Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Healing Adventure biographies

Healing Adventure was a website that ran from about early 2001 to 2005, at which time it was replaced by the Healing Keys website. The chief personalities associated with this effort were Chuck Spezzano and Janie Patrick (Ticehurst), using it as a platform to sell their Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor Louise Hay ripoff.

The Ticehursts made sure to have the Healing Keys website obliterated from all archival efforts in 2014.

Note in the biography section Chuck is said to be a "psychologist" and having a Ph.D. in "Counselling Psychology." This was captured on March 5, 2005, in clear violation of the conditions set upon Spezzano in his 2004 conviction by the State of Hawaii for posing as a professional psychologist. In addition, according to his dissertation title page Chuck's non-APA accredited degree is in "Professional Psychology" which seems to be peculiar to the now extinct school he attended.

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