Sunday, October 24, 2021

I'm sensitive to energy so I can feel it in crystals and I can feel it in, um, nature

In 2013 Chuck Spezzano supplied a commercial endorsement for a product called the "Lovy Heart." Here is a text of his statement:

Y'know I have some friends who are into many different healing things and, um, I found my friend, Elsbeth, and she developed these Lovy Hearts.

And I'm sensitive to energy so I can feel it in crystals and I can feel it in, um, nature and I put my hands there and I can feel this energy, this healing energy coming off the Lovy Hearts. And so I thought, "This is great." Y'know because this captures a form, it focuses, it's like an archetype, it focuses a form of positive healing energy into the world.

And of course the different colors have different aspects, y'know love, y'know white spirituality-- so it's like how I used them.

Many times in this work I'll be traveling all around the world, always about 150,000 miles a year and just going to different places and teaching intensely and then the next day on an airplane or on the way to someplace else or back home again, it's like, I'll be exhausted.

And so what I'll do, my pockets filled with Lovy Hearts. And I find that I get over these trips so much faster. Y'know it's like I, and I find that I'm not, like, completely below sea level on the airplane. Yet I have some energy-- I can write, y'know, I can watch a movie, y'know, and I can enjoy myself. Y'know the great reward of feeling that good after a workshop.

Also if I find that it's like if I have an area of my body that's in pain, um, like I can just put some Lovy Hearts on them and that, the healing just increases. Y'know there's just like this whole packet of healing around it. Or when you have a big one like this you can feel that whole packet of energy just working toward the truth and truth is always about love and innocence and healing and wholeness.

So, um, y'know, I love your Lovy Hearts. Y'know, it just, they really work for me.


Tom Joad said...

I'm sensitive to bullshit and I can feel it in Chuck's, um, hucksterism.

Anonymous said...

Not one of Chuck's better performances.

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