Friday, November 5, 2021

Trainers' Training 2020 / by Sandy S.

Jan. 23, 2020

We Are the Psychology of Vision Collective. Resistance to the Group Mind and Oneness is Futile

Get set for a ramble afield. Back in the 1970s I was once one of Peter Elbow's students and learned the joy of digression.

It feels true to me that the annual Psychology of Vision trainers' training has not been an event filled with abundance or great good fortune in the last few years. If we use the logic of the Spezzanos, they both must be filled with guilt and self-loathing in order to attract so many negative astral forces. In the New Age universe where they make their living Chuck and Lency might be considered examples of what not to do when the Peace Pilgrim warned, "spiritual truth should never be sold -- those who sell it injure themselves spiritually."

The POV trainers' training usually takes place in January. This little ersatz cult is organized as a steep pyramid with many levels, attainment of each level will cost you a major chunk of change usually beyond the reach of average wage slaves. But hey, POV is a cult with a payment plan! I'm not kidding. (Or you can use your MasterCard. Get it? Nyuk nyuk.) Being a POV trainer is the highest status of all in this unoriginal con game and within the trainer group there are yet even more ranks, from Level 1 to "Master." The higher your rank, the more you have to pay for your annual "license" fee which amounts to several thousand dollars apiece. I figure the Spezzanos bring in over 100 grand with each trainers' training in the last few years, but it used to be at least twice as much. Call it a scheme, scam, or whatever, it is all about the money.

POV is also a franchise and as the group has suffered a major decline only the most financially invested POV branch capitalists have survived as trainers, frightened of being expelled from the cube of the Borg. Since POV direction comes from the Spezzanos and flows "downstream" as Lency puts it, the minions frequently find themselves using situational ethics in order to justify their commercial endeavors. These individuals are not exactly spiritual hero warriors or critical thinkers-- Preying on vulnerable, low-information victims with fat bank accounts is, to use a term Chuck frequently employs, "the order of the day" and that simply requires survival-oriented cunning from the bargain basement Chakra level, not intelligence or courage. It would not be inaccurate to describe the trainers' training as a school for frauds who are in no way professionally qualified to mess with the lives of other people. Not a single one of them.

Anyway for the last several years I have used the trainers' training as a yearly snapshot as sort of a Critic's State of the Union for this chintzy group. Starting in 2017, some very dramatic events took place that I find intriguing, made even more so by the fact this is a non-transparent for-profit corporation. What I see are only the bits that spill out, or are shared by victims, or that POV forgot to cover up. Over the years they have become increasingly secretive as they withdrew many online sources of information or communicated strictly behind cyber gated communities where unenlightened riff-raff like myself are not allowed.

The Great Purge of 2017 continues to fascinate me. During that trainers' training POV lost half of their trainers. It is the only trainers' training in my experience where the ritualistic annual group photo was never posted online for the public to see. According to Lency in March 2017:

As many of you are aware, the leadership in PoV - both in the Trainers' Association and the Mastery Program - were asked to make a commitment to the light in a new, deeper layer of the mind that I developed access to in January. When PoV then drew a new line in the sand in it's commitment to the light, we lost a number of trainers who were not prepared to make that same commitment. But the result of PoV's commitment to integrity, regardless of the cost, has paid off dramatically. The remaining PoV Trainers have experienced a great uplifting as the result of the vibrational upgrade the Psychology of Vision Trainers’ Association group mind went through. It's such a joy to feel the safety, freedom from competition and mutual support from and for each other Trainer for the first time. And the love energy that does the healing in PoV seminars now is from a whole new level. The ability to experience love at the community level is the relationship possibility that this work offers to the world. Imagine this force of love in the workplace! In your own business and family! Between nations! It is a very exciting possibility to ponder on a world scale.

And the trickle-down effect from the Trainers' new level has effected students tremendously.

... Also, you may have noticed that you and the whole community are going through this same birth. Births that come from self examination and awareness aren't usually easy or fun to go through emotionally, but the rewards of the results are always spectacular. A great thing about PoV is that, in general, the leadership goes through the births first and everyone downstream of those teachers' processes and teachings benefit. So by the time the shifts, with all their benefits, hit the community level through the work of the PoV Trainers around the world, the births should come about easily.

