Friday, October 29, 2021

Narcissist Jamboree!

Narcissist Jamboree!

April 23, 2020

OK, this Covid-19 virus has been an international game changer and in the world of large group awareness training this has been especially devastating to spiritual/New Age capitalists. No more large groups to brainwash in person.

Anyway this virus must be killing the profitable habitual routine of Chuck and Lency Spezzano and their Psychology of Vision franchise holders as they have to slum it and resort to exclusively online methods of grooming their victims in order to gather the $$$ that motivates their actions. They can longer market their "seminars" as part of a Hawaii vacation package during the lockdown, which has always been half the attraction. They can no longer control the physicality of their "workshops" which means no more all hugs no heart love bombing, no river of booze at POV gatherings, no lippy or groping weird creepy interaction by the Spezzanos, no stopping people from leaving the room to answer the call of nature, no direct stage hypnotism to the point where the victim quivers and freaks out, no face to face bullying by Chuck, no Bert Hellinger inspired family constellation role playing, no sitting in a crowded room on uncomfortable chairs for long hours, no fast food meals consisting of Kentucky Fried Chicken in styrofoam containers, no sexual hookups by participants.

Still active: the outdated dirty jokes, the New Age word salad, and posing as professionals when they're not.

Using the webinar format has never been kind to the Spezzanos but that hasn't stopped them from chasing a buck. Earlier they offered a free "seminar" that required all participants to sign up with Zoom. This helped the Spezzanos build an infrastructure and network from which they hoped to later gain a profit. The Spezzanos are all about the money.

There is a reason you see no Americans except for the Spezzanos in the upper reaches of their steep hierarchy. We Yanks all know they are fakes, frauds, and con artists. It is so obvious to us. That is why they reach out to other cultures to bilk those who do not easily recognize the cultural red flags that snake oil salespeople are on the way.

So in the midst of this Coronavirus the Spezzanos have realized they are in great danger of losing the big bucks they require in order to maintain their affluent lifestyle and they are now marketing online events in a rather desperate way. This gives us critics an opportunity to see POV from an unprecedented vantage point.

Chuck and Lency Spezzano teamed up to give this infomercial promoting an online event. It was aimed at German speaking victims, with POV trainer Torsten Konrad acting as interpreter. I have transcribed this as the Spezzanos dictated, with an empty space between the lines where Torsten translated. It is a fascinating video on so many levels.

Some notes: Chuck, as always, introduces himself as "Dr." Chuck Spezzano, a title he exploits from an extinct and unaccredited by the APA school which pretty much makes his academic degree professionally useless. Lency talks about herself in the third person and in the course of doing so reveals her sense of entitlement as well as the steep multilevel marketing pyramid of POV. She comes across as fragile and Chuck looks like the Covid-19 quarantine has numbed his mind as a result of being forced to stay home for so long.

One important fact not revealed by the Spezzanos in this video is that the event has a price tag of over $1300 USD which seems pretty expensive given the fact the overhead must be quite low. Average working stiffs need not register. Only wealthy suckers clients are desired.

So much more to comment on but I'll stop gabbing and let you read and judge for yourself. Enjoy!


Hi folks. I'm Dr. Chuck Spezzano and this is my wife Lency.


We developed Psychology of Vision, which is a healing model that contains nondenominational spirituality.

Next week on Wednesday we are beginning a five-day workshop.

It's called "Let Your Life Be Gently Lit By Miracles."

And this seems like a time where the world really needs some miracles.

Miracles of health, miracles of abundance.

My work since the 70s has been dealing with what we have hidden from ourselves in the subconscious and unconscious mind and how to change these things.

And my work is actually been along the line of genuine miracles.

You may have heard of A Course in Miracles.

And our teaching follows those principles.

And I believe that we in Psychology of Vision have actually brought into the world the miracle.

In our seminars we actually experience the miracle.

And when the healing is complete, when the healing is total, when the healing is all the way to Heaven we experience the flip in perception which is the miracle.

And it brings our awareness into the experience of the miracle.

Which is the experience of bliss, and oneness with God in Heaven.

And this experience we have whenever any issue is completely healed.

And in the Psychology of Vision we specialize in healing things completely, totally, all the way to the miracle.

Normally in the Psychology of Vision you can only get to Lency by going through many seminars and getting up to an apprenticeship in Hawaii.

But in response to the emotional need of the worldwide community

We've decided to offer this five-day online seminar with access to Lency for the first time even for beginners.

And it is just because we just want to give all of our support, all of our love and encouragement to our community and to everyone.

When you have a pandemic in this way it's an eruption of the collective unconscious. It's like the whole history of humanity is pushing through.

And it can be like a tidal wave hitting an individual person.

But we found ways of working with problems, working with the collective, so on the other side of the challenges there's gifts, there's your purpose, and there's miracles.

A workshop is an investment in yourself and it's an investment in your relationship, and your children, and your family.

And it's an adventure. It's exciting. It's a mystery at how all the pieces fall together in five days.

So we'd just like to, if you feel called, to come and go on this healing adventure for us because we'll be working for ourselves and we'll be working for the whole world.

It's really good fun. We weren't so sure how well the seminar would work on Zoom and it was brilliant. Our trainer Peter from Hong Kong, he said that the "joining" was a thousand, a thousand times, a million times stronger coming through the Zoom page because of having seen 25 faces at once joining.

And we've received a lot of feedback about people saying, telling us that the benefits of being at home while they're doing the apprenticeship because they're applying it directly to their family experience.

Over the years I have found that all the emotions such as fear, and guilt, and revenge and all of these things are actually the illusion and they can be transformed so you know your courage and your confidence and your innocence.

So it's learning how to give up self-attack and attack on others.

So we welcome you to come join us, if you feel the call. "Let Your Life Be Gently Lit By Miracles."

It seems like a natural and sweet time to take a seminar especially if you're in isolation.

Because there's tremendous intimacy in our seminars.

And we hope to see you there.

You'll learn to get through your blocks and so much more.

Thank you so much.

Stay well! Be strong! Stay home!

1 comment:

Year of the Cat said...

Every six months or so we go through this blog post by post and check the links. The most recent sweep has just been finished. We were struck by the unusually high number and rate of dead links and extinct websites for spiritual capitalists with some connection to POV just since last March. We have also noted the general online presence of POV itself continues to spiral ever downward.

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