Tuesday, March 24, 2020

For Chuck and Lency and the POV Office Staff

The following poem by Jack Miller was available on the Spezzano website for about a year until it was removed in 2014 or so.

http://www.chuckandlencyspezzano.com/Seminars/MasteryFeedback.htm [Dead link]

For Chuck and Lency and the POV office staff:
Holding us firmly in your heart
We get a chance to enjoy another new start
Treating us with both kindness and compassion
Allowing us to experience our own true passion
Hugging us in a way that melts our hearts
Bringing joy to our faces which will never part
Working behind the scenes setting the foundation
Uniting all brothers and sisters, races, cultures, countries and nations,
I don’t know if these words can truly express
The depths of love’s feeling flowing to you in excess
I look in your eyes and feel God’s beauty
Way beyond and transcending any role, rule or duty
Feeding us to fullness on every level
Helping us to eradicate every demon and devil
Working tirelessly to get us all here to this spot
Where we can each go inside and untie every knot
We wholeheartedly thank you over and over again
Helping us all to heal every problem, hurt, wound and/or pain
You are part of God’s Foundation that feed our souls
Helping to reach Oneness as our only goal
You help raise our Spirit’s in delightful ways
You truly are the Brilliance of God’s Great Rays
Thank you once more for being our friends
As we heal to wholeness by making amends
Greeting us all with your whole being open wide
We feel you love rumbling deep, deep inside
Thank you for Blessing us with Your Divine Presence
For you truly are molded from God’s Divine Essence
Thank you for being miracle-minded, miracle workers
Helping each of us to be Love Berserkers
Your peaceful ways bring love to the earth
We feel it so fully, it energizes our worth
Thank you for the joy of your smiling faces.
Transporting us all to Heavenly Places
Thank you for living your song from within
Helping us to abolish all pain, fear, hurt, guilt and sin
Please forgive us if we don’t always show or say it
Yet please believe me when I say we always feel and know it
May your lives be filled with abundant Grace
For you are helping enlighten the whole human race!

God Bless You!  God Bless You!  God Bless You!
With Love

Jack Miller, 2013 Mastery  


Anonymous said...


The Proclaimer said...

Why did the Spezzanos delete this from their website even before they moved to new vendor?

Andre Duvalier said...

"Thank you for Blessing us with Your Divine Presence
For you truly are molded from God’s Divine Essence"


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