Friday, October 29, 2021

Narrow Separation Between Psychology of Vision and Trumpism

Lency Spezzano addresses the strange feelings you might experience in your cranium after repeated exposure to hypnosis "Downloading/Joining." After going on about feeling shifts and gyrations in your braincase she concludes in a 2011 video entitled "Awakening"--

Don't go to a doctor and pay for a MRI. It's a waste of money. You're just downstream of the Psychology of Vision healing.

The following quote is quintessential and concentrated Chuck Spezzano, who I hasten to add is not a professional or a psychologist. He makes false and fantastic claims, he always has to tell you how many years he has been at this con game, he rejects the real professionals, he "invented" methods when in fact nothing he does is original, and a dirty joke he has told thousands of times is tossed in. This quote is from an interview with Eginia A. Seeman Feb. 24, 2015--

My work is all about helping people, helping people get out of pain, helping people find the answers, y'know, helping people kind of take steps forward in their happiness and their love and their relationships and their families and their spiritual growth. Get out of catastrophic illnesses.

These are all things I've studied over the last 42 years. I don't mean university, these are the things I've learned working with people, y'know, just deep in their minds. And as such within the first five years I've found ways to get into the subconscious. I've studied hypnosis, and Gestalt, and NLP and few other things. But mostly what I did was invented methods to get right to the heart of what a problem is. Basically I became an expert at just pulling back the covers and if you don't believe me you can ask my wife ...

Tom Nichols, the author of The Death of Expertise, was recently interviewed on the topic of "Why Don't Americans Trust Experts Anymore?" with the premise that "our tribalism has become more important than facts." Although the initial focus of this interview concerned the "Open Up" Right wing protesters who are members of the Trump Republican Death Cult, I realized much of this discussion could also be true for Psychology of Vision in terms of self-destructive blindness to reality.

We have covered this topic before of comparing POV followers to US Right wing low-information followers. The parallels continue to be strong, particularly the disdain for professional level knowledge.  Also both cults are led by bloated narcissists of the same age who are primarily motivated by profit and seem to have no trouble with bending the truth to fit their agenda and command loyalty from a herd blind to their own situational ethics. Chuck's followers are the true "unenlightened" ones just as Trump's are the true "snowflakes" and "sheeple."

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