Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Bravo Thalia!

Mar. 6, 2020

We want to give a very special public shout out to German media retail seller Thalia. They had many posts falsely merchandising Chuck Spezzano as an author who possessed a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and worked as a "psychologist" and they corrected them all. We are sure they didn't realize they were perpetuating a huge lie.

When this was directly pointed out to them they took action and erased all trace of this fabrication in their marketing. Yes, they missed a spot or two where Chuck was erroneously called a "psychologist" as they quoted the original publisher but we are not going to quibble. Thalia is no longer counted among Chuck Spezzano's Army of Liars. Way to go Thalia! We salute your integrity.

We especially appreciate Thalia asking us for more information and we applaud their consideration.

So the question is why did we have to do this? Shouldn't have the Spezzanos or their European minions stepped in to correct this? Their lack of action gives the impression they are OK with the lie as long as it inflates their credentials which in turn inflates their wallets.

Anyway, bravo Thalia!


Anonymous said...

When the biggest bookseller in south Germany takes action, you know the jig is up for Chuck.

Year of the Cat said...

We have seen hundreds of Spezzano false credential advertisements either changed or deleted since we manifested this campaign. But we still have a long way to go.

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