Thursday, January 24, 2019

NAFPS Selections: Chuck's account gets hacked, 2015

Jan. 24, 2019

Psychology of Vision Canada recently lost their webpage for a full month (did anyone really notice) due to some kind of error and that got me to recalling a time when someone hacked into POV a few years back. 

So here for your viewing pleasure is an episode from the 2015 season of the situation comedy we know as Psychology of Vision: 

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," Sept. 9, 2015]:

OK, so yesterday someone apparently hacked into Chuck Spezzano's online world and posted this, which was displayed on Facebook:


    Chuck Spezzano
    Yesterday at 4:58am · ·

    Hi , how are you ?: hello

    Do you remember me?

    my profile

    Hi , how are you ?
    hello Do you remember me? my profile

When you go to the Spezzano blog, the same message is posted and the "my profile" portion is a hot link that leads to a commercial venue for classified ads:
[Update note: Incredibly, this is still up as of today, Jan. 24, 2019!] [Dead link, 2019, substitute provided below]

This could all be due to the fact that Spezzano or one of his minions carelessly revealed some key internal email addresses in a recent "card of the day":


    -----Original Message-----
    From: chuckspezzano <>
    To: blogchuck <>
    Sent: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 12:23 pm

    HEALING BEING CUT OFF AND ALOOF is the card for today. This is where we can't give, receive or enjoy. This makes all of our work harder and our life more difficult. We are caught in a vicious circle of superiority-inferiority and underneath it all we are afraid. This is a good day to turn this all over to Heaven for undoing and the bonding that would bring ease success and intimacy…Have an amazing day!!
    Posted 5 days ago by Chuck Spezzano
[Update, this "card" was cleaned up after this post]

The Spezzanos or their staff usually take awhile to catch up to spam on their social networks. Not exactly a great business example to follow.

But what I found amusing about this whole thing is that on the Facebook page this spam message was "liked" by 29 people, including a SALPOV trainer, and gained fawning comments from eight folks. I guess critical investigation is not highly valued among the SALPOV cult followers. This isn't the first time I have seen this mindless lockstep of admiration in response to a spam invasion on SALPOV territory. I suppose that is one of the many reasons why SALPOV can be considered a cult.

This hack does make one wonder about the security of the SALPOV database. If I had been a SALPOV client with my personal information stored in a computer, I'd be a bit nervous by now.

As I patched together the links for this post I saw a somewhat ironic reference in another recent Spezzano "card of the day" that I cannot resist allowing to pass without comment:


    LETTING GO OF PIPE DREAMS is the card for today. A 'pipe dream' is a place we are living in fantasy hoping that something will change because something outside us changed like winning the lottery. But today is a day to make things happen because things changed inside. Today is a day to let that go because the pipe dream is impeding progress…Have a most wonderful day!!
    Posted 2 days ago by Chuck Spezzano

Anyone who has read The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill, one of the greatest plays written by an American, will recognize the parallel between the use of the term "pipe dream" between Chuck Spezzano and one of the play's main characters Theodore (Hickey) Hickman-- two flashy salesmen out to make a buck who leave a trail of destruction as they encourage people to let go, even though they possess no professional qualifications or assurances of qualified aftercare. Ultimately Hickey and Spezzano are revealed as being out of touch with reality.

But I have to wonder, how is a "pipe dream" different from the Spezzano concept of "manifesting" (i.e. magical thinking)? It has been reported to me that Spezzano has allegedly encouraged his workshop participants to go forth and gamble because they have been blessed by his teachings. "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive." What mixed up messages!

Run away from Psychology of Vision. As fast as you can. It is all bullshit.

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