Wednesday, August 9, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Chuck Spezzano and his Psychic Powers

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," July 19, 2014]:

Every time I think I we can just rest our case, some new wacky data surfaces that needs to be stored here in the NAFPS Information Clearinghouse.

One of the more interesting facets of the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) for-profit corporation is the pretense that they are mental health professionals who are on a par, according to young Christopher Spezzano earlier in this forum, with people holding professional degrees from Harvard.

Of course one look at the academic and licensed credentials, and lack thereof, of everyone involved in the SALPOV corporation will quickly put that fable to rest.

This thin and superficial veneer of pretending to be professionals in the field of mental health and therapy has served SALPOV well in Europe. A quick visual glance at their marketed image does not immediately scream out "Cult!" These are, for the most part, well scrubbed and well fed polite-looking, well-mannered, culturally non-threatening white folks who are not adorned with exotic garb. The Hawaiian shirt is the closest thing to an actual uniform. The cultish aspects of SALPOV are not apparent until you start to ask a few simple questions about the corporation.

It is rather insidious when you begin to study it. SALPOV is the wolf wearing the sheep's clothing of white suburbia. Just the ticket for German and UK customers with money to throw away.

Of course the big mystery to us Westerners is the attraction to SALPOV for Asians. Lenora attempted to explain this a few years ago in her "self annihilation process is leading people to enlightenment" when she said-- [Update Aug. 9, 2017: Dead link]


    My husband and I are currently working with a group of 90 people in Guangzhou China. Most of them are beginners to my work, so it will be interesting to see how far I can get with them. They are keen to get enlightened, but their level of maturity is low.

Nice. No Ugly Americanism there. No siree, Bob!

So in attempt to research this question I ran across what looks like an avant-garde art project, apparently in Hong Kong, called Pinkwork Radio Art.

Using Google translate, here is PRA's mission statement--


    PINKWORK™ Radio Art is not an ordinary radio as understood by Human, but a media for Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city to do art or research, well, mainly on cool human species. It likes to abduct some humans that it thinks are creative, interesting or have some new thinkings, record their sound and conversations and do analysis afterwards ...

    What radio station here is not human cognition is alien life forms ~ PINKWORK pink cat one artistic medium. It is particularly feel like it captured some of the fun, creative or new thinking of the human species, included their voices, dialogue, after study ...

And, as one would expect, SALPOV is mentioned quite a bit, right alongside Breatharians, Oneness University, Seth, and Edgar Cayce. Apparently Charles Lee Spezzano is considered one of the "world renowned celebrity psychics."


    [New age channeling: ~ 8] dream Nida x KiKi Wong ~ ~ ten days refraining hungry to experience 10-day Breatharianism

    July 17, 2014 in all Categories, [PINKWORK™ Radio Art], [new age channeling:] - Radio Art by Art pinkwork™ Radio

    Extraterrestrial life ~ pinkcat@pinkwork™ city is so curious about humans and this physical world. Its latest interests are human religions and new age thinking, cause it believes through them it could get some clue of human evolution. This time its "research target" is human Dreamonita again.

    Dreamonita is a celebrity dream interpreter / spiritual healer / columnist in HK. Pinkcat likes to call her a collector of "new age thinkings", cause she's studied and practised many different new age theories, Oneness University, Bijan Anjomi, Seth Materials, Psychology of Vision, Taoism's Qigong, to name a few. Last year she joined a 10-day Breatharianism Camp organized by Qigong Master ~ Mr. Gao from China. Breatharianism or Inedia is an ancient belief that human could survive without eating any food but purely on energy from nature, such as Sunlight, fresh air ... In ancient Taoism, this practice is aiming to achieve immortality or living longer.


