Sunday, February 12, 2017

Healing Metaphors A-Z - The Healing Keys

Along with each malady listed in the Healing Metaphors A-Z, several "healing keys" were suggested. Below are the "Healing Keys" as they appeared in early 2014.

"Please feel free to quote - Please would you note that it is from "Janie Ticehurst" or "Chuck Spezzano" or "Lency Spezzano" as credited and include a link to Thank you very much!"

Love and Bonding

Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind.

Imagine yourself as a baby in your mother’s arms. Feel the light inside of you joining and connecting with the light inside of her. Now feel the light from within her connecting with the light in your father. In the same way, now, feel the light within you connecting and reaching out to the light within everyone around you as you grow into the present time.

You may need to repeat this exercise, especially with those close to you. Continue feeling the light inside of you joining with the light inside everyone who comes to mind until you feel completely peaceful, loving and loved. You can do this exercise until everyone has turned into light.

Now envision the part or parts of yourself physically, and at a mind level, that are experiencing the symptoms of your illness. Also do this with any emotional aspect that you intuitively feel may have led to this illness. Intensify your awareness of this part of yourself.

Feel all the love that you have in your heart and soul, as well as all the love that heaven and those around you want to give. Pour all the love flowing through you into the fearful, guilty or conflicted parts of yourself that led to your illness. As you pour this love into yourself and others, experience how this changes and heals the situation.

This is an excellent exercise to do once a day, focusing on the most traumatic times of your life until they are full of peace and have been re-bonded. In a few days, or when you get to the next stage of growth in your life, another level of re-bonding may be required to heal the same incidents again at a deeper level in this new stage of growth.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. It's time to make a new choice about your illness.

You may have a thousand layers of conflict that have brought about a chronic illness. Each choice for health leads you in the right direction. One openhearted, sincere choice could clear many or all of the other mistaken issues.
What is the new healing choice you want to make?
Consciously make this choice when you first wake up in the morning, and make it again just before you go to sleep at night. Include this choice at any other time you think about the illness.
Every choice you make for wellness and healing your illness can help. It is especially helpful to choose to resolve any fear, anger, guilt and conflict you may be experiencing, as these feelings can exacerbate the illness.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005

Forgiveness Exercsie [sic]

Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind.

Realize there is a grievance at the root of every problem, and using your intuition and trusting the first answer that pops into your head, ask yourself:

If I were to know who it is that I have a grievance against, it’s probably _________________.

Picture this person standing in front of you.

Ask for help from your higher mind. Recognize that you have used this grievance to hold your whole life back. Now choose not to use this person as a way to hold yourself back. Choose this situation to become a place of peace instead of grievance.

Ask for the gift of forgiveness to fill you. Now, specifically ask for forgiveness for this person to fill your heart and, when this is complete, feel the energy of forgiveness flowing from your heart to theirs. Ask your higher mind to help with this flow. If the new situation does not feel completely joyful, repeat the last part of the exercise. Through willingness, each time you practice this exercise you will make it and yourself better.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Reflect quietly on your illness. Feel into it and ask yourself what gifts are hidden underneath it.

Take some time to reflect upon what the main gifts might be. If nothing comes to you, set your intention for the answer to become clear in your dreams or to somehow show itself metaphorically during the day.

If you keep your intention on this, and really want it, then it will be revealed to you. Examine how your illness is a defense and a distraction from receiving these gifts.

Ask yourself the following questions using your intuition, trusting the first answer that pops into your head:

        What is the main gift that your illness is meant to defend against ?
        Why have you been afraid of this gift ?
        Imagine yourself energetically embracing and embodying this gift.
        Who needs this gift from you?
        As this person comes to your mind, feel yourself sharing this gift with them from your heart to their heart.

Repeat this with each gift that comes into your mind. Giving the gifts that your illness is hiding will reinforce your awareness of your gifts. As your need for the illness as a defense disappears, so will the illness, and you will be free.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. It is time to allow grace into your life and as a healing agent for your illness. Sit quietly and clear your mind of everything except your illness.

