Sunday, October 31, 2021

POV Events is Back

Feb. 12, 2020

Gerd Kühnen is one of the new Psychology of Vision trainers in Europe. His enthusiasm for commercial marketing matches that of his master, Chuck Spezzano. And like his guru, he apparently has no professional credentials whatsoever to pose as an expert in healing or human relations. But he does wear Hawaiian shirts in shameless imitation of the head of this cult, so that counts for something, right? Gerd looks like he might soon outshine Torsten Konrad as the top POV cheerleader.

Gerd seems like a nice guy and I will say this for him, I have never seen this fellow call Spezzano a "psychologist," so that is a plus. It always makes me feel sad to see good people sucked into Spezzano's scam and so many of them have.

Anyway, Gerd has revived the POV Events name. Longtime Spezzano watchers will remember the UK-based POV Events website several years ago run by POV trainers who were under periodic review by Chuck and Lency so the cult leaders obviously approved of the message. That website  made the blatantly false-on-many-levels claim that Spezzano was "one of the world's leading psychologists" and we also learned Chuck charged about $1100 an hour for personal consultations. No joke, $1100 an hour. I wonder how much he charges now?

Gerd has posted a few short fluff vids to promote Chuck which in turn markets his own (Gerd's) commercial business as well. In polite company we Americans call this riding on someone coattails but there are more crass expressions that are also appropriate.

A few choice images from the videos and my response:

Interesting photo, isn't it? He has an expression of surprise mixed with "back off."

 "God is still love + this is not his will." I am always very suspicious of anyone who claims to know what God wants for us and doubly suspicious when they charge expensive fees for the honor of telling you about it. Chuck is a spiritual capitalist.

The Peace Pilgrim had it down and pegged scamsters like Chuck:

Q: Why don't you accept money?
A: Because I talk about spiritual truth, and spiritual truth should never be sold -- those who sell it injure themselves spiritually. I accept money that comes in through the mail (without being solicited), but I do not use it for myself; I use it for printing and postage. Those who attempt to buy spiritual truth are attempting to get it before they are ready. In this wonderfully well-ordered universe, when they are ready it will be given.

Q: What is the theory behind 'not buying spiritual truth'?
A: The theory behind not buying spiritual truth is this: One who has it would not be selling it, so one who is selling it doesn't have it. These are the 'pearls without price.' As soon as you are ready for the spiritual truth, it will be given. On the other hand, you are given as you give. But paying a fee is not giving a gift. And you do not need to give to the one from whom you receive, as we are all cells in the same body body of humanity.

"Pull the strings! Dance to that, which one is created for," as my friend Bela used to say.

You seldom see Spezzano himself dancing in these photos where others are directed to follow orders which must be obeyed at all times. I believe a former POV trainer is standing beside Chuck, probably Kerstin Debnar acting as translator (Why has Chuck not bothered to learn German?).

For a guy who talks about how horrible the ego is supposed to be, Chuck Spezzano sure seems to be as needy as Donald Trump in requiring unquestioning adoration from the followers of his personality cult. Here we see Chuck of today basking in glory in front of a Soviet style giant poster photo of himself originally taken about a decade ago. Giant culty images of Spezzano have been a ritual at POV events especially in Asia for quite some time. Of course, in order to worship Chuck you have to pay the expensive entrance fee. And if you are lucky you might even be able to buy, and I am not kidding, one of his own shirts as a religious relic. Swoon!

Lency Spezzano gave everyone, including us, a big health scare around Christmas 2019 when she landed in the hospital for several days for a condition not publicized. When she was in the Intensive Care Unit we suspended our blog until we saw she was better and Chuck was resuming operations. We wish Lency the best in her recovery.

An interesting bit we noticed on her Facebook page that is worth reporting here. She gives us a health update around Feb. 8, 2020:

I was in really bad shape, but Have made huge improvements, and continue to become more myself by the week. It’s an interesting process. I have been able to go into our seminar room a couple of times this week and have still been able to do my woo woo healing work - even at a new level, so I don’t have to retire unless I want to.

Yes, she describes her own methods as "woo woo." She was addressing an old friend who is not part of the POV cult when she wrote that.  Discuss and ponder.

The photos above and below appear to be the role playing technique Spezzano has used for decades which was basically lifted from the "family constellations" theorist and wacko quacko Bert Hellinger. Hellinger, who died quite recently, was also an admirer of Hitler.

Photo below shows ex-POV trainer Rebecca Wildi and current POV trainer-franchise holder Susanne Ernst forcing some poor guy to endure Gerd's role-playing work. This is like watching little kids pretending to be professionals.

One does wonder what sort of waiver the victims have to sign before submitting themselves to this process. And since they are photographed and filmed for all the world to see then obviously client confidentiality is out the window.

At worst, a cult and a scam. At best, a slipshod bunch of well-meaning amateurs who need a true professional education. In the end, it is all about the money.

1 comment:

English Bob said...

The victim being turned into a fellow culprit in the final photo with the cartoonish expression on his face appears to be Andreas Baci, who used to be a POV-spinoff "Steps to Leadership" facilitator.

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