    [New age channeling: ~ 2] dream Nida x Sean Coxall x Lio Beardsley / Jewish mysticism Kabbalah Puzzle / PINKWORK™

    September 16, 2013 in all Categories , [PINKWORK ™ Radio Art] , [new age channeling:] - Radio Art by Art pinkwork™ Radio

    Dreamonita: Well, as you said, to learn Kabbalah can bring us happiness, a better life, more realistic, and it will bring us health?

    Sean: Absolutely! First, Kabbalah is that some tools to let you know more about yourself from within. Any thing happen to you, including disease, are starting from a seed. You just think back, to find the source, you can put the seeds in addition to walking. Often see some cancer patients, after studying the Kabbalah, the disease naturally disappear.

    Dreamonita: It sounds to me studied before, Oneness University from India, the United Kingdom, Professor Chuck Spezzano other spiritual theories of Psychology of Vision or The Power of NOW and other very similar?



    [New age channeling: ~ 1] dream Nida x Chris @ bad monument lip / sleep prophet Edgar Cayce ... / PINKWORK™

    May 15, 2013

    In this episode, dreamonita and HK veteran indie musician Chris are chatting about different new age beliefs and some world renowned celebrity psychics, such as Edgar Cayce (nicknamed Sleeping Prophet), Chuck Spezzano (who successfully predicted Japan 311 earthquake) ... etc. Dreamonita also shares some of her "channeling" experience during tarot card readings.

    Nida and from this dream "bad lip monument", "Wildchild" and "Yellow!" Will talk about some of the band's Ho Siu Kee NEW AGE simple concept, introduced some of the famous "master" level characters, including "sleep Prophet "title of Edgar Cayce, and successfully predicted the Japanese earthquake Chuck Spezzano, etc. 311. Meanwhile dream Nida also shared some Channeling help people experience themselves when reading tarot cards. Channeling spirits is not a psychic or upper body, is the energy of the universe is turned on or knowledge base. Humanity itself probably born with this ability, but it is kind of urban life in this area began to feel degraded.

Charles Lee Spezzano the Psychic is generally downplayed by SALPOV in the West as it does not help in forming the image of being a professional in the field of mental health. However, it does appear Charles did try his hand at this line of work, but apparently found it unprofitable.
[Substitute link]


    In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops.

In the YouTube Change Your Mind, Change Your Heart, Change the World, Charles tells us, "In the 70s I studied with psychics and shamans." Really? Who did he study with? Who were these "shamans"? This is the same video where he informs us he studied hypnosis and worked as a "psychologist."

Actually, Charles did not predict the Japanese earthquake. It is true he predicted an unspecified quake in his March 2011 Newsletter--


    March is a month of challenges but if we meet the challenges then it is a month where we are uplifted and transformed. The key lesson in March is about our willingness to change. This is occurring both personally and collectively. In some cases, it has become change or die. This challenge could cause tumult, confusion and tragedy. There might be an earthquake or other catastrophes as a result of unconscious and collective conflict.

Predicting natural disasters is something he does on a frequent basis (usually without result), and given the fact that earthquakes are a daily occurrence on the Pacific Rim, sooner or later he was bound to get a hit.

You can take boy out of the psychic carnival act, but you can't take the psychic carnival act out of the boy. The following are from Spezzano's blog--


    July 11, 2014
    HEALING INTROJECTION is the card for today. This form of interjection is where we swallow others' pain in an effort to help them. This sets up fusion and co-dependency. We burn off what we suck up with our psychic ability but usually we suck up so much more then we can burn off generating huge emotional burdens we don't even realize we are carrying. Today is a day to let go of all we have sucked up from everyone as well as all the introjection mechanisms. Give God back His job. Get Him out of the soup line. Let God do His work and you be His Child. Have the Best Day!
    Posted 1 week ago by Chuck Spezzano


    April 20, 2013
    PSYCHIC AWARENESS is the card for today. It signals a gift that develops at a whole new level of power. It is helpful to you and to others, creating flow and seeing the way through. Everyone has this ability and different people have different gifts. Some come as a result of a breakthrough and at other times they simply develop. Whatever it is for you, enjoy the gift of it. Turn it over to Heaven for its best and truest use. Have a good one!
    Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Psychic Awareness


    December 11, 2012
    KNACK is the card for the day. It speaks of a talent that has psychic energy tied to it to make it stronger. Your KNACKS are helpful to you and others and come under the category of leadership gifts, creating flow and connection. Have a fun day!