Ask your higher mind for help here and now and ask that grace be poured into your fear and the conflicts generating it. Feel the healing energy of grace as it touches the roots of your illness. Grace will come to you as you ask for it.

Ask for it to fill you. Welcome this healing energy and fill your life and relationships with it. Feel your emotional burdens and your illness melting away in the love and light of grace.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Realize that when you have an illness, some hidden part of your mind wanted it to occur. Answer the following questions using your intuition, trusting the first answer that pops into your head:

        How many selves have been generating the conflict that caused the illness?
        How many parts of your mind actually wanted this illness?
        On how many levels are these conflicts and self-destructive parts occurring?
        No matter how many pieces or layers there are, feel the energy of each side of the conflict gravitate to one or the other of your hands. As you visualize all the conflicting pieces in each hand, ask yourself: What do they look like? What color(s) are they? What shape(s) are they? What do they smell like? What texture are they? How heavy are they? What sound do they make? Really feel the energy of each side of this conflict in each of your hands.
Melt all these pieces and layers into a golden, white energy, the basic building block of the universe.

Now, gradually bring your hands together, joining the energy. As your hands come together and your fingers interlock, the energy may combine itself into a new healing symbol or may remain as this golden, white energy.

This will always occur unless the next layer of conflict comes up. You can always integrate anything dark or negative into your higher mind and the light of your spirit. If dark feelings or symbols keep coming to the surface, you have the opportunity to clear a great deal of what’s been holding you back.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005

Letting Go

Letting go is a very powerful healing principle. Underneath every illness lies an attachment, and the extent of the illness is the extent to which we are holding on. We have a need that we think will be fulfilled by maintaining an attachment to something from the past that we feel is now missing in our life.

We try to get this need met by holding on, even though what we are holding onto may no longer exist. Our need for the thing that we are holding onto may grow into an indulgence, from there to an addiction and finally into an idol, which we think will save us and make us happy.

Subconsciously, we believe that somehow our attachment will meet our needs; however, it is the act of holding on, and the fantasy that accompanies it, that keeps us from moving forward. Our ability to receive is blocked by the levels of need, demand and expectation that are a part of any act of holding on. Our holding on, and its self-defeating tactics, keep us stagnant and point us in a death direction.

Willingness to find what we are holding onto and let it go allows us to become free and enables us to move forward. As we let go of whatever illusion or fantasy we have held onto, we move back into the flow of life. Paradoxically, having let go, we become open and able to receive.

Letting go of the attachment causing our problems in health can heal us and move us into the next stage of our life. When our heart refuses to move on, our attachment holds us back in our life. Holding on keeps us bound to where we were and ties up our energy, turning us away from availability and life. The principle of letting go is that whenever we truly let go, something better will come to take its place and will move us forward in a whole new way.


    from 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Then answer the following questions using your intuition, trusting the first answer that pops into your head:

Your illness is a distraction from your purpose. It is a way of stopping you from leaping forward in vision to see what it is you are called to give. What percentage would you guess that your illness is keeping you from your purpose or its next level?
It’s time to change your life-direction away from the distraction of illness and toward your purpose. If you feel that you are already living your purpose, there is obviously more that you are called upon to do and have done through you.
Commit to your purpose. If you want to know and live your purpose with your whole heart, you will. But if the illusion of fear is greater than your desire, you will not succeed. Ask that the fear be removed. Choose to know and live your purpose, because you will know yourself and your happiness, as you step up to keep the promises your soul made for this life.

Ask for help and grace to complete your purpose. Fear of our purpose comes from thinking we have to do it all ourselves. In truth, when our purpose is accomplished, it will have been done through us by grace.

        From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Allow yourself to realize that trust is the power and investment of your mind. It has to be given either to fear or to success.

Choose to give it to success. Feel, see and sense everything turning out well. Feel, see, sense and hear a new and happier future turning out for you. Open yourself to healing with a new confidence, knowing that healing can and will occur.