This was quite obviously a major traumatic shock to many trainers if their Facebook entries are any indication as they returned home in a dazed and confused refugee status. They started out as victims, became fellow culprits, and now were victims again. None of these shell-shocked ex-trainers have been willing to go fully public with their version of this affair but enough information has been given to portray an organization in meltdown. The dysfunctional relationship between the Spezzanos and their followers is apparent as they keep their minions in a child-like state and Chuck and Lency act as surrogate parents. Unfortunately, Chuck is a bully and Lency has long since started an esoteric journey where planet Earth is now just a tiny blue dot on her rear-view mirror.

The immediate impact of this purge was that the POV online world began to disintegrate. Over the years they have lost their Asian website, the Canadian website has been out of date for over a year and was down for an entire month in 2019 and no one noticed, the Central Europe website has deleted huge chunks without any rhyme or reason as if a monkey took possession of their keyboard, and Lency's flagship reputation-management website The Truth about Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision simply vanished.

Trainers' Training 2018

By the 2018 franchise meeting the number of trainers at the training had dwindled down to a mere 18, which might be their lowest number since the days when they counted over 80 and even since five years before when they could point to more than double the number.

The tone for the 2019 training was set when, right at the start, 71-year old Chuck was ticketed for driving 69 miles per hour in a 35 zone, which in Hawaii is a major deal. He was actually punished harder for this than he was in 2004 when the same court fined him for pretending to be "psychologist." With a large monetary penalty and an order to perform 36 hours of community service hanging over his head, Chuck appeared sullen and distracted in many of the photos and films of the trainers' training for that year. Ironically, a video of him touting one of his scammy workshops in Germany during the same time period shows him saying, "Any bad thing that has ever happened to you happened to you as a result of a lack of self love."

The 2019 trainers' training saw a slight uptick of trainers, now 19 of them. As long as I have been tracking this group the trainers' event was always held in a hoity-toity hotel on the big island but this time it relocated to the Spezzano compound. No doubt the overhead was cheaper and perhaps their numbers declined to such a point that they no longer qualified for decent group rates. Who knows? Due to POV's secrecy I am left filling the void with mere conjecture. Not unlike attempting to decipher politics in North Korea.

 Trainers' Training 2019

Around the same month the Central Europe POV wiped out all of their archived Nightlight Newsletters in sporadic chunks, and deleted their POV Trainers Manual from online viewing. POV's method of historiography is to either (A) Lie about their own history and credentials, which has happened so frequently that some of them probably no longer recognize the difference between truth and fiction, now believing their own propaganda. (B) Threaten legal action against anyone exposing them as liars and scamsters. and (C) Delete their own online documents so their own words will not come back to haunt them. Fortunately, some of us  in our little crew here on this blog found our "soul purpose" and feel a moral responsibility in maintaining and preserving a POV online archive with the spiritual reward being we know we are making the world a better place by serving the truth and exposing a crooked operation.

I often wonder if the POV franchise holders are given talking points for the year, buzzwords that need to be used in order to have a theme for the workshops or to correspond with Chuck's book hustling tours. Chuck himself has said his workshop circuit topics are selected to correspond with whatever book or card merchandise he is selling. Or perhaps these marketing fad expressions simply happen in the natural culty echo chamber? In 2019 the "embrace your power" term was frequently used. Also "Oneness" was back, bringing to mind the 2007-2012 era when POV was itself a franchise of Amma and Bhagavan's Oneness University, one of POV's "two greatest inspirations" (in the words of POV itself) along with ACIM.

In 2020 I suspect the hot term will be "deep" as in "deep process" or "deep healing." Process and healing are not the only things "deep" in POV. Put on your waders, as we continue.

There were three events in December 2019 just prior to the annual 2020 trainer event worth noting.

