Sunday, March 29, 2020

NAFPS Selections: To be exposed as delusional and dominated by a grimacing freakshow

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "volcano woman," July 22, 2014]:

 Lency Spezzano and Babs Stevens deep onto a "downloading/joining" session

[Note: In the following NAFPS post, "volcano woman" is commenting on conversation about a Youtube video posted by Lency Spezzano that is no longer available for public viewing. Although the video is gone, here's a link to the transcript]:


[Here is "volcano woman's" post]--

Quote [Sandy S.]: Every inhabitant of Haida Gwaii should be required to view this YouTube video. Actually, all of British Columbia should watch this video. What Lenora Kay Spezzano did to Babs Stevens is something she would like to perform on all the people of Haida Gwaii. So hey, does Lenora have a deal for you! Submit yourself to "downloading" and be reduced to a near drooling quivering zombie! And as a bonus you get to be the "child" of an entitled wealthy American! Doesn't that sound like an enlightening experience? 

Quote [Response from Sturmboe]: This idea is not good. The client / victim would be left unprotected for critics and attacs, other people with bad disposition can analysizes her behaviour and weakenings and misuse them to harm. They can develop more ideas to force people into etremely stresslevel. The victim knows it will be possible allways turning in her painfull situation and there is no exit.

 To show the video for all a client cannot be helped to clarify what happened.

    Just if the client wants to present herself as an evidence, it should be allowed. Better those videos will be deleted and clients got connection to educated therapists. And also the client should give the therapist the address of POV for contact. The contact between POV and therapist must be allowed by the client.

    Those videaos are not basics to explain how the results of POV can be.

Guess what the whole of Haida Gwaii and the world has access to view this you tube thanks to the promotional spirit of POV for making this induced psychosis public. How pathetic to abuse a devotee this way, exposing them as gullible fools for all first nations and non fn to see just to prove that their chosen method of induction has manipulated their victims into succumbing to their devices.

To see the extent of abuse that this you tube of Babs Stevens and Lency Spezzano demonstrates, the disregard of self dignity and how that extends out to the families and community of this victim is disturbing and has long range damage to many! This is imposed by the “coach, spiritual leader, whatever you want to call this person in charge of POV and their promotional tactics”.

How lucky for them to secure a “person in power” within the Haida nation. They must feel such a big achievement to harness such an entrapment as Babs Stevens, band manager, CEO of Skidegate community for over 40 years! Wow what a powerful feather for Lency to put into her hat of achievements! Pretty hard for any victim of Lency's or Chuck's to live down such self effacing shame once (if possible) they sober up and realize how outrageously horrible it is for them to be exposed to the world and their own community like this.

This you tube is so belittling and saddens the first nation heart which still has critical thinking to know instantly what a disgrace Lency has made of Babs. So sad and obviously ridiculous, that if this is the “cutting edge “ method that Chuck and Lency apply and are so proud of, then this method may reveal more of a cutting edge for the long term damage this is doing to their successful entrapped recruits like Babs.

Wow, imagine paying a “life coach” to expose you in a you tube like this publicly! It is so destructive to ones life to be exposed as delusional and dominated by a grimacing freakshow. If I was Babs' employer I would be pursing measures to have her seen by an accredited psychologist for a psychiatric assessment. If this is the end result of of becoming trained for “whatever” by Chuck and Lency Spezzano, I would not be trusting Babs in such an important position as managing the lives and resources of the Skidegate community.

How many other First Nations are Chuck and Lency going to puppeteer into their plan to manipulate and control? What's the big attraction and target? Do you seriously believe Canadians are going to let some fat cats from the states extract our First Nations Heritage, displace our indigenous people into a divisive plan designed by Chuck? This you tube of Babs and Lency is not acceptable by any Canadian standards as a cure for anything, especially for the plight of what the original planners of this country imposed on all our good people. Makes you wonder if Harper and Chuck worked out a deal to subdue FN and make way for the more taking!

Careful who you let into your life, because it can not only ruin your own life but ruin the ones around you that you love!

I sure hope that Babs gets help to get out of this mess and can redeem her life back to “normal” which is what most human lives are living out in reality. I wonder if she could return to her original self after allowing C & L spend the last 20 years draining her memory and replacing it with their messaging and programming of self annihilation?  I am sure it would involve long term corrective therapy to undo all that indoctrination securely locked in by embedded commands and emotional conditioning.

A good case for inhuman treatment and cultural violation to FN people! Not to mention the rest of the internationally targeted communities POV has corrupted with their cutting edge methods.

1 comment:

Cesar Romero said...

Lency makes a face like Batman's nemesis, the Joker, in that photo. That cannot be a good thing.

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