Sunday, June 4, 2017

NAFPS Selections: Psychology of Vision Spinoff Business in Central Europe pt. 5

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Ingeborg," February 16, 2015]:

There are persons employing PoV methods who merit a closer look due to the nature of their activities:

1) Astrid Dehnel, Berlin
Jan Dehnel, Berlin

Astrid Dehnel works as a coach and has been involved with PoV since many years, although she never became a trainer but does STL courses and applies PoV methods in her coaching practice.

Her husband Jan Dehnel was involved in teaching STL courses some years ago but apparently has stopped. He is, however, still using and promoting PoV in his business profiles.

Astrid e.g. sells the following courses/counselings:


    Follow the Heart – Steps to Leadership
    A year's training in a group to enable personal development. The training aims at living our true potential, marked by self-reliance, partnership, and relationship skills. It offers the possibility to get to know the methods and principles of PoV by Dr Chuck and Lency Spezzano and try them step by step in one's own life.

    „Going new ways together – Open PoV group
    Anyone enjoying personal development or in need of support in difficult situations is welcome to the open PoV group. Meetings are once a month in the evening and offers the possibility to introduce personal issues, and get to know and use methods and tools of PoV.

Astrid Dehnel works in an office of „freelance trainers, coaches, counselors, and teachers providing a diversified range of offers in the field of personal development.“ (   ) [substitute link]
The Dehnels also keep a personal website which does not have any contents as of yet ( ).

At the same time, both Dehnels are long-term supporters of so-called Germanic New Medicine by former MD Ryke Geerd Hamer:
Amazon carries a positive review on a GNM book („The five mental laws of healing: New medical paths“); the review was authored by Jan Dehnel dd. Dec 30, 2011 (  ). [Update, July 3, 2018: dead link]

In his Xing profile, Dehnel mentions as his fields of interest:
„Software for humans, psychology, Psychology of Vision according to Dr Chuck Spezzan and Lency Spezzano, combining every-day life and spirituality, the path to partnership and equality on all levels, Germanic New Medicine according to Dr. Hamer“ (see:  ).
Despite Dehnel's description, Hamer lost the licence to work as an MD in 1986 already after several cases of malpractice. Hamer's ideas were profoundly rejected by evidence-based medicine.

Both Dehnels signed in a petition in 2006/7 which meant to urge universities to give scientific recognition to Hamer's GNM ideas; a copy of the petition can be viewed here:!msg/alt.impeach.bush/x4_kOITb6UE/bYq92VpowNkJ  ; the individual entries are not dated.

B) Prof Dr Eike Clausius, Zwickau/Saxony, and Berlin

Holding a professorship in economics at Zwickau University of Applied Science, Clausius is also a longterm student of PoV and uses his position to do lectures and seminars based on PoV resp STL, like e.g. a course in „Systemic Counseling II (Steps to Leadership II)“ - see:

Taking a look at his list of recommend literature, it becomes very apparent that Clausius indeed teaches PoV and other Newage garbage, as his list of recommended reading for the lecture lists books by Gregg Braden, Joseph Murphy, and three books by Chuck Spezzano.

On his private website, Clausius claims his field of research was „Emotional Intelligence“. This is no field of research in academic economics, although there were some attempts in the late 1990ies, but these were done in a rather Nuage and pseudo-scientific environment of more or less dubious management counseling.

Clausius also publishes a photo of himself and his wife with Chuck and Lency Spezzano:
At still another private website ( ), Clausius claims to be a „Healthy-Living- & Mental-Coach“ and names Berlin as his place of residence.

It is somewhat reassuring to see his rep among students seems to be wanting: although as a non-registered visitor, one may not view details of students' ratings of their professors, the site provides the info that out of the last five ratings, four students gave Clausius a bad rating and one an average rating (  ). His students also mention that Clausius does not use a microphone but insists on mumbling away since he means to avoid „electric smog“.

Clausius has been a professor at Zwickau University of Applied Sciences since 1993, so most probably his former employer did what we call „praising someone off one's premises“ and then said a heart-felt „Good Riddance“. Many complete idiots and otherwise unpleasant characters during these years got sent to the Five New Federal States, and some of them still hold this employment until today. While Zwickau University will be aware that Clausius is not quite an asset to the university's name (they only let him do Basic Economics 101...), they are most probably not aware that what Clausius teaches is not economics, but cult economics according to Spezzano, and that with a staunch supporter of PoV, there is always the chance of him trying to make other persons take PoV courses, too – who in this case will be his students.

1 comment:

Al Hill said...

Hamer is also notoriously antisemitic.

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