First, The Encyclopedia of American Loons included an entry on Chuck and Lency Spezzano which we consider a solid confirmation that we have been on the right track all these years. It really lifted our spirits to see that.

Second, in an effort to reboot their outdated and deteriorating online presence POV launched a new website for their international page. The tattered remains of what survives of the old and worn out local websites are still up, but this recent venue was clearly meant to be the new go-to place. Developed by Knights Digital Ltd. in the UK, it has a slick, engaging, and jazzy format. They did a nice job. I wonder if the developers knew their clients ran a toxic personalty cult when they took the order to create the website?

Unfortunately no matter how glamorous the form, the content continues to be nonsense. Not sure who serves as administrator, perhaps Susanne Ernst, but it came out of the gate already out of date. At first there was a brief archive of the Nightlight Newsletter but they cannot be found now. In Chuck's biography we are still being served the lie that he has a "Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology" and "He also worked as a psychologist at the Naval Rehabilitation Centre at the Miramar Air Station in San Diego , California." In truth his dissertation tells us his non-APA accredited Ph.D. was in "Professional Psychology," a degree peculiar to a now defunct university. He was NEVER a true, licensed, accredited "psychologist" for the Navy in the professional understanding of the word. As I mentioned earlier, he was hauled into court in Hawaii in 2004 and fined for pretending to be a professional. He has enjoyed the rewards of fraudulent advertising for decades starting with his own misleading 1980s newspaper ads in Hawaii as documented on our blog.

The third incident just before the training is much more serious. A few days before Christmas Lency had some kind of medical episode that landed her in the Intensive Care Unit for a few days. We here on this blog suspended activity out of respect for her and the Spezzano family and in spite of what POV followers may think of us, we truly wish Lency a speedy recovery. Once we saw that she was back home and making comments on Facebook, and that Chuck was going ahead with the trainers' training, we decided those were green lights allowing us to return.

The 2020 training like the year before also took place at the Spezzano compound. Maybe due to Lency's health I noticed quite a few differences from this shindig when compared to POV trainer soirées of the past. I am not sure if this is an indicator of a more subdued event, or if the POV trainers have made a deliberate decision to avoid public social media in general, but this year I saw far less visuals of the nightly alcohol-soaked fests that usually take place at this 10-day happening. Sure, there were a few shots of the trainers being all palsy-walsy but waaaay more toned down than in the past.

In the place of the usual plethora of group photos, some trainers took solo selfies or Youtubes and addressed their own sub-cult followers in their little mini-POV domains back home. And some of the biggest blabbermouths in the past were totally silent this time in the public arena at least.

As Fate would have it, at the same time the POV trainers' training was taking place, six former trainers in Taiwan were holding their own joint workshop. Jordan Kao, Chiching Sic, Wendy Shieh, Yanni Hwang, Daphne Wang, and Joy Huang banded together and demonstrated there was life after being slaves for the Spezzanos. Joy had left POV earlier, but the others were all part of the Great Purge of 2017 and at least a couple of them at the time were derailed to the point of despair if their Facebook posts are accurate. I actually don't agree with anything they are teaching, but I admire them somehow and look at this half dozen and chuckle when I think of how they now appear to be more of a success in spite of POV rather than because of it, and also when I imagine how much money Chuck has lost by letting these people slip out of his greedy clutches. As it is, POV's presence in Taiwan has radically declined especially after they lost two other veteran trainers there last year.

Reading between the lines I am guessing the 2020 trainers' training had more downtime than the usual lengthy brainwashing sessions due to Lency being in recovery mode from whatever it was that sent her to the hospital. If true, then this is how Chuck was able to gain the time required to be Chuckster the Huckster and promote his huge ego himself for some upcoming workshops via video. Below are links with sample statements that I found particularly interesting:

Chuck Spezzano: Verschenke dein Herz – Empfange Liebe – Workshop Frankfurt 14.-16.2.2020

POV trainer Torsten Konrad serves as a translator to German.
Chuck made sure to introduce himself as "Dr. Chuck Spezzano."
"The cards that we'll be working are cards of self-knowledge."
"They are cards to help you find what your life purpose is."
"The world is a reflection of your soul, of your mind. We can change our mind and then change the world."
"All of these cards are just meant to give you your power back."
"Three days is a significant number 'cause it represents both success and transformation."
"Where you have self-love you can't have a health problem." [A very strange statement considering his own wife was just in the Intensive Care Unit]
"A weekend where our joint minds can have a powerful effect of healing."
Chuck quotes A Curse Course in Miracles at least twice in this pitch.

