Monday, October 25, 2021

NAFPS Selections: A vibratory level from brain to brain

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," June 18, 2014]:

SALPOV UK CEO Jeff Allen has posted a 2011 video of Lenora Kay Spezzano giving a presentation in Germany entitled "Awakening." Although it is difficult to endure, it is worth watching for SALPOV cultwatchers and students of the peculiar and bizarre.
[Update Sept. 2, 2019: Dead link]

It is graphically a better than normal online definition piece but with strange editing and occasional static in the sound. Although the camera is mostly stationary, with Lenora giving her presentation for the entire 19+ minutes, the cuts and fades are frequent and distracting. It appears to be compiled of sliced audiovisual snips rather than a steady, uninterrupted and sustained thought process. Some of the edits make no sense. Not unlike SALPOV itself!

The SALPOV Triangle the Spezzanos "borrowed" from Bob Trask and made more complicated is in the background. In one rare spot where we can see a few people in the audience, I recognize "Ian" who was subjected to apparent hypnosis in Lenora's Youtube, "Abundance Download." [substitute link]

This video has three distinct parts. It begins with the pseudoscience the Spezzanos have lifted from the New Age status quo. Citing "quantum physics" is a tried and true game of smoke and mirrors that has been used and repeated by retail spiritualists for a few decades now. Lenora tries to sound like she has performed original research and is a scientist when in fact she is merely parroting the worn out party line of her fellow illusionists. Real scientists call this "Quantum Flapdoodle." She also talks about the "neuro-net," a topic that comes up frequently in the Youtube "Downloading" gigs.

I think the first part can be entirely skipped. It is just cotton candy and unoriginal blather Lenora has swiped from other sources.

The middle part starts to get interesting. At 7:35 Lenora makes a reference about going to India years before to be mentored. Probably her tip of the hat to Oneness University.

At 8:00 she says--


    The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Wow. Did I hear that one right? Let's replay that bit--


    The great thing about the feminine aspect of Psychology of Vision is that any healing your POV trainer has attained they can pass on to you at a vibratory level from brain to brain.

Yes. She sure said it.

At 9:00 Lenora addresses the strange feelings you might experience in your cranium after repeated exposure, I presume, to hypnosis, oh, excuse me, I mean  "Downloading/Joining." After going on about feeling shifts and gyrations in your braincase she concludes--


    Don't go to a doctor and pay for a MRI. It's a waste of money. You're just downstream of the Psychology of Vision healing.

No, don't go consult any REAL medical professionals! They'll just tell you that you been victimized by a dangerous cult headed by two unlicensed quacks! And obviously we at SALPOV are always right and never lie. We are the messengers and conduits for Heaven. But if you have to waste money, waste it on us!

It is the final third part of this video where things get really weird. For you veteran SALPOV watchers I would suggest fast forwarding to 9:50 and just watch the rest of it. Lenora reveals a lot of incredibly self-incriminating information on many levels, conscious and otherwise, and gets super intense about it. You can sense the frustrated actress within her yearning to be free. It is quite an entertaining show in an Ed Wood sort of way.

This video poses the question: Is Lenora a cynical grifter, or, is she simply crazy? It could be that Lenora Kay Spezzano will need exit counseling from herself with the help of true professionals.  Does she really believe all that drivel she is spouting? In any case, the posting of this video did not do SALPOV any favours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like they say>"There's only one of us here".
So POV gives the participant permission to quit reality and live in a self induced psychotic existence. Time for Lency to check in to a psyche ward and give it up. This video is nothing about healing but all about abandoning your reality and getting sucked into a useless mind fuck waste of time.
Won't be long before this woman is found talking to herself lost in an empty parking lot downloading her own version of "no where land". Are you really going to sit , watch and pay for this?
Time to notify all parties involved and shut it down!!!

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