    June 3, 2010
    HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card for today. Ju-ju refers to magic or anything beyond the natural order. This includes dark magic, curses, psychic attack and possessions of any sort. Usually this is relegated to the unconscious mind and can come in through any form of toxic attack or abuse. Today connect with the Divine Presence and with any of your Friends in High Places whom you are or ask to be connected with.

    Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning. This can end oppression you did not even know you were under. Many times those carrying strong light or a great purpose are attacked ,even by parents caught for a time in the dark supernatural in an attempt to wound or keep you small. When we are trapped by this energy,it is often a form of collusion on our part afraid of our purpose and destiny. This type of healing removes unconscious fears. Have a great cleaning day !
    Posted 3rd June 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
    Labels: Card Dark Magic Dark Supernatural


    September 6, 2010
    HEALING AN ASTRAL ATTACK AND WHAT HIDES IT is the card for the day.

    The astral is the dark unconscious that is ancient fragments of the ego,also known as demons,devils,dark gods,etc. This is the dark supernatural that is intent on delaying and obstructing us as much as possible to hold back the relatedness and evolution so that they keep their base of control for as long as they can. At some level (the unconscious) it is all our mind and we are integrating these fragments which seem to have a mind of their own. Their attacks can come in the form of setbacks,attacks from others or even pure malice coming at us energetically. We can always call in God, the Tao, The Holy Spirit, Jesus,our angel,Quan Yin or the many other older brothers and sisters who have realized Oneness. Another way is to realize that we are spirit and as such are safe ,healed and whole.

    Besides holding us back, the dark forces have the hidden hope for redemption and that whomever they attack will have the wherewithal or connection with Friends in High Places to send them back to the light. This is a big opportunity to help yourself and the whole earth today. There is a karmic connection established when a victimizer attacks a victim;this ends when the victim finally redeems the victimizer. We have the opportunity to bring the light today and dispel the darkness.

    Invoke the Light today. Call in your Friends in High Places and send these ego fragments back to the Light from which we all came and to which we shall all return.Help yourself and help the whole earth today by your awareness and willingness.
    Posted 6th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
    Labels: Astral Card Dark Supernatural

If you Google search the terms "psychic" with "Chuck Spezzano" two very enlightening facts surface. First, the large number of SALPOV former students now work in their spinoff business as self-described psychics. We see the same thing with others trained in SALPOV who advertise their hypnosis skills. Second, many of these psychics erroneously refer to Charles Lee Spezzano as a "psychologist." It is just as Lenora Kay Spezzano says, "Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive." So true.

He's not a psychic. He's not a psychologist. He's not a professional. He's a "coach." And a VERY expensive one.


Jack Lipson said...

This can be placed in the realm of unverified info, but somewhere I heard Spezzano delighted in freaking people out in years past by claiming to channel the spirit of Hitler. True? Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous said...

Dialogue from the movie "Ed Wood":

Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Hey Cris, how'd you know we'd be living on Mars by 1970?
Criswell: I guessed. I made it up.
[Leans over to Ed]
Criswell: It's horseshit.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: [Ed looks very crestfallen] Really...
Criswell: Eddie, there's no such thing as a psychic. People believe my folderol because I wear a black tuxedo.
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: [Still looking disappointed, but perking up] It's that easy?
Criswell: Eddie, we're in show biz. It's all about razzle-dazzle. Appearances. If you look good and you talk well, people will believe anything.

hfht said...

Lency says she has never heard Chuck call himself a "psychologist" so I guess she never watched the video in the link above.

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