Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Spinoff Business in Central Europe pt. 4

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Ingeborg," February 16, 2015]:

contd - Germany/Bavaria

Lotta Gaber, Munich

Her website provides little info except for advertising a course in STL done by Gaber which will start in March 2015
[Update: Website under construction 8/20/18]

[Update: Dead link, Jan. 12, 2021]
According to her profile at LinkedIn, the only qualification Gaber mentions is „alternative healer“, although she claims to have held employment with German airlines Lufthansa for 18 years and at a lawyer's office. She also claims to be a Yoga teacher.

Nirvana Verena Moser, Donaueschingen/Bavaria

From her Facebook site, she is into various Nuage methods/authors, like e.g. Eckart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, as well as VisionWorks for Life.

Ursula Schnell, Friedberg/Bavaria

Schnell claims to have been trained as a medical-technical assistant and to have worked in various hospitals and doctor's offices, followed by obtaining a permit as an alternative healer (no date specified), and working in her own office since 1997. Among the „international special trainings“ Schnell mentions is „Dr Chuck Spezzano“.

Franz Leckel, Aresing/Bavaria

Leckel runs his own business as a management consultant offering various Newage methods (e.g. a seminar titled „Geomantic time travel to the pyramids in Bosnia“ …). He also does a two-year course in „Spiritual Leadership“ lasting from January 2014 to September 2015. Leckel is also mentioned by a few STL vendors who claim him as their STL teacher.

Monika Redl-Janßen, Soyen/Bavaria

Redl-Jenßen presently does an STL course under the label of „Steps to Enlightenment“ lasting from May 2014 to May 2015, and another course „Steps to Enlightenment Advanced“. Further „healing seminars“ are advertised with the description of „based on the work of Dr Chuck Spezzano“.
According to info provided on her site, Redl-Jenßen takes credit for having registered „Steps to Enlightenment“. However, the course is done in 30 modules, same as STL, and the topics covered by these particular modules also resemble those in STL as taught be PoV.
Redl-Jenßen does not provide information regarding previous employment and qualifications.

Barbara Tollmann, Nordendorf/Bavaria

[Update: Dead link, Jan. 12, 2021]

According to a flyer, Tollmann describes herself as „born 1965, a PoV facilitator, psychological life counseling through kinesiology, systemic family constellations, faith healing, and Tarot“.
She claims to have been trained as a bank clerk initially, but to have taken a strong interest in alternative healing since the age of 20. Among the „trainings“ Tollmann mentions: „kinesiology, psychological life counseling, Tarot, systemic family constellations, physiognomy, numerology and much more“. She has done counseling since 1997 and has met Dr Chuck Spezzano „several years ago“: „The combination of psychological knowledge with simple methods of healing and a deep spirituality made me take further large steps in my own development with ease and joy“.

Sabine Kaiser, Munich/Bavaria
According to her website, Kaiser studied Social- and Economic Geography, but worked in the management of a renowned Munich fashion store, later changing to event management after an according training. In 2009, she did a training in Steps to Leadership and also became a trainer of VisionWorks. Additionally, she was trained in QCT Quantum Consciousness Transformation).

Kaiser claims to do VW courses at schools, e.g. „in July 2011, Kaiser Communications Training did a seminar on Vision Works in the 9th grade of a Munich Secondary Modern School“ with students coming mainly from a „socially deprived environment and migrant background“.
In 2012, she did a one-year VW course at another unmentioned school. The course is said to have been financed by Munich Caritas, a Catholic welfare organisation.
According to info provided by Kaiser, a complete VW seminar of 20 hours will cost € 2,400. A course in personality development for adults, or an STL course of eight weekends and two additional weekend workshops will amount to € 1,150 – the two workshops not included in this amount (  ).

