Friday, December 30, 2016

Chuck Spezzano and Osho (Rajneesh) Disdain Critical Thinking


Year of the Cat said...

It makes perfect sense that Spezzano considers over-questioning to be negative, especially when questioning the authority of God, or the word of Spezzano himself. Spezzano talks about "anal-lies" or "rational-lies" because anyone with half a brain would recognize the Psychology of Vision con game for what it is and Chuck would lose customers. As a consequence critical thinking is not encouraged as part of the POV corporation's policy. POV preys on vulnerable people who start out with their reason clouded by pain. The client falls into the hands of completely unqualified charlatans. It is really quite evil when you think about it.

Remember, POV is not a church, it is a registered for-profit business.

On another note it is always amusing to see Spezzano and Osho/Rajneesh enjoy the same fanbase.

Anonymous said...

It feels true to me Psychology of Vision is a ripoff.

Year of the Cat said...

My intuition tells me POV is full of crap.

Year of the Cat said...

My vibrations guide me to the answer, which is to run away from personality cults like POV.

Roy Waller said...

Not to diminish just how awful POV is, but in the star system of scammers, Rajnessh ran circles around the Spezzanos. He was Big Time, the Spezzanos remain rinky dink in the galaxy of con artistry.

Franic Le Morphe said...

It is unfortunate there are still people around who cannot see either Rajneesh or Spezzano for the crooks that they were/are. When that does happen, it is called Enlightenment, and you get your life back.

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