Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Original Mind"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Original Mind" (13:22) posted Dec. 5, 2012.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift as well. [Removed from public view May 2015]

This is perhaps the saddest of all these Youtube demonstrations of Lenora's skills as a hypnotist. The hypno-partner here is Babs Stevens, a longtime SALPOV trainer and a leader on Haida Gwaii. After reading Section K of the German language Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, it is very clear that targeting and cult-ivating (pun intended) FN leaders is part of the game plan in expanding their scheme throughout Canada. One must wonder how much of Babs' travel, lodging, and other fees were provided by public funds. I would love to see a transparent accounting for all of her costs associated with SALPOV. Exactly how many thousands of public and/or grant Canadian dollars have been spent on SALPOV nonsense by Ms. Stevens in her official capacity? And then ask, how else could that money have been used to help the community?

Here is what Babs' says about herself in LinkedIn--



    Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator

    Psychology of Vision Trainer, Skidegate Band Council CAO
    1972 – Present (43 years)

    Leadership and Business

    Skidegate Band Council
    1972 – Present (43 years)

Yes, she's a "Oneness Blessing Giver." Holy Deeksha, Batman! Didn't Babs get the memo from Lenora that Oneness University is no longer part of the dogma? SALPOV is not the only cult Babs is enamored with, and I have the distinct impression that the corporate CEOs in Hawaii have not been entirely pleased with Ms. Stevens' performance as a recruiter for padding the Spezzano bank account.

In fact the Canadian SALPOV has probably declined faster and more dramatically than any other national branch of this cult. Even so, if the cult just vanished today, the toxic damage they created will last another generation.

But here's the deal with Babs and it is what prevents me from feeling totally sorry for her. From what I know, all of the other victims of Lenora in this video series are private citizens. Their ability to create widespread damage is pretty much limited to helping the Spezzanos drain the bank accounts of other monied vulnerable people. But Babs is different. She is in a position of public trust, which she has betrayed. She has chosen to serve the needs of the Spezzanos over the needs of her own constituency. As in many other smaller jurisdictions, much of the politics of Haida Gwaii are all about family, which the Spezzanos knew full well when Section K was written.

Babs has not only failed SALPOV, she's also failed Haida Gwaii. By embracing cults like SALPOV and others, she has really messed over herself and many other people. Her tenure and legacy as leader has been undermined and decayed by her involvement with SALPOV.

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) November 2013 "Plastic Healers" exposé of SALPOV could really use a follow-up on their APTN Investigates program. Follow the money! I'm not saying anything illegal has been going on, but I do think a full accounting of exactly how much money over the years has been spent on Babs' SALPOV activities and many trips to Hawaii needs to be aired. She is, after all, a public figure.  Leaders need to be accountable, or perhaps they don't teach that in the SALPOV "Steps to Leadership"?

So basically in this video we will be watching two tired sellouts who have been engaged in a tragic sadomasochistic knot for years. Watch and weep--


    LKS: So I have it on good authority Babs that today's your birthday.

    BS: Yes.

    LKS: The Universe has declared that today is a birthday for you and you get a birth and you get a gift and the universe will provide anything that your heart desires. So what we're going to be doing is that we're going to receive a download, and downloads are a very elegant form of joining in which we get out of the way and the higher self, the higher mind, Heaven, the creators true light and energy uses my mind, in this case, as a conduit to heal patterns of belief and patterns of habitual thinking of beliefs and injuries and pain. All of those things can be released and healed. We can ask for something that's purely positive and that is just received into the brain as a gift. The sky's the limit, you can have anything you want. What would you like? Its your birthday.

    BS: I would like to heal contact ..

[grabs the microphone from Babs' hand and shoves it closer to Babs' face] Contact.

    BS: Contact. Like for instance when the Haidas totally owned Haida Gwaii and ...

[turns to audience] So Babs is First Nations from Canada.

    BS: ... everyone was innocent then.

    LKS: So through colonization, through the various abuses, abuses that your people received,
[and we see a couple women in the background going to and from the apparent ladies' room which adds a real touch of class to this presentation] in that process of a sort of a cultural genocide that your people went through ...

    BS: Yes.

    LKS: ... and a different culture was imposed on them. A different language, a different belief system. And it was very punitive in nature and the children were taken from their homes and put in institutions, families were broken up, it was a very systematic breaking down of everything that was important
[at 2:41 in the background a participant sheepishly returns from the ladies room] that kept your culture, your aboriginal culture operating in its healthy true beautiful way. Right?

    BS: Smallpox was introduced ...

    LKS: Smallpox.

    BS: Whole villages.

    LKS: Yeah.

    BS: Yeah.

[exhales loudly]

So why is Lenora telling this story and not Babs? Why is this wealthy woman from the States taking control of this narrative? Why is Babs constantly cut off and not allowed to fully explain anything?

Two words: Queen Bee. Babs is clearly the subservient figure here, and by extension, surrendering the power of her leadership position to Lenora Kay Spezzano. Hope you guys on Haida Gwaii like being controlled by Lenora! Our comrade moreinfo introduced me to the concept of "psychocolonization" and this video is a classic case.

