Friday, October 22, 2021

Frankfurter Ring is still an accomplice in false merchandising

Apr. 2017

In a series of recent online marketing efforts, the Frankfurter Ring continues to spread the falsehood that Chuck Spezzano is a "psychologist" even though they know full well he is not since one of our researchers officially lodged a complaint with them. They are now lying on purpose. Spezzano himself is in a position to change this, but will he?

The Frankfurter Ring needs to stop merchandising Spezzano as a "psychologist." Every time they do it gives us the opportunity to mention that Spezzano is NOT a psychologist. His Ph.D. in "professional psychology" was unaccredited by the APA meaning that it bypassed any national standard, so even  by German standards he does not qualify for the title. He has had no meaningful continuing academic education in 40 years, is not licensed to practice psychology, and was fined by the State of Hawaii in 2004 for pretending to be a professional.

Every time the Frankfurter Ring perpetuates this lie they increase their level of enabling this fraud and it reflects badly on them and the other speakers in their stable.


Anonymous said...

Frankfrauder Ring.

Year of the Cat said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers."--Lency Spezzano

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