Thursday, October 21, 2021

Dr. Chuck Spezzano - Change Your Mind ♥ Change Your Heart ♥ Change the World

On March 31, 2010 Chuck Spezzano kicked off a 42-video set of lectures under the series title of Change Your Mind ♥ Change Your Heart ♥ Change the World. The series ran clear to December 2010.

The following is a transcript from the just over 4 minute debut video, where Chuck gives his outline and thesis statement that will serve as the foundation for all the subsequent videos. As far as we can tell, at least 36 of the original 42 Youtubes are still available for viewing as of today (Jan. 18, 2019).

Some notes before we post the script. There is no evidence we have seen that Chuck was actually a "psychologist" for the Navy in the real-world sense. He did not earn his non-APA accredited Ph.D. until after he had already been employed there for four years. There is no record he was ever licensed to be a psychologist.

As for the other positions we think Chuck was making reference to:

1971-1972 - Spezzano "was hired as a counselor and Director of Outreach at the Brashear Association, there in Pittsburgh."

1973-1979 -- Spezzano was employed as a "therapy supervisor, workshop coordinator" for the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center, San Diego. Spezzano also claims he was a "psychologist" during this time but that doesn't check out.

1980 Aug. 15 - Charles Lee Spezzano was licensed as a Marriage and Family Counselor in California (expired 05/31/1990) but after he moved to Hawaii in 1983 the license was useless. In 1982-83 he briefly had an office in Orange County, according to a POV website bio.

1982 and 1983 - Chuck "taught at the Tubb Wholestic Health Institute in Southern California, before moving to Hawaii." Aside from the Spezzano's autobiographical information, we cannot find evidence such a place as the "Tubb Wholestic Health Institute in Southern California" actually existed, no matter how you spell "holistic."

The reference to psychics and shamans is interesting. This bit was in an old POV website: 1980 - "Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops. He travelled frequently also to New England and then to Minnesota."

None of the psychics or shamans have ever been identified, but it seems Chuck was seriously exploring a career in psychic lectures at one point.

And of course Chuck's statement, "But the key to the work that I've been doing is I was trained early on in hypnosis" pretty much confirms our belief that hypnosis is a staple in the POV toolbox although disguised under other names.

Anyway, here is the transcript for your viewing pleasure:


Dr. Chuck Spezzano - Change Your Mind ♥ Change Your Heart ♥ Change the World

Hi, I'm Dr. Chuck Spezzano, and I want to just tell you a little bit about who I am.

I've been doing healing work now for 38 years. I know it looks like I started when I was three but I have been doing this for awhile.

I've done lots of different kinds of work. Worked a director of outreach and a counselor. I worked as a psychologist for the U.S. Navy working with the Navy and Marines in drug rehab. And I've worked as a marriage and family counselor, I've taught at a holistic health institute, there's many different things I've done.

But the key to the work that I've been doing is I was trained early on in hypnosis. But as I worked with Navy and Marines they began cutting our time to do rehab down from a 120 day program to a 90 day program to a 75 day program. The statistics began to fall. We went to a 60 day program, a 30 day program, 15 days of therapy. And it was either get better or give up.

So I found a way to get into the subconscious easily using a person's intuition as easily as we're talking here. And I began to find out many answers I've never been trained to hear. And I began to find quicker and easier ways to get into the subconscious and then into the unconscious mind. Now the subconscious mind is everything from conception forward, your unconscious is your soul mind. It's the deeper mind.

And so over the years I began finding many things that were never taught to me in school. In the '70s I studied with psychics and shamans, as I got into the '80s I began working more in holistic health as a marriage family counselor. And then I moved to Hawaii and began to work internationally as a trainer. I've worked in 19 countries, I've done lectures all over the world, I have 28 books published in Germany and more coming. And these are some of areas I've worked on, just every area of the mind.

My wife and I have developed a Psychology of Vision and it's basically a spiritual psychology, non-denominational spiritual psychology. It's based on relationships, y'know, what a key factor they are.  It's based on helping other people or the leadership principle. And it's based on grace and spirituality.

But one of the things I've found is everything relates to relationships, it's all about relationships. We're in relationships. If you have a money problem it's a relationship problem. It's a problem with the people around you, with the family you grew up with, with a relationship to yourself and a relationship to Heaven.

So as these are cleared up it can heal health problems, it can heal family problems, just about anything you are going through. Work and success problems. So this is one of the keys that I found to just working and healing everyone.

So I'd like to share with these, some of these principles as time goes on about what really works to help people take responsibility for their lives, empower themselves, get out of victim situations, and learn the way through to be happy again.

Thank you.

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