Another website (  ) characterises Kaiser as a self-employed coach and event organiser since 2005, with additional trainings in Steps to Leadership and as a VisionWorks trainer, „both innovative models of communications of emiotional intelligence for adults as well as children and adolescents“. [Update: Kaiser is no longer listed on that website] [Oct. 2017 update: website no longer exists]

Corinna Sowieja, Meitingen/Bavaria

Another alternative practician/psychotherapy. Sowieja mentions she was a kindergarten nurse and worked „with children, adolescents and young adults, and their resp families, with various disturbances and handicaps“. She has also had trainings in NLP and kinesiology and did a training in „Steps to Leadership“ with Ursula Schnell and Franz Leckel (see above).
[Substitute link]

Claudia Zacherl, Ingolstadt/Bavaria

Born 1963, Zacherl claims a training in a profession in the field of technology, but says she did further trainings in colour design and colour psychology which led her to psychotherapy. She is an alternative practician with her own office since 2010. Zacherl mentions a course in „Steps to Leadership, depth psychological methods and basics according to Dr Chuck Spezzano“ which she did with Kurt Sommer (see above, PoV trainer level 1)

Susanne Wohlhüter, Landsberg/Bavaria

Wohlhüter is a former bank manager who turned vendor of Newage garbage
(  ), [Substitute link] although her bio claims she is still employed with a bank: „I meet many persons in my professional environment as an Associate Director of a German special bank“.
One of the banks she worked for was Hypo Real Estate, a bank whose name has a very bad sound with the German public (see  ). Wohlhüter describes her present profession as a „Psycho-Physiognomist“ (since 2008) and claims to have done a nine-months training and obtained a licence. „Psycho-physiognomy“ is pure pseudo-science, and lacks scientific recognition (see  ). Wohlhüter also claims to do trainings in individual and group coaching according to the methods of Dr Chuck Spezzano from Jan 2013.

Christiane Sivani Drumm, Munich/Bavaria

Drumm, born 1962, claims to be a Management Assistant and an ILP coach. ILP is an abbreviation for Integrated Solution-focused Psychotherapy, an NLP-based method which is not scientifically recognized. She holds a licence as an alternative healer/psychotherapy and claims a „5 years' training in systemic relationship coaching (Chuck Spezzano)“, an STL course with Jeff Allen etc. (see:  ). [Substitute link]

Tanja Wagner, Samerberg/Bavaria

Wagner, born in 1970, is a kindergarten teacher by profession and worked in a state-run day nursery  connected to a Munich grammar school. In 2003, she became an alternative healer/psychotherapy. She did an STL training and is a „transformation therapist“ ( see:  ). [Substitute link]

Ottilie Schawe, Tandern/Bavaria

Schawe, born 1975, is a grammar school teacher for German and English, and since 2010 an alternative healer/psychotherapy. Among the trainings she claims is Reconnective Healing, Awakening Coaching, two shamanic trainings („focus on Inca method, so-called „Clearing“ according to Martine Brune, nature rituals …“), and a one-year course in STL.

Michael Ditsch, Freising/Bavaria

Ditsch is a landscaper and did a course of studies in landscape architecture. Since 2001, he is a lecturer resp assistant at a University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria. He also teaches Taijiquan and Qigong.
Ditsch is a landscaper and did studies in landscape architecture. Since 2001, he is a lecturer resp assistant at a University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria. He also teaches Taijiquan and Qigong.

Ditsch also claims „depth psychological relationship and communication training according to Chuck and Lency Spezzano – Graduate of the Steps to Leadership Program, Graduate of the Psychology of Vision 100 Day Training Program, Attendance Mastery Program for Graduates“ (see:   ).

Berrin Becker [i.e., Berrin Berker], Augsburg/Bavaria

[Berker] keeps various websites, separated into business activities and Nuage activities. According to one of her websites (  ), she has been active in coaching since 15 years. Among her trainings are: Licenced Coach Tipping Method, Ho'oponono/Ihaleakala Hew Len, MatrixPower, Mental Trainer, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Psychophysiognomy,  alternative healer/psychotherapy, PoV – Psychology of Vision – Steps to Leadership with Barbara Tollmann (see above). She is also an NLP practitioner, master, trainer and teaching trainer and has additional trainings e.g. in telephone and marketing training, suggestopaedia etc.

Doris Singer, Passau/Bavaria

Singer, born 1959, originally worked as a doctor's receptionist (1975-1981). In 1996 she seems to have turned to Nuage with a training as a „holistic life and success coach“ (March to December 1996). Further trainings claimed by Singer are e.g. SAT enneagrams/Claudio Naranjo, STL in 2005-2006, psycho-kinesiology (2006-2007), as an NLP practioner (2003-04), Family Constellations acc. to and with Hellinger (2006-8), Brain Gym (2008-10).

