Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Gateway Psychology of Vision

Success and Prosperity with Charles Campbell Sunday August 14th

In looking at this marketing piece from the Psychology of Vision Canada webpage one might think this was almost a generic self-help workshop. The mention of A Course in Miracles is the only glaring clue that something here doesn't jive.

Note there is no mention that this is a group where the leaders have been on record employing hypnosis, NLP, nontransparent methods of "treatment," no followup, past life regression, a questionable practice called "joining," large group awareness dynamics of cult-like dimensions, claims of curing diseases, changing the weather, and increasing the bra size of women. This is a group where the leaders blame the victims for their maladies (including Down's Syndrome) and promote a form of magical thinking called The Law of Attraction. This is a group with a published Trainers Manual that exposes a very steep and rigid hierarchy. This is a group that has swiped almost all of their curriculum from others.

Also, the $60 fee here is a far cry from the thousands charged down the road as people become more enamored of POV. Chuck Spezzano himself charges over $1000 an hour for a personal consultation, and he's not even a real psychologist and never was licensed as such. His Ph.D. is unaccredited by the APA. In 1980 he toured as a psychic before switching to "healing."

All of these facts are documented on this blog. I've just began to describe the catalog of cult-like weirdness surrounding POV. There's lots, lots more in the blog, and we have yet more data to share so people can make informed decisions about how much they want to invest with this group.

Campbell is presenting Gateway POV here. The lure here is "success and prosperity," but later they'll use the codeword "abundance." Be good to yourself, turn around and walk away from POV.


Can ya dig it? said...

Ask lots of questions at these workshops about how their corporation works, their credentials, are they for-profit or non-profit, etc. Inform yourself before stepping in. Smiling faces, sometimes, pretend to be your friend ...

O Canada! said...

Campbell is no longer a POV trainer.

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