Chuck Spezzano: Die Ratgeber-Kartendecks entschlüsselt – Abendworkshop 13.2.2020 Frankfurt

With Torsten as his translator, Chuck promotes his "healing cards" workshop.
"This is my 49th year of doing healing work and therapy." [1971-1972 - Spezzano "was hired as a counselor and Director of Outreach at the Brashear Association, there in Pittsburgh" which was not a position requiring professional credentials]
"One of the things that I created to help with that [healing and discovering your "soul patterns" through time] was to use healing cards."
"Thursday night will be a celebration of you, and your soul patterns, and the card decks."

Meine Kartensets geben dir Inspiration für jeden Tag! Chuck Spezzano grüßt dich!

Once again he makes sure we know he is "Dr. Chuck Spezzano" and gets cut off in the middle of his nonsense blathering while selling his card decks with the same style as that of a late night infomercial. Chuck must have a lot of backed up inventory to move.

We are pleased to mention one of the European commercial vendors carrying Chuck's card decks did entirely cease distributing them once we pointed out his marketing has been consistently lying about his credentials. They no longer wanted to be associated with his products.

The healing card German event is sponsored by the Frankfurter Ring, the same group that has consistently lied about Chuck being a "psychologist" year after year. They are doing it even now in the text of the Youtube video descriptions and webpage marketing for Chuck's 2020 events. The three people most responsible for this are Chuck himself, and Frankfurter Ring promoters Brita Dahlberg and Corinna Weth.

Dahlberg was once manager for Psychology of Vision GmbH from 1999-2005. Weth is currently one of the administrators for the  Psychology Of Vision - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz Facebook page. Both of them should know better than to falsely market Spezzano like this. Since Chuck is going to personally be there in February I suppose it would be too much to visualize him asking the Frankfurter Ring to remove this dishonest marketing. Funny how "Uncle Chuck" has "worked with" people who have supposedly had tumors shrink, possesses the ability to predict earthquakes, can change the weather guiding the group mind, can read past lives, help you discover your soul purpose, has said "I'm sensitive to energy so I can feel it in crystals and I can feel it in, um, nature," is sensitive enough to tune into vibrational energy, is able to make sense of numerology, has heard "The Voice," seems to know more than you do what God and Heaven wants for us, and can enlarge a woman's breasts but somehow cannot perform the miracle of removing false advertisements in his name which has gone on for years in an organization where he has very close ties. I guess even a "Master" can have their limits but one can always hope.

Dahlberg and Weth can read the following posts if they want evidence. Since Chuck never went through a filter of national standards (accredited by the APA) then even in Germany he fails to meet the requirements for being called a "psychologist." Chuck and Lency are both on record saying Chuck is not a "psychologist."

Back to the 2020 trainers' training. POV has not been too swift on keeping up with current news on their webpages for the general public as opposed to their intranet within the closed fortress, but eventually we'll learn the composition of the trainer population for 2020. That will be another story.

1 comment:

Year of the Cat said...

If I am counting correctly POV has gained five new trainers in 2020 and lost none, putting their for-profit commercial franchise holders up to 24 in number. That is a significant increase but still far short of where they were not long ago. They have yet to present this information to the public except for only one new trainer on their fancy new website who was just recently added. I'm guessing two are from Europe, three from Singapore including Veron who is returning. All of the new trainers are people you could see climbing to this steep level on the POV pyramid from a mile away. They have spent thousands of dollars to attain this status in order to hold a position that is worthless in the professional real world. These trainers are victims, probably honest and good people, who are turning into scam enablers. I wonder how long it will take them to figure that out?

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