Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fact Check

Sept. 10, 2018

Based in Singapore, the Whizhearts commercial for-profit educational/motivational group casts a wide net to help lost people find their way. How do they do it?

"Do not worry about not getting into the correct workshop. At Whizheartz, they adopted a simple way to understand oneself – Dermatoglyphics or Fingerprint Analysis which is a scientific research in 1823 having prints analysize; knowing the predominant intelligence lie and groom them in that areas."

Or, in short, a form of palmistry disguised as science. From 1823.

Whizhearts has some connection to Psychology of Vision, although the exact nature is not clear. The information they supply about Chuck Spezzano and Psychology of Vision seems a bit dated, suggesting POV has become somewhat stale for them. Well, that is putting it mildly.

The post about Spezzano is interesting because it is something of a throwback to an era when the Spezzanos were a little more revealing within their biographies. I would hazard a guess this bio was originally written over a dozen years ago since it does not include the Spezzano's love affair with Oneness University which started in 2007 and lasted several years before they attempted to erase their connection with Amma and Bhagavan from all online sources.

So, here is what I am going to do. I'll run the text of the biography along with my inserted reality checks, and then follow it with the screenshot version.


Chuck is an author, seminar leader and visionary
[Seminars, as I understand them, involve discussion, give and take, an exchange of ideas. In Psychology of Vision "seminars" questioning the leader is considered an egotistical display of dreaded "independence" and you obviously have issues]

[This Spezzano posed studio portrait was taken about 100 years ago]

Chuck Spezzano, PhD is a world-renowned seminar leader, author, visionary and founder of Psychology of Vision. He holds a doctorate in Psychology and has led workshops worldwide since 1980. His workshops are for anyone in the healing professions or on a personal healing path who is looking for new innovative approaches which are profound, creative and effective.
[Chuck Spezzano is not a professional. If he is so world-renowned, why did Wikipedia reject him?]

Chuck is an expert in relationship psychology. He has over thirty-eight years of experience in relationship counselling and training and offers a unique perspective on human connection through his blending of psychology, metaphor and spirituality.
[Chuck Spezzano is not an expert.  He lacks professional credentials and has never submitted a paper to a peer reviewed journal or professional conference. He is, in the parlance of our time and the past, a quack]

Chuck and his wife Lency travel regularly to the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, China, Taiwan and Singapore and many other places on our Planet Earth. They lecture and lead public seminars. Chuck also does private coaching and business seminars for companies.
[If the Spezzanos travel to the USA it must be for personal reasons, not occupational. It is very telling that there are no POV trainers who are Americans. They do not lead "seminars" (see above). Chuck's private coaching sessions, last time I checked, cost over $1100 AN HOUR!!!]

Chuck has authored over 40 books and card decks that have been published in over 20 countries in numerous languages.
[Chuck combines his book releases with his lecture tours, which are basically promotional runs to peddle his work. His monographs are basically the same thing rewritten over and over, occasionally incorporating some New Age trend several years after it has become passé]

Chuck has a B.A. in Philosophy and Psychology from Duquesne University followed by a Masters in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology from the United States International University. His professional background is in Counselling Psychology, Family Therapy, Short Term Crisis Intervention and Marriage, Family, and Child Counselling. He also worked as a psychologist at the Naval Rehabilitation Centre at the Miramar Air Station in San Diego , California , conducting thousands of therapy groups and individual sessions.
[Chuck's Ph.D., according to his dissertation, was in the unemployable, exotic and APA-unaccredited title of "Professional Psychology" although he frequently claims it is in "Counselling Psychology" and many marketers say "Clinical Psychology." He was NOT a "psychologist" at Miramar in the professional licensed understanding of the word.  His sole licensed professional experience was for a very brief time as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California. He has NEVER been a licensed, thus accountable, "psychologist" and at this point would not qualify if he applied for a license. Oddly, I have never ever seen a POV document call Spezzano's Ph.D. by the correct name of "Professional Psychology." Never]

Chuck Spezzano was born in upstate New York, where his father was finishing his college degree. He grew up in Bristol, Pennsylvania, just above Philadelphia. Seeing the pain in his family and desiring to help people in general, Chuck left for the Holy Ghost Father’s seminary in Cornwell Heights, Pa. Here he spent four years reading, studying, playing sports and making friends. He currently resides with his wife in Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii.
[A somewhat jarring transition in the narrative, I'd say]

His next year was spent at Ridgefield, Connecticut at a novitiate, after which he took temporary vows and moved to Bethel Park Collegiate seminary, attending Duquesne University. After three and a half years he found that he no longer felt the calling to be a priest, and so he left the seminary, taking a second major in Psychology as well as Philosophy. He then graduated cum laude from Duquesne University with a Bachelor of Arts, went on for a Master’s Degree in Sociology in an experimental program that included Philosophy and Psychology, while studying Sociology from an ecologic point of view. Duquesne University is the home of existential phenomenology in the U. S., which is where humanistic psychology began.

From there Chuck moved to San Diego and began his doctoral studies at United States International University, one of the few schools in the U. S. for humanistic psychology at the time.

