Sunday, October 24, 2021

It's Hard Out There for a Psychic

An amusing article by Mark Crislip for the Science Based Medicine blog. He could easily be writing about Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the whole Psychology of Vision scam.

Crislip's concluding sentence is right on and does partly explain why Chuck Spezzano dropped his gig being a "psychic" in his 1980 tour and changed to being a "healer":

"Don’t be a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader.  Call yourself an alternative medical provider, you do not even need the quack miranda, and you will can get away with anything, no matter how ludicrous. Including exorcism."


Anonymous said...

Poor Chuck. Now even his healing scam is catching up to him.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Interesting that during the same period Chuck hung out his shingle as a marriage and family counselor in California he also toured the coast in 1980 giving "psychic" workshops, according to his autobiography. What? Didn't he have enough clients at home to keep him busy?

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