Friday, March 29, 2019

I'm an Indian Too

Lency controls the microphone and the narrative

From Lency Spezzano's "downloading/joining" session with Babs Stevens:

LKS: Let's say this is the start of something very important. Psychology of Vision is so committed to supporting aboriginal cultures around the world, but we've really really committed to the First Nations people of Canada that have taken Psychology of Vision and applied it. And because Psychology of Vision shares similar values with their original culture, the understanding of "Oneness," that we're all related, that there's really only one of us here, and it fits so well with their own Native healing approaches, that its just a great success. And there is cultural Renaissance wherever Psychology of Vision goes in the First Nations communities.

Lency shows off a post-hypnosis Babs, who is still trembling

As I watched the above exchange (before it was mysteriously removed from public view in May 2015) I kept thinking of a comedy group called The 1491s and their rendition of "I'm an Indian Too"
Ryan Red Corn


George Chesebro said...

I would love to see how the 1491s would parody Psychology of Vision's pitch to First Nations.

Joe Gunn said...

"And there is cultural Renaissance wherever Psychology of Vision goes in the First Nations communities."

This is the White Savior Narrative in action.

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