Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Newspaper Potpourri

 Nov. 6, 2019

Two of us in our network recently fell into an online source of old newspapers and discovered a few articles about Psychology of Vision and the co-founders that students of this cult (pro and con) might find of interest.

Oct. 1, 1982, Honolulu Star Bulletin. Chuck is scheduled to present a lecture on Nov. 2, 1982 called "The Healing Journey." Lency Jones (née Lency Abel), who follows him with her presentation "Health is Inner Peace" on Nov. 23, later initiated a divorce from Edward Clair Jones on Mar. 8, 1983 and became Mrs. Lency Spezzano in 1984. Lency reflected on this period later in the Jan. 2003 Nightlight Newsletter: "Back when I was around 29 or 30, I was in my 'phenomena' days. It was a rough period. My first marriage had failed, I had gone through a period of delicate health, and I had taken on a dramatic paradigm shift. As a result, the 'causes that be' behind the veil had gifted me with some encouragement in the form of other dimensional phenomena. Without that encouragement I don’t know where I would have ended up." 

Nov. 23, 1982, Honolulu Advertiser. Lency somehow is given a "Dr." prefix even though her highest degree is a masters.

June 3, 1983, Vancouver Sun. Until we found this newspaper archive we had no idea how many times Chuck Spezzano was falsely advertised as a "psychologist" in Canada. The Vancouver Sun was a major spreader of this lie. So much for journalistic investigation. Wendy Long's article is nothing more than a fawning bit of marketing for Spezzano's for-profit enterprise.

This is the first time we have seen a reference to the "Health Awareness Systems Institute in southern California." Other biographical sketches mention that in 1982 and 1983 Chuck "taught at the Tubb Wholestic Health Institute in Southern California, before moving to Hawaii." Aside from the Spezzano's autobiographical information, we cannot find evidence such a place as the "Tubb Wholestic Health Institute in Southern California" actually existed, no matter how you spell "holistic." Likewise, the "Health Awareness Systems Institute in southern California" is another organization so shadowy and obscure that it only appears on record in this Spezzano promotional "news" piece.

Can any readers out there help us track down and confirm other information concerning this place where Chuck says he was an instructor? We are very curious about this institution.

 Nov. 10, 1983, Honolulu Star-Bulletin. This advertisement presents the bold lie that Chuck is a "leading edge psychologist." He has never been a licensed, accredited, or professional psychologist. As for "leading edge," we have yet to see any ideas from Chuck that have not been swiped from someone else. He has never contributed any alleged research to any peer-reviewed professional journals.

Nov. 14, 1983, Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Charles Lee Spezzano was licensed as a Marriage and Family Counselor in California Aug. 15, 1980 (expired 05/31/1990) but after he moved to Hawaii in 1983 the license was useless. In 1982-83 he briefly had an office in Orange County, according to a POV website bio. In 1980 he was also in the business of peddling psychic workshops, according to the same website.

Note the "psychologist" lie is being repeated.

June 19, 1987,  Hawaii Tribune-Herald. Spezzano's stint as an interim minister was with Windward Unity in Hawaii from late 1983 to at least mid-1984. The use of "churches" plural is news to us, as is Chuck having served in "prisons." The article fails to mention that Spezzano the "therapist" who has a "small private practice" is unlicensed, unaccredited, and unaccountable. The law would catch up to him in 2004 when he was fined by the State of Hawaii for pretending to be a professional.

July 11, 1987, World (Coos Bay, Or.). Another "psychologist" lie, another dollar. Spezzano teamed up with an ex-car dealer on this junket. As time would go on, Chuck's events held in the USA would be super rare.

Sept. 11, 1987, Calgary Herald. Michaella Rewniak, who is a transmedium and channeller, cites Chuck Spezzano as one of her teachers. Many paranormal, pseudoscience, and New Age capitalists, as well as hypnotherapists proudly include Psychology of Vision on their resumes.

Nov. 26, 1987, World (Coos Bay, Or.). Once again teamed up with the ex-auto salesman, Chuck is a called a "practicing Doctor of Psychology," which isn't exactly true.  Chuck's Ph.D. was unaccredited and the name of the degree "Professional Psychology" was peculiar to the school he attended (now extinct). His degree was not subject to any national standard, making it no more valuable than as if it had been produced at a diploma mill.

 Feb. 8, 1989, Vancouver Sun. Another lie in Canada.

Aug. 26, 1989, Honolulu Star-Bulletin. So far as we know, no one in the Hawaiian press has ever conducted a serious investigation concerning this "psychologist" fraud.

Sept. 6, 1989, The Vancouver Sun repeats the "psychologist" claim twice in the same issue. The only news source in Canada to question and investigate Chuck's bogus credentials was the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) when they broadcast a piece on Nov. 2013 illustrating how Psychology of Vision has victimized First Nations. In that program reporter Rob Smith asks Chuck in a telephone interview if he considers himself a psychologist. "No Robert, I don't," Chuck replied, "I consider myself a coach."

Nov. 15, 1990, The Vancouver Sun carries the lie into the 1990s. Now Chuck is an "international psychologist."

Jan. 23, 1992, Vancouver Sun. And the lies just keep a'comin'!

Jan. 30, 1992, Vancouver Sun. The next time Chuck visits Canada the Vancouver Sun could atone for being an unwitting accomplice to fraud by actually investigating POV and the damage it has caused particularly on Haida Gwaii.

June 20, 1992, Guardian (London). Now Chuck has graduated to "renowned Psychologist." So far as we can determine, Spezzano has never had these claims retracted. To this day one of his top promoters in Germany, the Frankfurter Ring, still calls him a "psychologist" and he has done nothing to have that lie deleted from his merchandising. Even his POV "trainers" use his bogus credential in their marketing.

Mar. 19, 1994, Calgary Herald.  Christopher Moon, another spiritual self-help coach who has published books and decks of cards, credits "California psychologist" Spezzano as being one of his mentors. Moon is not alone. A large number of Spezzano's clients, students, and life-coach peers are under the false impression he is a real "psychologist."

Sept. 20, 1994. Vancouver Sun. Douglas Todd is the only journalist we found in this pile of clippings who looked at Psychology of Vision with even a hint of an arched eyebrow.

Sept. 22, 1994. Vancouver Sun. In 2014 Lency Spezzano said of Chuck's fake credentials, "I have never heard him refer to himself as a psychologist, and we have never advertised him as one, because that would require a psychologist’s license."

Mar. 22, 2000. Interior News (Smithers, BC). This is how the Haida Gwaii world ends. Money meant for Residential School Survivors is funneled into establishing the Psychology of Vision cult into the fabric of First Nations life. "Psychocolonization," as one of our team calls it. The main protector,  gatekeeper, and manipulator selling out her people is Haida CAO and POV trainer/franchise holder Babs Stevens. There is a definite conflict of  interest here. We propose a 20-year audit of how funds meant for the public in general and RSS in particular on Haida Gwaii were diverted into POV activities. Who pays for all those trips to Hawaii? Note the "psychologist" lie once again surfaces.

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