Profoundly disappointed in his doctoral studies, he decided that if he was to get an education, he would need to give it to himself. As a result, he threw himself into his doctoral dissertation, which was looking for a new model of healing based on vision and creativity, rather then just repair. He felt he really gained the experience necessary to make his innovative techniques, methods and models when he began to work at the Naval Drug Rehabilitation Center as a psychologist.

While supervised by psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, Chuck began to study short term psychotherapies. He developed different techniques and methods to discover accelerated forms of healing, which could deal with the ever growing caseload, and the diminishing time in which to help.

It was during this time that he began discovering deep healing principles in the mind that were not written about in psychological literature. This is when Chuck also attended his first program seminar call Lifespring. Having conducted hundreds of therapy groups and individual sessions at the Rehab Center, Chuck began designing seminars that included the process principle of therapeutic group works with the power of therapeutic exercises of seminars. Chuck also became part of a team at the Rehab Center teaching military personnel to become paraprofessional counselors in an effort to combat drug abuse and to help drug abusers. It was during this time that he graduated with his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology.
[Lifespring is widely considered to have been a cultish large group awareness training scam before they were shut down probably by numerous lawsuits. And, Chuck's Ph.D. was NOT in "Counseling Psychology" (see above)]

In fall 1979 he left his job with the Navy and began private practice as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor, while volunteering time as a trainer with ARAS, a workshop company with spiritual dimensions. It was also during this time that he worked more fully on his research with “the triangle model,” the psycho-spiritual steps of evolution we go through as an individuals, relationships, companies or countries. In 1982 Chuck opened his office in Orange County after moving to Laguna Beach, California. In 1982 and 1983 he also taught at the Tubb Wholestic Health Institute in Southern California, before moving to Hawaii.
[Chuck's involuntary departure from ARAS is a story we have yet to reveal on this blog, but suffice to say any professional journalist interested can contact us and we will help connect you to some credible sources. This is one of those situations we do not feel comfortable posting unless someone is willing to go public. The POV triangle was a concept pretty much swiped from Bob Trask, the head honcho of ARAS. Nothing is original with Psychology of Vision. It is all robbed]

While working with the Navy, one of his colleagues told him about A Course in Miracles. As Chuck began to read the Course’s workbook and text, he found most of the healing principles he thought he had personally discovered written about in A Course in Miracles. He then found many more principles there that he had not discovered, that he could corroborate and use in his healing work. To this day, A Course in Miracles remains a source point of inspiration and guidance.
[Here's a reality check. ACIM was "written" by Jesus Christ in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Yup. And if you believe that then Chuck Spezzano is waiting for you with a fee of $1100 and hour for a personal therapy session. Fools and their money ...]

In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops. He travelled frequently also to New England and then to Minnesota. In 1983 he was invited to Japan, the U. K. and Germany for the first time. By 1987 he was travelling regularly to Switzerland, the U. K., Japan, Canada and France.
[Interesting that even though Chuck supposedly had a "professional" practice as a therapist in California, he still had the need to pose as a psychic for a couple years and hit the road. How did he find time to treat all his clients in California? Maybe he didn't really have any? But Chuck like many other so-called psychics in the early Reagan era, realized the healing scam was more lucrative and they adjusted accordingly. It was all about the money]

In 1990 Chuck and Lency began travel to Taiwan for the first time, and in 1991 to Malaysia. In 1991 he and Lency met with Edna Brillon, a First Nations woman, and found they had the same vision about supporting First Nations Peoples. Chuck and Lency donate one or more workshops to First Nations Communities each year. The First Nations fund became the first charity for Psychology of Vision.
[There is no such thing as a free lunch. Documents reveal government money was used to fund some of their events. Their actions reveal they see themselves in the White Savior Narrative. Section K of the Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual, at least in the German language version, could be submitted as Exhibit A in a case for Affinity Fraud in Canadian court. Recent efforts to recruit FN people to the Sept. 2018 Whistler event are a demonstration that Section K is still in play]

It was also at this time, 1991, that the Psychology of Vision model was given its name by Chuck. And while their work has gone beyond human and shamanic vision into spiritual vision and higher consciousness, the name Psychology of Vision, or POV, holds a dear place in their hearts.
[Although the cult has the word "Psychology" in it, no one connected with this scam is actually a psychologist]

In 1997, Chuck and Lency felt the call to begin training trainers in their model. There are now between 70 – 80 Psychology of Vision Trainers around the world in Canada, the U. S., U. K., Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. In 2004 they began doing workshops in China.
[They "felt the call." How did that happen, exactly? Hmmm. Onward.
"My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low."--Quote from Lency Spezzano, white American missionary in a 1950s movie starring John Wayne. Link below]
[In addition, the current number of POV trainers is 20 or below. There was an intriguing Great Depletion of 2017 where half of the 40 trainers remaining were no longer with the cult although it is unclear if they were forced to leave or made a choice on their own. In any event, they all seemed traumatized by whatever happened]

Chuck has written 40 books published in twenty Countries. Published books include his best selling book “If It Hurts, It Isn’t Love”. Princess Diana said it was the book that got her out of her heartbreaks with Charles.
[If there is a primary document connecting Shy Di with Spezzano I have yet to find it. This tidbit is a morbid and sick attempt to exploit a tragedy, but we expect no less from Psychology of Vision, the cult that will stop at nothing to squeeze a buck out of gullible and vulnerable people]

Whizheartz POV link:

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