This interview includes the sidebar introduction stating: "Chuck Spezzano hat den Doktor in klinischer Psychologie, ist Hawaiianischer Schamane und hat bereits 35 Bücher zu Themen wie Liebe, Beziehung und Erfolg geschrieben, mehrere davon Bestseller und in 20 verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt. Darüber hinaus hält er weltweit Seminare ab."
It should be recorded that Chuck Spezzano does not have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and that the Native Hawaiian community has some serious issues with the claim Spezzano is a shaman (or kahuna, as Spezzano himself claims) as evidenced on the Huna is Not Hawaiian Facebook page.
In the course of the interview, Spezzano characterizes his fellow Americans as being "cowboys" as an apparent form of derision.
Discussion of Questico can be found at the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum:
Full interview can be seen at this link:
[Substitute link]
Chuck obviously likes to exploit positions of importance for recognition. It's bad enough to go rogue and pose as an impostor psychologist but to also pull rank on an indigenous role as important as a "shaman" demonstrates his eclectic fantasies of whom he thinks he is. You would think claiming to be a "world leading psychologist" is a pretty big title to flash, but seems like there is a need to enhance that with claiming a high ranking position as a shaman too.
Well, as most people know now a days their are "good doctors" and their are "witch doctors", those that brag about being indigenous "doctors or shamans" are usually fakes. Real shamans do not disclose who they are, the people in their villages know and it is quietly done without publicizing the fact.
So what next? Alien life coach? Mars time traveler Leader? I guess what ever fits the calling, Chuck is the man!
Chuck Spezzano has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a Hawaiian Shaman and it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime.
Two lies don't make a right. Chuck Spezzano needs to correct this-- but he won't because it will hurt his profit margin.
Where's your proof? What a waste of energy this is! He has an international community of grateful friends and you have hatred in your heart instead -good life choice for you? I believe this business of the doctorate has all been addressed before and I saw a transparent, positive response to these allegations, so maybe ask yourself what is your agenda? I will walk away now, may you find peace, however long the walk.
Hi Anonymous. Thank you for commenting. Maybe you could share with us your experience with POV? Could you please direct us to the transparent, positive response to these allegations you mentioned? If you mean Lency's "Truth" website we found it to be not so transparent and very misleading. So we'll just have to have a different opinion about that.
Meanwhile, this is a link for the evidence you requested:
Hope to hear more from you. We encourage you to take some time to look over this blog and learn more about why we are making this effort which we find quite rewarding.
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