Seizures result from a disorder in our brain. Attacks take the form of a change in our level of consciousness, a change in our ability to control our muscles and motor coordination, or a change in our ability to interpret sensory phenomena. Seizures or convulsions mean that we are in a state of siege. We are in conflict, paralyzed by the fear of moving forward and birthing ourselves to a whole new level. We are afraid of the unconscious and are scared of receiving information that is important to our purpose. Seizures are a way of stopping our whole process dead in its tracks. We have been seized upon by some emotion and shaken up. We are caught up in a labor without birth and feel that we have been taken against our will. We are in fear of our own mind. There is also a hidden attempt to get something, because we feel that something vital has been taken from us and we need to replace it.
Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor