In this Vimeo presentation where Michael North touts his US-China project ca. 2011, he points to his Board of Directors and when he singles out Chuck Spezzano he says, at 17:30 "This is a psychologist."
OK. Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist. His Ph.D. is in a weirdo degree called "Professional Psychology" and was not accredited by the APA. In 2004 Chuck was fined by the State of Hawaii for pretending to be a professional, which he certainly is not.
North was a close business associate of Spezzano and he does not strike me as a person who would knowingly lie. So how is it that he had this mistaken impression Spezzano was a psychologist? He's not alone. Many others in Spezzano's circle believe he is a psychologist, some even claim he is a clinical psychologist. But in fact he is not a psychologist at all, never has been, never will be.
So how did all these people come to accept the fable of "Chuck is a Psychologist" as truth?