But wait, it gets much worse--


    LKS: So you would like to receive the removal of that negative influence that was imposed on your family for many generations. Remove it from your mind, let's say we can remove their minds as well. And for your children and grandchildren, because you know there is only one of us here.

The phrase "there is only one of us here" is another tired New Age cliché the Spezzanos probably "borrowed" from Oneness University in order to sound hip. But to me, this is the clarion of the hive mind, the Borg, the mindless, the gullible. This is not "I am Spartacus."


    LKS: Let's say this is the start of something very important. Psychology of Vision is so committed to supporting aboriginal cultures around the world, but we've really really committed to the First Nations people of Canada that have taken Psychology of Vision and applied it. And because Psychology of Vision shares similar values with their original culture, the understanding of "Oneness," that we're all related, that there's really only one of us here, and it fits so well with their own Native healing approaches, that its just a great success. And there is cultural Renaissance wherever Psychology of Vision goes in the First Nations communities.

Uh, excuse me. Can you say "Manifest Destiny"? And is Babs going to get a word in edgewise? Apparently not. She is merely there as a prop.


    LKS: Because as people are able to heal their own issues and help their families heal there's time to address community issues and when enough families are involved in the healing process beautiful things happen, and cultural values flourish again, people are able to learn their languages again. Its just beautiful. And we receive so much. So much grace, so much beauty, that its such a wonderful two-way street.

    So lets declare because its true that we can return to our original mind.

At 5:29 Lenora breaks her normal hypnosis routine and starts right off with the Master Thespian expressions, which are displayed in a weird silence until the sound crews begins to play "Shiv Shakti" by Bliss 15 seconds later.


    LKS: [turns to audience] That's a big one. You really feel this in your brain. So there's nothing wrong if you feel a lot of undulations and things going in your brain. It's all good.

Then at 6:00 the strange mixture of hypnosis and Master Thespian starts for real. Lenora's performance here is especially unsettling. Babs is under the spell almost immediately and the shaking begins, picking up in tempo a few notches around the 8:30 mark. Lenora's traditional timing of the regular Master Thespian stage starts around 9:00.

Even though Lenora is supposedly channeling, she can somehow manage to instruct Babs to "Look right at that camera" for the trophy showoff portion of tonight's program at the 9:50 mark. Babs is trembling violently and stares at us with a vacant, numb face-- as if she has just been hit alongside her head with a 2 x 4.

Starting around 10:32 we get a pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren. Around 10:42 Lenora says, "Get Melissa," and a few seconds later Melissa Meyer joins the stage and now Lenora has two trophies to display. Melissa was a long time SALPOV trainer in British Columbia until last year.

Another pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren reveals the Big Lug lurking in the background. The camera operator appears to be having difficulty achieving a decent focus.

Over the music Lenora talks at 11:40--


    LKS: There are so many peoples in the room that have been colonized, that have been injured this way. But only truth is true.

"But only truth is true." Boy, that's really profound. Sure worth $3000, huh?

Lenora calls Melissa "My daughter" at the conclusion, and a few in-jokes follow, pretty much confirming my long held view that the Spezzanos position themselves to act as surrogate parents for the cult followers.


F. Lee Baleofhay said...

Psychology of Vision is a private for-profit corporation, so Babs cannot cite religious freedom as a defense. There is no defense for this.

Who Could Hang a Name on Me said...

The sooner Babs is removed from her position of self-serving power, the better for Haida Gwaii. Crying and breaking down during confrontational meetings is a pathetic method of getting one's way. Is that what POV teaches people to do?

Be of Good Cheer said...

Here's the deal with Babs. In the future, after she is out of office and her abuse of power is the stuff of legend, much like Joe McCarthy or Richard Nixon in the States, potential leaders will be judged by how much they toady brown-nosed to her or showed some spine and challenged her insanity and lust for power. The troublemakers of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Babs represents the habitual status quo, the rotting fruit, the submission to American capitalists, the selling out of her culture. Those who challenge her now are the ones with real leadership skills, critical thinking ability and sense of ethics. Babs has demonstrated through her actions that she is mentally unstable and a willing tool of commercial interests outside of Haida Gwaii.

Me and Julio said...

In this video it is clear Babs is a pawn.

Me and Julio said...

Melissa too

Down for you is up said...

The group of people who allow Babs to perpetuate her theatrics also need to be addressed. She does not operate in a void, she has been enabled by a bureaucratic machine. By allowing her to get away with this nonsense, they are just as guilty.

Cedar said...

Lency called Melissa "my daughter". This is so incredibly wrong and abusive. Even if Lency doesn't know this, surely Chuck does. Although, hey, Chuck encourages customers to call him by family names too.

Chuck and Lency manipulate people, strip them down, then build up a false personality. In other words, they f*ck people over. Then just as the person is "born" into this new sham "family", Chuck and Lency seal the deal by giving them family labels.

Which can make it difficult to really see the abuse. Who would want to make "Mother Lency" unhappy?

Draco Nicholas said...

Lency is not a professional and the personal boundaries she crosses is not professional, including the reference to making clients members of her "family."

Can you spell c-u-l-t?

Anonymous said...

The "White Savior Narrative" is alive and well in the Land of Spezzano.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Although Babs has been a POV trainer for many years she never rose above a Level 1 status on the POV org chart. How come?

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