Tuesday, March 24, 2020

GerdKühnen Lebensberatung Interview mit Dr. Chuck Spezzano

 Jan. 27, 2020

The 2020 Psychology of Vision trainers training must have had a lot of downtime if the prolific marketing videos produced in that time period are any indication. Newly minted POV trainer Gerd Kühnen wasted no time in creating an advertisement for yet another for-profit European Chuck Spezzano exercise in spiritual capitalism, which in this case Gerd is hosting. Presented under the bogus guise of an "interview," this is nothing more than another tiresome sales pitch by Spezzano.

It's all about the money, da dum dum dada dum dum.

Torsten Konrad again serves his Master as interpreter. If I were Torsten I would investigate what has happened to all of Chuck's previous German interpreters. Spezzano will drain you dry, wad you up, and discard you once you run out of money or become inconvenient.

Some quotes from this piece revealing that (A) Chuck somehow has inside knowledge about God and Heaven that you do not, and (B) I think he's tired, getting old, and not paying close attention to his own repeated cliches--

"The Creator created us as happy."

"Happiness created us as happy." [Not a typo, he really says this]

"Heaven is the essence of happiness and it wants to help us every step of the way."

Yes, another Bullshit Jamboree. Enter at your own risk.

GerdKühnen Lebensberatung
Interview mit Dr. Chuck Spezzano


Since Spezzano enjoys wordplay I wonder what metaphor he makes of Kühnen's use of "Gerd4u"? 

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