Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision Pt. 11

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 07, 2014]:

The Truth about Chuck And Lency Spezzano And The Psychology of Vision, Pt. 11

Here is Lenora explaining why her "downloading/joining" sessions are not hypnosis. The YouTubes she references can be found at this link--
[Update: Most of these "downloading/joining" videos have been removed from public view]

If you are not familiar with the videos, I'd suggest watching a half dozen of them or so before reading on, otherwise this won't mean much. I realize they are hard to watch for most normal people. What can I say? I have watched them all and am still walking on two feet. Viewing these is sort of like attending a Luis Buñuel film festival.

Frankly, I find these videos to be disturbing, sadistic and very bizarre. She has failed to convince me this is not some form of hypnosis. And as a free person I am entitled to this opinion and can express it. Using SALPOV logic, any attempt by Lenora to stop people from expressing this view, as she has tried, reveals an insecurity and sense of guilt that we critics are on to something.

But I'll tell you what, here's fair play. You have watched the YouTubes, now read Lenora's defense of them. I won't interrupt her with my usual intrusions. Get out your malarkey meter and decide for yourself what is real here.


    Is Lency Spezzano Merely A Stage Hypnotist?

    I have had some YouTube videos up that we filmed at our PoV Trainers’ Conference a couple of years ago. In those videos I was teaching the Trainers how to do an advanced form of joining called “receiving a download.” The bloggers who have been attacking us seem to think that, because I ask the Trainers in the videos to look in my right eye to do the process, that that is proof that I am a stage hypnotist.

    First, it’s important to know that what we are doing in this process is “joining” – which is the simplest, yet most powerful healing method that I know of. All that is required is to relate to another person (or group of people) in a horizontal manner – recognizing that, although all human beings are unique, at a deeper level we are the same, and we are all connected.

    So, to return to the videos, which focus on one form of joining, the reason I ask for that assistance is because I, like most people, am “right eyed” in the same way that I, like most people, am right handed. So, if the person looks into my left eye, which is not my dominant eye, we aren’t really looking straight at each other. With both of the other person’s eyes looking into my right eye, I can look back into their left eye, the “window of the soul,” to see their pain; this is physically evident in the pupil of the eye, which takes a different aperture according to what the person is feeling.

    As the pain surfaces, it opens up the issue to be healed, washing out the pain and suffering, until only the joy of the experience of Oneness with God remains. It is a universal experience. With a little practice, as each person is relating to the other, it’s possible to read his or her painful life process like a book, recognizing we are the same and we are all connected.

    Life’s pain and suffering just waits until the conscious mind is willing to register and acknowledge its existence. Once it has, the pain not only releases, it becomes the basis for strength, maturity and wisdom. Suffering is just the raw material for our growth; for most people, they have already done the hardest part of their lives – all that is left is to process the raw material so that it can be “smelted” with awareness, and the end product is gold. People who have not only survived a crisis, but have integrated the process emotionally, generally do not wish that the crisis had never occurred. This is because they are glad to be the human being that transformed through the process. Joining reaps the benefits of our tough life experiences.

    Although looking into each other’s eyes while joining is helpful, it can just as easily happen if a person is too shy to look in another’s eyes, or if connecting over the telephone between distant countries; this is because joining is about heart connection. It happens just as easily one-to-one as it does in a group of hundreds of people who are looking at each other, rather than just at the person who is leading the group. We are all connected.

    Joining, as a universal experience, happens regardless of whether you call that Source of Love “God,” “Creator,” “Allah” or “Higher Self” – or even if you don’t believe in a Supreme Being at all. It takes place at a level of the mind that is deeper than culture or religion; it’s the place where we can experience the Love that is continually pouring into us, whether we are noticing it or not. So, joining starts out with the experience of emotional intimacy with another person, as we see in the video I refer to above, and ends in the experience of emotional intimacy with God.

    I learned about real intimacy from the kids with life threatening illnesses. As a child nears death, people they know tend to distance themselves, in an attempt to protect themselves from the pain of loss. I decided to see what would happen if I moved closer to those children instead. When I did, I discovered that, if you are willing to be one with another person, it is easy to feel the emotion they are feeling. I also discovered, if you feel it with them, the emotion just automatically releases. What I came to know was that our emotional injuries heal automatically if we are willing to acknowledge and feel them.

    PoV Trainers, such as the ones seen on the “receiving a download” videos , are willing to experience being one with the pain of others, because they are also, at the same time, tapping into grace, the Love of God. The combination of feeling the group’s pain, while also feeling the grace from above, creates a tremendous experience of tenderness in our hearts as we lead the joining sessions. That grace also heals us and helps us to evolve at the same time. The thing that makes Psychology of Vision trainings so powerful is that the Trainers are always doing their own healing alongside their seminar participants.

    In this story, from Make Way for Love [link provided on original website] The Tokyo Couple, I describe what the experience of joining feels like as a major issue is healed. The Japanese couple in the story healed the grief of losing their only child to death in just a few minutes, while sitting in a public place, without anyone around us even noticing as we moved our minds through deep despair to transcendent bliss. Well, people probably noticed us hugging and laughing at the end, but my point is, the process does not have to be dramatic.

    If you can define yourself as including the other, if you are willing to be that other person, just as they are, you have access to their heart, and they have access to yours. When PoV Trainers work with a group of people, they define themselves as the group – kind of an “all my relations” understanding – while also feeling their connection to God/Creator; this allows the whole room to remember God’s love via the Trainer’s mind. This experience usually rocks a room, and it is not unusual for everyone in the seminar to be healing and crying at the same time in the beginning of the joining session, and for everyone to be laughing together at the end. It’s a real blast, but it’s not for everybody; the experience is treasured by people on the healing path, but not interesting to people who are not motivated to confront their pain.

    The bloggers thought it was scandalous that I, a white person, would say that I could “join” with First Nations people. All I can say is that I have spent hundreds of hours crying with First Nations people, feeling their pain along with them and celebrating with them when they were free of it. I am grateful because I have grown a lot through that process as well, gaining maturity and developing my capacity for love. I have tremendous respect for First Nations, for what it has taken for them to survive individually and as peoples.

    Below is a link that shows me working with a PoV Master Trainer from England. You will see the intimacy that allows us to be one, which invites the love into our joined minds. She and I are feeling the same emotion at the same time, going through the same healing, and ending up with the same gift, which we share with the others in the room. Every mind in the room went through the same transformation, and experienced the same miracle of love.

    Joining is simple, safe and efficient and it does not require a Trainer or a seminar to experience its benefits. Psychology of Vision practitioners use it with their loved ones at home when a conflict arises, and they use it to pour love into their children when they tuck them into bed at night. Joining is true, natural relationship. It is love.

    This love comes from the Source of love, and is effective regardless of the cultural background or religion of the participant. The Psychology of Vision has a non-denominational spiritual framework that leverages its students on their own spiritual path. For example, Muslim students of the Psychology of Vision in Bangladesh appreciate an enhanced direct experience of Allah’s love in their prayer time. Sikhs in Canada use Psychology of Vision to bring more intimacy to their relationship with the Dharma. Buddhist monks and nuns in Taiwan use it when supporting those who come to them for help.

Somehow the expression "Digging your own grave" comes to mind. It used to be said that "Religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel." This needs to be updated in Century 21 as "New Age Spirituality is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

The question among the SALPOV watchers on whether Lenora lives in a world of delusion or is indeed a true con artist remains open.

1 comment:

Laurence G. Main said...

The fact that she took most of the videos away from the public doesn't really inspire confidence in her argument.

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