Monday, October 25, 2021

Lögnare på svenska

June 7, 2020

Flow Summit is here for another year. This bullshit jamboree includes a long parade of con artists including Mr. Chuck Spezzano. Released in various languages, we were able to watch Spezzano's 40-minute presentation in the Swedish version.

This is partly produced by Wrage and Basler Psi-Verein. Both have a long history of falsely merchandising Spezzano as a "clinical psychologist" or "psychologist" and claiming he has a Ph.D. in "Clinical Psychology." This is outright lying. In the case of Basler Psi-Verein, we know they know he isn't what they say he is but apparently they don't care.

In the brief bio of Spezzano he is called a "clinical psychologist"--

Om Dr. Chuck Spez­za­no

Dr. Chuck Spezzano är klinisk psykolog och visionär, konsult och författare. Tillsammans med sin fru Lency utvecklade han “Psychology of Vision” under mer än 35 års terapeutisk praxis, en kombination av klassisk psykologi med andliga principer. Alla problem som vi stöter på, säger Chuck Spezzano, är ekot av vår egen berättelse, som vi fortsätter att återge. Det är de inre och yttre skadorna i vår familjehistoria som har påverkat varje partnerskap till denna dag, även om vi inte märker det. Mer information på

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About Dr. Chuck Spezzano

Dr. Chuck Spezzano is a clinical psychologist and visionary, consultant and author. Together with his wife Lency, he developed the "Psychology of Vision" during more than 35 years of therapeutic practice, a combination of classical psychology with spiritual principles. All the problems we encounter, says Chuck Spezzano, are the echoes of our own story, which we continue to reproduce. It is the inner and outer damage in our family history that has affected every partnership to this day, even if we do not notice it. More information at
[Update June 14, 2020: Looks like we nabbed this shortly before it was taken down]

Chuck always makes a point of mentioning how many years he has been at this con game when he touts his resume. The "35 years" demonstrates this description was lifted from something originally written about a decade ago, an example of how lies persist online. It is a safe assumption this outrageous fabrication exists in versions Flow 2020 published in other languages.

Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was apparently in something exotic called "Professional Psychology." It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Even in Europe this should disqualify him from being called a "psychologist." Both of the Spezzanos are on record saying Chuck is not a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not even remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. He has NEVER worked as a licensed "psychologist" or published any research in peer-reviewed journals that we can locate. His credentials have been inflated and falsified for decades, starting with his own newspaper advertisements in the 1980s. Here are some links to some primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

The first 18 minutes is the same Chuck stock stump speech he has given for decades. Then he calls in a young woman, Caroline, who is used as a "demonstration client." Since this was filmed in the Spezzano luxury condo in north Oahu (note the painting by former POV trainer Spar Street) and no virus social distancing is taking place, one can assume she is somehow connected to the family. Normally, a one on one session with Chuck costs the victim over $1100 an hour according to the last posted rates we have seen about five years ago.  How special.

As we watch this we recall Chuck's much bragged about background in hypnosis and NLP. This video becomes more interesting when one turns off the sound, muting the blather, and simply watches the body language. Draw your own conclusion.

In the final ten minutes Spezzano brings in Jesus, reminding us about the heavy religious overtones of POV. And, *Poof!* magic! Caroline has been fast-tracked! Cured and healed! A miracle! Just like watching Jimmy Swaggart!

Update June 8, 2020: Here is a Polish version where the "psychologist" lie is repeated in the Youtube description:
Another update July 2, 2020: Well, that video didn't stay up for long! Glad we documented it when we did
Yet another update July 26, 2020:  It is back again, subtitled in another language. We'll see how this one stays up for all to see and enjoy:

 And yet another update Sept. 21, 2020: They took it down again.


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