Sunday, October 24, 2021

I talk about spiritual truth, and spiritual truth should never be sold -- those who sell it injure themselves spiritually

I recall seeing the Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981) at least once walking through my neck of the woods during the Vietnam War era.

Here are her thoughts on making spiritual awakening and healing a commercial venture:

Q: Why don't you accept money?
A: Because I talk about spiritual truth, and spiritual truth should never be sold -- those who sell it injure themselves spiritually. I accept money that comes in through the mail (without being solicited), but I do not use it for myself; I use it for printing and postage. Those who attempt to buy spiritual truth are attempting to get it before they are ready. In this wonderfully well-ordered universe, when they are ready it will be given.

Q: What is the theory behind 'not buying spiritual truth'?
A: The theory behind not buying spiritual truth is this: One who has it would not be selling it, so one who is selling it doesn't have it. These are the 'pearls without price.' As soon as you are ready for the spiritual truth, it will be given. On the other hand, you are given as you give. But paying a fee is not giving a gift. And you do not need to give to the one from whom you receive, as we are all cells in the same body body of humanity.


Year of the Cat said...

Unlike most of us, the Peace Pilgrim literally walked her talk!

Ognar Spuford said...

She was the real deal. Her message about how capitalism does not mix with spiritualism is one that should be heeded by all victims of Psychology of Vision.

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