Sunday, October 24, 2021

Jeff Allen's rumor control

In an attempt at rumor control, Jeff Allen gives us a fleeting peek into the inner world of the Psychology of Vision hierarchy. He writes for a German language audience, but I have included the clumsy Google translation into English as well.
[Update: Appears to have been removed, Jan. 2, 2019]

Jeff Allen: Special Newsletter, August 2016

Dear friend,

In recent months, my future professional career has gained clarity. It is my intention to keep all the seminars, which I had agreed. The profession as a Psychology of Vision Trainer I will not carry on, because I do not want to continue to meet the requirements that have to be fulfilled as a PoV Trainer. The most important thing is to reduce my international travel for me.

I would at this point like to help pick up some gossip related to my process. There is a rumor that I finish my work as a PoV trainer due to a conflict or due to the requirements of the steering committee. That is not true. For many years they were my partners and best friends, and they have given everything to accommodate me in my particular circumstances. Susie and I were touched by their efforts to find a possible and easy way for me. After careful examination, it feels to me, however, true to to reduce my coaching work.

Currently I am planning also to give the training that China has already booked for the next two and a half years with me. The same applies for the next in Germany seminars this year. The last seminar will be the five days Ottobrunn in November. After that I will be neither in Frankfurt still in Munich seminars. In Leipzig I will however get my presence to support programs and promote my future work in the field of health.

I would like to thank all participants and coaches who have worked over the years with me, for their support and faith in me. Be everywhere successful, wherever life takes you!

All the best,


Anonymous said...

A split mind?

Mutant Spud said...

I see that even in the elite universe of the "enlightened" individuals of POV, such base activities as gossip and rumours still run rampant. From an outsider viewpoint, POV is about as transparent as North Korea.

Jeff's brief newsletter here brings to mind the picture of a giant bovine fighting to extract itself from a tar pit, a trap that will eventually overcome and bury the creature. The more he fights it, the deeper he sinks.

Walk way, Jeff, walk away and don't look back. Cut all those ties and move on with your life. Be a free man.

Anonymous said...

Withdrawing from POV is not an easy task, especially for the top master. The delusional importance of self and belonging begins to unravel as you defend your right and logic for freedom while fighting off the sticky stink of POV failure and judgement! Good luck backing out of a room of zoned out zombies projecting their analysis on you as an "all time chuck loser."
Jeff should sever all ties from this group and their owners and participants and protect himself from association.

Year of the Cat said...

A recent photo of Jeff reveals a guy who has shed some weight and has taken his health scare seriously. Complete the process Jeff. Cut off POV now. Your mind and body will be happier.

Do Do Do Do Do Do Do said...

There is no question that being a POV trainer ages one. Just take a look at the roster of veteran trainers, especially in Canada. This is a group that sucks the life out of you rather than energizing your attitude. Vampires.

Pavane in F Sharp Minor, Op. 50 said...

POV UK appears to be dead in the water, and that is a good thing. Best wishes to Jeff on his new life and may his transition be a positive one that continually leads him away from the Psychology of Vision and out from under the shadow of the Spezzanos and from being a cog in their money machine. Life is too short for that sort of waste of energy and squandering of personal talents.

Mountaintop said...

It takes rare courage to walk away from a corporation like Psychology of Vision. Longtime POV victims and tools might find some encouragement from the experience of Joe Szimhart:

Wild, Sweet, and Cool said...

POV has declined so far so fast but getting the details is not easy, as it is indeed a dark cult that operates mostly in the Deep Web. So like a lost airliner or ship that has perished over or at sea, we can only gain clues from the wreckage that is washed on the shore of solid ground.

I see another recent former trainer has cut the Spezzanos from her Facebook "friends." Intriguing. This cult is self-destructing in a way we outsiders have yet to fully understand.

Crusader Feline said...

Come to think of it, I don't recall seeing any public statement from the Spezzanos concerning Jeff's health problems and departure as a POV trainer.

It makes one wonder if trainers are a commodity that can be discarded after their souls and bank accounts have been drained. Once they gain a flicker of independence and human dignity they are no longer useful to the Spezzanos.

William Wallace said...

I notice now that POV Europe has shrunk to three trainers they are a little slow on keeping up with their national newsletter. Looks to me like Psychology of Vision is dying a slow, and well deserved, death.

Tom Joad said...

Jeff, I hope you are well and happy. Why did you leave POV? You were at the highest point in the corporation a non-Spezzano could attain.

Year of the Cat said...

This post has been quite persistent in being hit over and over, most of the source points being from Europe.



Anonymous said...

POV has pretty much collapsed since Jeff's departure.

One who knows more than you think said...

Jeff has spent a significant portion of his adult life being a sidekick to a fraud.

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