Sunday, March 11, 2018

Kurt Roth

Swiss coach Kurt Roth presents an interesting couple paragraphs while touting Jeff Allen's VisionWorks for Life. I will post the original German followed by the Google English version:

 VisionWorks for Life

"If you want go fast, go alone! If you want go far, go together! "
    "Wenn du schnell gehen willst, geh alleine. Wenn du weit gehen willst, geht zusammen."

     Diese Worte drücken ein wichtiges Pr inzip von POV, Psychology of Vision, aus. Und es ist eine Standard-Aussage von Jeff. Denn alleine kannst du diese Welt nicht wenden.
     VisionWorks for Life wurde von Jeff Allen gegründet. Er ist langjähriger MasterTrainer von POV und ein guter Freund von Chuck Spezzano. Sein Unternehmen VisionWorks for Life hat die Absicht, die Prinzipien von POV noch tiefer in die Gesellschaft einfliessen zu lassen. Er erarbeitete mit seiner Frau Sue Unterlagen für Kurse, die von POV-erfahrenen Personen weiterunterrichtet werden dürfen, was bis anhin nur wenigen Trainern vorbehalten war. Dabei geht es um die Anwendung von den Prinzipien auf verschiedene Lebensbereiche wie Familie, Arbeitswelt, das eigene Wachstum oder für die heranwachsende Jugend.

Es muss einen besseren Weg geben
Diese grosse Bitte wohnt in fast allen unseren Herzen. So trug auch Chuck Spezzano diese tiefe Bitte in sich, als er einige Jahre als Doktor in Psychologie arbeitete. Die selbe Bitte trugen auch die Autoren von "Ein Kurs in Wundern", als dann das wundersame auch passierte, und dieses Werk seit seines Bestehens tausende von Menschen inspirierte und massgeblich zu der New Age Welle beigetragen hat.
     Als Chuck Spezzano auf dieses Werk stiess, meinte auch er, einen besseren Weg gefunden zu haben um Psychologie zu betreiben. Er gestaltete eine neue Psychologie, die einerseits dem Stand der Wissenschaft Rechnung trägt, andererseits den Gesetzen des Schicksals und Lehren aus ein Kurs in Wundern gehorcht. Somit ist eine Psychologie entstanden, die zu allen Fragen eine Antwort und vor allem eine Lösung zum Weiterkommen bereit hält. Fragen der eigenen Verletzlichkeit bis hin zu den Fragen der Vision, ein Zustand, der Wunder geschehen lassen kann. Er und seine Frau Lency Spezzano, welche die Technik des Joining erfand, nennen sie "Psychology of Vision". Was in den letzten rund dreissig Jahren geschah ist Geschichte. Es gibt ihn, den besseren Weg.
     Viele Menschen und Erfindungen tragen seither den Stempel von POV auf ihrer Stirn, doch nur wenige das Gütesiegel: z.B. VisionWorks for Life und Jeff Allen und eine Handvoll von Trainern auf den ganzen Welt, bei denen du nach dem besseren Weg fragen kannst.


VisionWorks for Life

    If you want go fast, go alone!
    "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

These words express an important premise of POV, Psychology of Vision. And it's a standard statement from Jeff. Because alone you can not turn this world around.
VisionWorks for Life was founded by Jeff Allen. He is a long time Master Trainer of POV and a good friend of Chuck Spezzano. His company, VisionWorks for Life, intends to incorporate the principles of POV even more deeply into society. He worked with his wife Sue documents for courses that may be further taught by POV-experienced persons, which was previously reserved for only a few coaches. It is about the application of the principles to different areas of life such as family, working life, their own growth or for the adolescent adolescence.

There has to be a better way
This big request lives in almost all our hearts. So Chuck Spezzano carried this deep request in himself, as he worked for some years as a doctor in psychology. The same plea was also borne by the authors of "A Course in Miracles," when the miraculous happened, and this work, since its inception, has inspired thousands of people and contributed significantly to the New Age wave.
When Chuck Spezzano came across this work, he also thought he had found a better way to do psychology. He designed a new psychology that, on the one hand, reflects the state of science, and on the other obeys the laws of fate and doctrines from a course in miracles. Thus, a psychology has emerged, which offers an answer to all questions and above all a solution to progress. Questions of one's own vulnerability right up to the questions of the vision, a state that can make miracles happen. He and his wife Lency Spezzano, who invented the technique of joining, call it "Psychology of Vision" . What happened in the last thirty or so years is history. There is him, the better way.
Many people and inventions bear the stamp of POV on their foreheads since then, but few have the seal of quality: eg VisionWorks for Life and Jeff Allen and a handful of coaches around the world asking for the better way.



This post illustrates the strong ties between POV and VisionWorks, basically pointing out that Allen is subservient to Spezzano. But it should be noted Jeff is no longer a trainer with POV, perhaps since Roth's post was originally created.

Maybe something was scrambled in translation but two sentences really captured my attention. First:

"Many people and inventions bear the stamp of POV on their foreheads since then, but few have the seal of quality."

And second: "So Chuck Spezzano carried this deep request in himself, as he worked for some years as a doctor in psychology."

Yet again I need to point out that Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology." It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Chuck Spezzano is not now, nor ever has "worked for some years as a doctor in psychology" even by German standards. Both of the Spezzanos have said Chuck is not a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. Here are some links to a few primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

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