Move through any fear or negative emotion by choice and will, until you can feel a great faith in your own healing. Do this until the thought, feeling and confidence of a positive outcome opens up.

As your trust increases, so will your openness to love, grace and healing. As this place of trust grows from within, you will begin to feel the increased certainty of healing.

Every time you think of your problem, know that you have a choice in how you invest your mind. Do you want success and health, or illness?

In the time to come, whenever you think of your situation put your trust in yourself and in the situation. Invest your mind wisely as it creates your reality.

        From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005

Truth Exercise

Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Allow yourself to realize that it’s time to commit to the truth, and specifically to the truth of having good health in your life.

Ask that the truth about your life and the untruth about your illness be revealed to you. When your desire for the truth becomes greater than your fear and attachments, the truth will reveal itself to you and liberate you.

Invoke the truth when there is anything other than excellent health in your life. Desire the truth as an easy way through any problem.

        From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Use your intuition to explore your illness.

First of all, look for negative emotions or unfairness in the situation around you. Negative emotions are signs of misunderstanding. When this occurs it will eat away at you and generate problems, which can be health problems.

The principle is this: where there is pain there is misperception; where there is misperception there is misunderstanding.

Examine your life , both past and present. If something hurts, even if it was the past, you have brought the pain and misunderstanding into the present.

Go back two years before the onset of your illness and makes a list of all the painful situations in your life that occurred between that point and the present.

Next to each situation write what the emotional pain was, and also the misconception and misunderstanding that you made (you should have three columns: ‘Situation’, ‘Emotional Pain’ and ‘Misperception and Misunderstanding’).

Later you may wish to make another list of all the significant misunderstandings and painful experiences in your whole life.

While this may take a little study, it is very worthwhile. Learning to think in this way can save you years of pain where, from a position of righteousness, you might have felt that someone caused you pain or aggravation.

If you feel bad, then you are responsible, because you have misperceived and misunderstood.

Next, ask yourself how the situation, pain and misperceptions serve you.

        What self-image are you using this to re-enforce?
        What does it allow you to do?
        What is it you don’t have to do?
        What are you using it to hide from?
        Who are you attacking with this self-image?
        When you attack yourself with this self-image, how much narcissism and spitefulness is there in it?
        What excuse does this self-image give you?

As your understanding develops, you may begin to realize the extent to which you have been using emotional pain as a defense, especially against fear.

Once you realize that emotional pain is part-and-parcel of an ego strategy, mistake or misunderstanding, you can begin to understand the situation and make another choice.

Ask yourself the following questions about the disease itself, and the misunderstanding beneath it, trusting the answers that spontaneously come into your mind:

        With whom do you have the misunderstanding that needs to be healed?
        What is the misunderstanding about?
        How have you used the misunderstanding?
        What purpose does it serve for you?

Allow the energy of your understanding to fill you. Build a bridge of love and connection to the person with whom you have the misunderstanding, instead of using them for some purpose that can only hold you back.

Build bridge after bridge until you feel love and bonding completely restored. Ask your higher mind to give you understanding. You will know when this occurs by the peace, compassion and self-value you will feel.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005


Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Sit quietly and relax. Feel all the stress melting out of you, down through you out of your feet and into the floor.

When this feels complete, ask for heaven’s help to bring you into a new level of willingness today. This willingness will open you up to whatever form of healing wants to come to you.

It is time to be willing to take whatever steps you need in order for healing to occur. If this feels difficult, or if you feel resistant, then just choose to be willing to be willing.

Willingness will open up layers of your mind or emotional aspects of your illness for healing. Willingness moves you quickly through this territory because you no longer use it to hold yourself back. The greater the willingness, the bigger the leap forward you can take.

    From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
    © Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005



Lake of Soap said...

It should be noted these have all since been revamped, apparently by Janie Ticehurst alone.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

Everything Chuck Spezzano touches turns to shit.

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