Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Courageous Heart Download

Lency Spezzano had taken 13 of her 16 Youtube video examples of "downloading" away from public viewing in May, 2015. This is one of the three remaining videos:

This Youtube, "Courageous Heart" Download is nearly eight minutes long was posted on Nov. 19, 2012. The subject of the "download" was Joyce Cheng. 

The transcription with detailed editorial comments can be found at this link:

What follows here is the straightforward transcription:

LKS: Happy birthday, Joyce.

JC: Thank you.

LKS: So, since its your birthday and Heaven loves you, you can have anything you want for your birthday. What gift would you like to receive?

JC: [through translator] I want to have a heart that is able to healing all the issues in the world. A very creative heart.

LKS: So you're asking for a creative heart that is willing to heal anything, capable of healing anything. So that sounds like a courageous heart. A creatively, creatively, creatively courageous heart.

JC: [nods yes numerous times]

LKS: OK. Yeah, because everything heals. Absolutely everything heals. [to audience] So we'll be receiving a download that's going to erase our pattern of fear that throws us in a clutch of fear when we're facing a big challenge. So we'll gain the trust that we can handle everything, we have the courage, we have the faith, the trust to get us through with grace, with ease, with a joyful heart. A good attitude.

So you can begin to feel it already. In the studio audience out there you will feel the shift happen in your brain and that's a good thing. And even if you feel this experience of pressure inside of your brain for the rest of your life-- that's what we're looking for. Because that's just healing, that's just connecting with grace to heal your mind and change your world. [turns back to Joyce] Courageous heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Lency to a psyche ward,she's got a long road ahead of her if she ever can acknowledge the damage she has done to herself and others! Losing your mind is not healing, it's called "brain damage"!!!!

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