Thursday, March 26, 2020

It is dangerous and must be stopped

Psychology of Vision trainers group photo, January 2016.  The number of trainers since then has apparently been significantly reduced

Jan. 30, 2017

Our friends over at the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans Forum recently posted a testimony from a gentleman who lost his wife to Psychology of Vision or a similar scam. He says of the cult, "It is dangerous and must be stopped" and compares it to Scientology.

Among some of the other statements: "PoV claim that they help people in relationships, that is a Lie."

Check out his story:


Anonymous said...

Psychology of Vision, just making friends wherever they go.

Anonymous said...

i saw a video the spezzanos poster around dec. 24 ,they were trying to make a spiel about not knowing about love or some ridiculous topic. it looked like chuck was using sign language with the cupping of his hands around his face and not look at his wife lency. lency looked like loaded on drugs or age caught up with her real fast, and not in a good way, the way she looked, they could easily be targeting people with dementia.
that video shows the state their in, like chuck could'ne remember his own lies to tell the public,
they other thing i noticed was the spezzano's use older pictures of themselves in their new advertisements, where their mental health doesn't look so bad as now,
scamming at every angle, like... who would want to pay $4,000 dollars to go listen to them at their hawaiaan home . it looks like the spezzanos need help themselves.
it's long over due for them and their advanced trainers get psychologically assessed for their and the unsuspecting publics own good, and through in getting them criminally assessed at the same time

Anonymous said...

Something that is nearly impossible to research with our current metadata technology but a revealing project would be to discover worldwide how many divorce case records mentioned Psychology of Vision as a detrimental impact on the marriage. Of course, there are probably plenty of other non-married couples who went on the rocks due to POV as well, from the readings I have gathered on this blog.

Anonymous said...

If you go back through the family trees of these organisations you will most probably find Scientology. Usually someone has enough of an organisation, believes they can do a better job and then starts one of their own, before creating a similar thing with the same problems. Some of the actual taught psychology in POV is really good, but a lot is just gobbledygook and knowing all the psychology does not help anyway. The trainers pour their own problems into the participants and dress it up in emotionally-charged psycho-jargon. The way to stop all this is to force all coaches, therapists, mindfulness teachers and the like to be accredited with government-registered, legitimate governing bodies via accredited training and if they have a new therapy idea they can apply to have it accredited with a relevant body.

Year of the Cat said...

Excellent point, Anonymous. Thanks for your input. I have not found a lot of overlap between Scientology and POV in terms of their followers, but the concept is the same. Spezzano himself has been involved with the culty Lifespring as well as Amma and Bhagavan's Oneness University. Many POV followers also swear allegiance to Osho aka Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. There also exists overlap with Germanic New Medicine.

POV is a for-profit corporation, yet the Spezzanos have managed to find a way to slip past regulators, licensing, and suffering any consequences for the damage they have caused. I totally agree with your proposal to make these "coaches" and their ilk accountable.

Anonymous said...

There have been a significant number of POV trainers in that photo who have been simply used, exploited, squeezed dry and discarded by the Spezzanos. Thrown under the bus.

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