Sunday, October 31, 2021


Mar. 10, 2018

Please correct me if I am wrong here on my interpretation, but from what I can ascertain the German word "Psychologenehepaar" translates to the English "psychologist couple."

In merchandising Susanne Ernst as a high-level Psychology of Vision trainer, the Co:coa business enterprise also apparently calls both Chuck and Lency Spezzano "psychologists."

Lency is certainly no psychologist, and neither is Chuck.   

Yet again I need to point out that Spezzano's 1977 Ph.D. was in something exotic called "Professional Psychology" according to his thesis title page. It was not accredited by the APA, which means his diploma bypassed any sort of national standard. Chuck Spezzano is not now, nor ever has been a psychologist, clinical or otherwise, even by German standards. Both of the Spezzanos have said Chuck is not a "psychologist."

In addition, Spezzano was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for impersonating a professional. He is not licensed and is not remotely qualified to practice professional psychology even if he applied. Here are some links to a few primary sources of interest so you can see the evidence:

It is important to remember Psychology of Vision has no regulatory oversight since it is operated entirely by rank amateurs. They rely on false marketing provided by adoring fans who do not do their homework on this scam. German language New Age capitalists are particularly prone to simply repeat this fable without investigation, much to Spezzano's economic advantage.

The "Psychologenehepaar" term was also applied to the Spezzanos in a New Age symposium in 2009:



Byron Orlok said...

Zwei Scharlatane ist der richtige Ausdruck

Peter Bergmann said...

When a POV supplicant and franchise holder such as Susanne Ernst is connected with such an outright lie concerning the Spezzanos, this can be considered a violation of the court conditions laid down upon Charles Lee Spezzano when he was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for posing as a "psychologist."

virginia said...

The Spezzanos, Ernst, and their whole circle are full of imposters. The "Chuck is a psychologist" lie seems to be used more than ever as this cult rapidly declines. Ernst is totally complicit here.

King of Pancakes said...

Another recruit in Chuck and Lency Spezzano's Army of Liars.

Anonymous said...

This outfit calls Chuck a "psychologist" on their facebook page as well.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Sybs Bauer needs to issue a correction and retraction. That would be the ethical thing to do in business. Susanne Ernst also needs to press to have this lie removed as it is associated with her commercial business as well.

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