Thursday, March 26, 2020

It uses the principle that is central to hypnosis

Note the introduction above translates into "The well-known American psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Chuck Spezzano recommends this method."

Of course this is a big fat lie, Chuck Spezzano is not a "psychologist." Not even close.

That was the headline for an introduction Chuck in 2006 wrote for a book entitled Dein Seelenhaus: Ein direkter Weg mit seiner Seele zu sprechen by a POV trainer, Peter Reiter (died 2013).

We find this intro to be interesting because of the way Spezzano describes hypnosis. Although Lency denies hypnosis is used in Psychology of Vision, we disagree and believe it is employed but under different names.


Aloha, dear friends, and welcome to this book. If you have found your way to this book, you are making an investment in yourself. All the greatest teachers in the world, such as Socrates, Buddha and Jesus all suggested that we know ourselves. As we pull back layer after layer of the onion skin of our mind, we find not only more love and success, but also more of ourself and Heaven. To be a seeker of truth, to be one who desires the light in order to end humanity’s suffering, to be as passionate and loving as any one can possibly be, is to enjoy La Dolce Vita.

We live at an age when consciousness is accelerating more than any other time. This allows for great opportunities both personally and collectively. It allows for a personal renaissance if we are willing to change. The momentum of love and truth is growing with the possibility of a worldshift into partnership. If this occurs, we will have an ethic of ‘Friends Helping Friends’, and the quality of life will grow exponentially for everyone. We will turn the energies of war and terrorism into building and sharing. This occurs more and more as people heal themselves and restore the confidence and meaning that are hidden by the traps we have put together in our fear of change.

This book presents a very easy way to change yourself to be more of your true self. It also allows you to help others to change. This is what the future holds – friends helping friends. And having fun while doing it. Because what you are about to learn is fun, easy and effective. It is intriguing because you are unraveling the mystery of yourself. It is fun because it can be done in your bedroom or study by yourself, with a friend in a café or with a group at a party. It is entertaining and educational. It is easy because it can be done by you with a simple understanding of what is presented in the book. And finally, it is effective as it uses the principle that is central to hypnosis to bring about change: by assigning meaning to a symbol and changing the symbol, you effect change in what is symbolized.

A house, whether it is dreamed or imagined, is one of the most common symbols there is for our self. To change the symbol or soul house is to create change in a very easy way.

This is the wave of the future where change is neither hard nor expensive to come by. It will become available to everyone, not just the seekers or those in dire need; it will become a way of life. We are entering an Age of Relationships, which is an Age of Transformation. No where is this more evident than in Germany. Here you find the most dedicated seekers in the world. The rest of the world will catch up, as Germany leads the way to the initiation of a new integrity in consciousness.

I completely recommend Peter Reiter, a gifted coach, writer and trainer. His humor, high level of perception, quick intelligence and naturally mystical mind makes every training an adventure. In this same way, I recommend his book and the method presented here. It is something you can use for a lifetime with friends and with yourself. May you enjoy happy hours of discovery and use this way to effect the changes you want accomplish with grace and ease.

Chuck Spezzano, PhD
Hawaii, 2006

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