Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Healing Metaphors A-Z - Osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is the inflammation of bone, often specifically the bone marrow, as the result of infection by a microorganism. Symptoms include pain, fever and sweats. Osteomyelitis means that we are angry and in a conflict with the underlying framework of our life. We are being called to deal with soul level issues of lack of recognition. From deep within us we have expectations of being treated a certain way, almost as if we were a princess in a past life and a cleaning lady in this one. We feel we are not being treated right. The area of body afflicted is a further clue as to the underlying issue.

Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Louise Hay says: "Osteomyelitis: Anger and frustration at the very structure of life. Feeling unsupported."

Plagiarism? Nothing is ever original with Psychology of Vision.

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