Evidence of POV making inroads into the Upper Nicola Band of BC, Canada:
a therapist at Upper Nicola Community Health Services who lists POV as one of the "modalities" she uses http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/corinne-mackenzie/23/701/b93
[Update Aug. 2, 2021: dead link]
a testimonial from the Upper Nicola Band Health Accreditation Coordinator http://21stcenturydynamics.com/success-from-the-inside-out-for-first-nations/ about a POV program that targets First Nations [Update: Dead link. See above image from Internet Archive]
The POV course "The Historical Effects of the Residential Schools on our People" especially concerns me. http://21stcenturydynamics.com/healing-the-legacy-of-residential-schools/ [Dead link] POV and their various guises is all about the money, this b.s. is especially not safe for people who have experienced trauma.
Some of the course text was taken from http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/a-history-of-residential-schools-in-canada-1.702280 , doesn't look like POV gives accurate attribution to their sources.
A quote from their FN material:
Discerning the Unnatural Behavior We Witness Amongst First Nations People