Anna Reiter-Torwesten, Kienberg/Bavaria

Reiter-Torwesten is an alternative healer/psychotherapy with her own office for 'coaching and psychotherapy'. She claims various trainings, e.g. as a 'certified relationship coach (Life Trust)', 'Emotional Freedom Technique', trauma treatment, kinesiology, and has done an STL course. Her original profession is gymnastics instructor.
(  )

Brigitte Rettinghausen, Freising/Bavaria

Rettinghaus runs her own office with numerous altmed resp Nuage methods, among them Reiki (2000), Psychology of Vision (2000-2007), STL in partnership with Kurt Sommer (see above) in 2003, Angel-Elohim Mastercards since 2001, Mental coach, wellness trainer (2004-5), mediality, spiritual life counseling, faith healing, sound massage (2009) (see:  ). [Substitute link]

Further courses she claims to have taken are: Metatron Diamond Light Priestess (2010), Dowsing (2010), House Energetising Intensive (2010), Manifestation (2010), Seminar Angels and Masters (2011), Metatron Channeling Training (2011).

Apart from these various altmed and Nuage trainings, no previous employment and qualifications mentioned.

Karin Myria Pickl, Germering/Bavaria

According to her CV, Pickl – born 1970 - is a journalist and author, has a masters in education and claims to be a gestalt pedagogue. Since 2003, she has been a freelance journalist and PR manager in the fields of holistic health, conscious life and 'soft' traveling, since 2007 she is an author. She describes writing „in the fields of health, consciousness, personal development, spirituality – also while traveling“ as her „calling“. Pickl claims (vocational) trainings as a journalist, in gestalt therapy, various courses in media work, social media, marketing, writing in the field of wellness etc.

Among further qualifications, Pickl lists „shamanism (various seminars since 2003)“, kinesiology, an STL training with Kurt Sommer (see above ), physiognomy, „medical radiesthesia“, Family Constellations, spell speaking, Deeksha initiation, Magnified Healing, etc. ( ) [Update July 3, 2018: In "maintenance mode"]

Rudolf Mutter, Geltendorf/Bavaria

As a main (?) profession, Mutter apparently runs a company in the field of computer services, but has given up working with professional clients and concentrates on private clients instead, doing PC repair, maintenance of client's computers via internet etc.

Additionally, he sells Nuage seminars and claims trainings in PoV, STL, Releasing, Colour Acupuncture, Visualisation Therapy, Sufi Dance, Meditation, Psychdrama, Bio-Energetics, Rebirthing, Alchemist Hypnotherapy etc. Mutter does not mention whether he is licenced as an alternative healer (see: [Substitute link]).

Mira Irimie-Bastius, Munich/Bavaria

Irimie-Bastius did a course of studies in „welfare“ at a university of applied sciences and a three-year course as a systemic individual, couple, and family therapist; as this is not specified in any more detail, it cannot be evaluated whether this was a science-based course or a Nuage/altmed one (more probable).

She claims to have discovered PoV in 2000, and until 2010 attended numerous seminars and trainings like e.g. STL. She further claims some 10 years of experience working with a youth welfare institution where she says she was the supervisor of a pedagogic team. She also claims to have studied „shamanic healing ways like Andean shamanism“ since she takes an interest in aboriginal healing methods.
( ) [Update: Dead link, Jan. 12, 2021]

Barbara Marohn, Karlstein/Bavaria

Marohn originally was a hotel clerk, then specialised in the field of marketing. Since 2003, she seems to do management counseling regarding the hiring of new employees, and is an „online moderator since 2004“. In 2006, she did an STL course in „psychological basics of Psychology of Vision“. Marohn in particular uses Joining techniques for coaching.
(  ) [Substitute link]

She describes PoV as:
„... a healing model combining modern psychological know-how with effective spiritual principles. It demonstrates in which ways our inner and outer worlds are connected, what gives us back our power of decision, to change our life, to recognise and master acute challenges. The three main elements PoV addresses are: relationships, leadership, and non-denominational spirituality.“

Another website (called „Coaching for Highly Sensitive Persons“ …) publishes a lecture by Marohn in which she describes to have first met PoV in a time of crisis when her marriage broke, and that PoV made her realise that the real reasons causing her marriage to break up where within herself.... (see:  ).

1 comment:

Victoria Horne said...

That POV is one dark star to hitch your fortune on. In fact, it is a black hole.

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