Friday, October 22, 2021

The Gospel According to Chuck

Oct. 10, 2017

Here is an article from the Oct. 8, 1998 issue of The Guardian (p. 3), "The Gospel According to Chuck."

Some notes:

Chuck is described in the very first sentence as "an American psychologist." But he is not a psychologist and was even convicted in a Hawaiian court in 2004 for pretending to be a professional. To assume that the reporter was told Spezzano was indeed a "psychologist" had to come from Chuck himself would be a reasonable conclusion. Even today Spezzano's promoters insist on calling him a "psychologist" and from what I can ascertain Spezzano has taken no steps to dissuade them from this fable. Lency Spezzano has given the excuse they are powerless to stop the spread of this lie.

As we can see the expensive fees, the mostly female victims, the long hours of indoctrination ("we're told not to leave the room"), the use of a "focus person," the role playing of family members,  the copious crying of the participants-- all elements of a typical Spezzano large group awareness training to this day.

In short, nothing has changed in two decades, including the "psychologist" lie. Spezzano is on automatic pilot. He found a money-making formula and has stayed in this rut. Hardly "cutting edge."


Elmer Gantry said...

The long con.

Mel Gibber said...

And so many boxes filled on a checklist for a dangerous group or cult.

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