The title page, table of contents and some selections from Chuck Spezzano's dissertation in the course of earning a Ph. D. in Professional Psychology. This degree is more liberal arts based than medical and this school was not accredited by the APA in 1977. The attainment of this degree is still a considerable achievement and does entitle the graduate to use the prefix of "Dr.," but it is not recognized by the profession as an accredited or medical credential.
Given the number of German language websites (and several in English) marketing Spezzano's for-profit services with erroneous academic awards it needs to be said Chuck Spezzano's degree was not in clinical psychology. In Hawaii he is not licensed as a psychologist and in fact was fined in 2004 for pretending to be one.
In order for Spezzano to become an actual psychologist in Hawaii he would be required to go back to school in order to earn a proper psychology degree. But the only school he attended after 1977 was exactly 30 years later at Oneness University, an institution now disowned by Lency Spezzano, a fact confirmed by her son Christopher. In fact, POV has gone to great lengths to eradicate any online trace of their association with OU. Why? We don't know. OU was once one of POV's two "greatest inspirations" but somehow rapidly fell from Spezzano grace between 2011-2014. Yet the OU program remains in the POV curriculum and several current and former POV trainers are proud to be allied with OU to this day.
The number of German websites making false claims about Spezzano's credentials is staggering. I am attempting to document them all but the task is formidable. Spezzano's own direct promotional people and POV trainers in Europe are repeating these myths.
According to the POV Trainers Manual the Spezzanos have regularly scheduled conferences with their trainers. That would seem like the perfect time to mention the correction of these errors, but somehow these fallacies continue to be posted online for years.
So far I have not located any research by either Chuck or Lency Spezzano submitted to peer-reviewed journals.
Charles L. "Chuck" Spezzano should not be confused with Charles J. Spezzano, who is actually a real
psychologist. It seems the Library of Congress Name Authority File has
blended these two Spezzanos together, which adds to the confusion.
There is also the question of the name of Spezzano's actual degree. Mr. Spezzano himself says it is in Counseling Psychology, but this dissertation (which is classed in the Library of Congress classification call number for literature) states it was written for the obscure and unemployable Professional Psychology degree.
Many, many questions here- not the least of which are the business ethics of Chuck Spezzano profiting from false advertising. Lency Spezzano claims these promotions are out of their control even though many of these fabrications are trumpeted by their close associates, some even broadcast under POV websites.
It should be noted that both Spezzanos have gone on record stating that Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist. Chuck Spezzano told APTN reporter Rob Smith in 2013 that he is not a psychologist, he is a "coach." Lency has stated Chuck is not a psychologist in her Truth About Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision website:
[Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week. Below is a link to the Internet Archive version]
Why didn't Chuck Spezzano continue his education, earn an actual legitimate license as a clinical psychologist, and publish in peer reviewed professional journals? Because he would not have made as much money as he has as a "life coach" large group awareness trainer guru.
As a life coach he is free to trick, con, and manipulate people. He accepts no oversight or peer review. He acts as if he is peerless, specially superior and beyond reproach. In truth, his peers are other charlatans and con artists.
"Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish thief."
chuck spezzano didn't get an actual real licensed degree because he would have to answer to the real licensed psychologists and licensing board of psychologist, he may think he was clever by going about his fraud business this way, a real psychologist would be in deep trouble, chuck is exposed as a fraud now, everyone knows about him, Canadian and American government officials ,the rcmp , licensing board of psychologists of british columbia and the financial officer that block funds reserves for their allotted money to run their programs, they all know he's a fraud and yet still allow him to continue his fraud "spiritual" business, i don't understand why they still allow him to continue his scam, my hopes are that some authority is investigating and building up a case against him,his advanced trainers and his cult outpost groups like this one that has a write up on them.. frauds just create more frauds, they're long over due to be stopped ...
"To become a practicing psychologist, most states require that you complete an internship, which you do prior to receiving your doctoral degree. The internship typically takes one year, after which you go on to complete a one- or two-year postdoctoral fellowship. You are then eligible to take your state’s licensing examination. It is only after passing your licensing exam that you can (in most states) call yourself a “psychologist.” Most people who complete this sequence of training do so in programs that meet a set of strict criteria in which they are officially “accredited.” These criteria are in place to protect the public from poorly-trained practitioners."
Chuck Spezzano is not licensed and his degree is unaccredited. Even in Europe he does not qualify to be called a "psychologist."
It is the 1971 Masters degree in sociology that he earned from Duquesne that you should be paying attention to. That is where he picked up his advertising and marketing education. He certainly is no psychologist, but he is a salesman.
It is indeed strange that Spezzano's apparent degree in "Professional Psychology" is not actually professional. Although not accredited by the APA, and he never acquired a license as a "psychologist," it did give him the ability to add the "Dr." prefix or "Ph.D." suffix to his name, which he has commercially milked for all it is worth, giving the false impression that he is more expert and qualified than he really is.
In show biz, it is a common trick among hypnotists and magicians to call themselves "Dr." or "Professor" in order to set up an audience expectation and precondition them that this person is an expert. Spezzano's degree gives him a very flimsy rationale for this bogus title.
If nothing else one must admire the way Spezzano has flown under the radar of law enforcement all these years while allowing himself to be marketed as a "psychologist" or "clinical psychologist" when he isn't and yet reaping the financial benefits. It is a reflection on Spezzano's lack of any business ethics as well as the laziness of consumer protection law enforcement in Hawaii, United Kingdom, and Germany.
New Age healers have sincere folks and they have matchstick men. Chuck Spezzano belongs in the latter category.
Spezzano is indeed a charlatan, but he wouldn't have reached the stage he enjoys today if not for being enabled by people who are gullible, or charlatans themselves hoping emulate him and ride on the Spezzano coattails. As former POV trainer Julian Ticehurst has said, half of the people in the cult know it is a "hoax," so I suppose the gullible/charlatan division among the enablers is 50/50.
It is indeed truly sad that Spezzano chose to squander his talents and become a fraud and scamster phoney "psychologist" and an uncredentialed "coach," entrapped in his own web of lies.
This man obviously can write and could have been a well-respected authority on metaphors and symbolism-- maybe even getting some academic gigs along the way. Instead his greed got the better of him and he went into the snake oil business.
Chuck chose to become a New Age fad follower and gave up his potential to be a leader. It is quite sad. Such a waste.
Chuck Spezzano's current Facebook page claims he has a Ph.D. in "Humanistic Psychology" in his About-Work and Education profile, and elsewhere in the About-Details About Chuck he says he has a Ph.D. in "Counselling Psychology." From the looks of his dissertation, both claims are not true and very misleading. Also he neglects to mention his degree in "professional psychology" was not accredited by the APA.
Spezzano's outright lies about his academic credentials as well as his documented claims of being a "psychologist" and allowing others to amplify and enhance those lies demonstrates he has very little respect for the vulnerable people who hand over vast sums of money for his con game. He thinks you are too hurt and dumb to do your homework and discover he is a big faker. And apparently for some of you he's right.
It is OK to be angry at yourself for falling for this fraud's scam, but instead of crawling away and attempting to erase all online connection with this jerk as if it never happened, which is what most POV victims do, I suggest you speak up and fight back! Do you want what happened to you to happen to others?
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