Sunday, March 29, 2020

NAFPS Selections: They've been love bombed and generally messed over

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Piff," October 11, 2013]:

Obligatory jumping in the air group portrait, Spezzano lawn, Hawaii


The 10 Day Apprenticeship program to be held Tuesday, October 15 – Thursday, October 24, 2013 in Hawaii has sold out. 50 people, $3,000 tuition, unless you've already done their 100 Day, then you only have to pay 1,500. So even if everyone got the 100 Day grad rate, that is $75,000 the Spezzanos make. Just for that one event.

The apprenticeship tuition does not include lodging, food, or transportation.

In order to get that special deal of only $1,500, you've already done 30 days of other apprenticeship programs. Doing so would cost about $9,000 total. Plus you've taken the Steps to Leadership program, not really clear how much that costs, but it does cost, both money and time.

And there is more stuff you have to do. So a possible low ball figure of how much a person has spent before being eligible for the $1,500 apprenticeship rate is easily $10,000.

A person who has already invested $10,000 in POV, plus missed paid employment time, missed family and community time, has in the process had their brain washed over and over again. They've been love bombed and generally messed over.

Now they can pay for the apprenticeship. Plus their travel, lodging, food, missed work time etc. For about 10 days they are worked over some more.

Probably they want an hour worth of one on one with Chuck Spezzano, that costs $1,000.

There are books and study materials to buy, Then people can take the Mastery Program, $4,000. This gives you a 10 day event, webinars through out a year, 50% off of a coaching session.

At this point, you probably sound like this:


    I look in your eyes and feel God’s beauty
    Way beyond and transcending any role, rule or duty
    Feeding us to fullness on every level
    Helping us to eradicate every demon and devil
    Working tirelessly to get us all here to this spot
    Where we can each go inside and untie every knot
    We wholeheartedly thank you over and over again
    Helping us all to heal every problem, hurt, wound and/or pain
    You are part of God’s Foundation that feed our souls
    Helping to reach Oneness as our only goal
    You help raise our Spirit’s in delightful ways
    You truly are the Brilliance of God’s Great Rays
[Substitute link]

And you probably now want to become a POV trainer. In order to do that, one requirement is to be able to "pass on Miracles easily". Along with all the other hefty costs for continuing seminars and sessions, the entry level fee is $4,500.

Once you are a trainer you cannot rest. You have to keep to a strict schedule of requirements, and you keep paying $.
[Substituted link] 


Evelyn Young said...

Obviously Piff does not understand the high overhead involved with brainwashing. All that soap requires a significant outlay of cash.

Menck In the Stew said...

Those outdoor toilets really add a touch of reeeeeal class.

Tom Joad said...

Those toilets are quite the visual foil for that sporty little expensive T-Bird in the Spezzano garage.

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