or a threat, Exhibit C, pages 10 through 13, Guardian Ad Litem report, Exhibit C, pages 14 through 20, and Affidavit by Alena Tyler, Exhibit C, pages 21 through 24.
I declare that there is a document in the record by Chuck Spezzano, claiming to have seen me as a patient in a professional capacity. I declare that at no time have I or had I been a patient of Mr. Spezzano. Mr. Spezzano’s document paints a very negitive picture of me.