Thursday, October 21, 2021

A Different Kind of Virus

May 21, 2020

Conventional wisdom declares that recent converts to cults are the most zealous, and newly minted Psychology of Vision trainer Gerd Kühnen of Germany certainly could be a case study in that regard-- particularly when it comes to aping Chuck Spezzano's fashion sense and rather venal capitalistic approach to spirituality.

Although the Covid-19 virus has proven to be a deterrent to Spezzano's personal for-profit book promotion/"workshop" appearances to the Cash Cow  Europe disrupting Gerd's and others plans to cash in as event hosts, commercial lust continues to engineer the New Age gravy train as it journeys on detour tracks to the same destination as always-- Suckerville. 

POV has been using the Zoom universe as a contingency, which we critics have enjoyed for a variety of reasons. We don't see it really working for them. It might be a tool to keep the already brainwashed POV victims in line, but in terms of spreading their influence and gaining massive numbers of recruits, by our measurements it just isn't happening for them at the rate they have felt entitled and accustomed to. They have all those expenses associated with Affluenza, a disease so elegantly described by John de Graaf in his book and documentary about consumer-crazy materialistic Americans-- just like the Spezzanos.

Imitating the commercial hustling methods of his Lord and Master, this week Gerd started marketing Spezzano's books in ebook form in English since a significant portion of Spezzano's recycled published blatherings are available only in German. Something to keep in mind here: The English speaking world has been backing away from Spezzano for the last few years. POV UK and POV Canada are greatly diminished from their former selves. Americans, and to a great degree Canadians, as well as other English-speaking nationalities, are more attuned to the sleazy and insipid nuances of Chuck's writings.

Gerd has attempted to ride on Spezzano's rather tattered coattails and has created an ebook company called Spezzano Books merchandising Chuck's pedestrianisms in English for gullible victims. His sales pitch is "Thank you for supporting us, lets make Chuck & Lency famous" which is rather strange since the Spezzano PR machine has long touted Chuck and Lency as internationally renowned bestsellers and leaders in esoteric nonsense. Yes, Chuck was rejected from Wikipedia for being too unoriginal which is a shame because if he was listed you can bet we critics would be right in there providing true documented inconvenient facts the Spezzanos have tried to hide.

The back sleeve on Gerd's books contains a biography of Chuck. It is included here with my corrections, all backed up by documents we have already posted on this blog. We will give Gerd credit for not calling Spezzano a "psychologist" as so many other of his blind followers do:

Chuck Spezzano PhD [Chuck's Ph.D. was not accredited by the APA, rendering it about as useful as being procured as a prize in a box of Crackerjacks] is a world renowned [if he so world renowned, then why is Spezzano not included in Wikipedia and why did Gerd make a pitch to increase the fame of the Spezzanos?] seminar leader, [seminars require critical discussion, a dialogue where premises are questioned. We can promise you that is not tolerated for long in an authoritarian Spezzano led session] author, visionary, [Chuck's vision extends no further than his bank account. All other concepts he has voiced have been swiped from others. Nothing is original with POV] and founder of Psychology of Vision [What? Has Lency as co-founder become chopped liver?] He has been a therapist and coach since 1071. [We believe Gerd meant 1971. Even so, calling Chuck a "therapist" since 1971 is stretching the truth a bit. To us a true therapist is a licensed and accountable professional, and he certainly was not in that category in 1971].

He holds a doctorate in Counseling Psychology [Another confabulation. Chuck's APA unaccredited degree is in the utterly useless, unemployable, exotic "Professional Psychology" title according to his dissertation] and has led workshops worldwide since 1980 [in 1980 Chuck was attempting to market psychic workshops but then realized the healing racket was a more profitable scam. All documented on this blog, folks, just look it up] His workshops and books are for anyone in the healing profession [a rather ironic statement since Chuck himself is not a professional, nor are his POV trainers] or on a personal healing path [i.e. gullible victim with lots of money] who is looking for new innovative approaches which are profound, creative and effective [Repeat: nothing, and we mean nothing in Psychology of Vision is original or creative. It all has been swiped from others and Spezzano has used the same tired formula for decades. He exists in a money making hamster wheel]. All of his books are entertaining [if you like dirty, sexist jokes from the 1950s] and guide you to deeper understanding of yourself and the world we live in [oh, there is indeed something deep about Spezzano's books].

The Spezzanos and their franchise holders are all about the money.

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