Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Healing the Great Wars

Lency Spezzano had taken 13 of her 16 Youtube video examples of "downloading" away from public viewing last May. One of them was the "Healing the Great Wars" download. This video lasted over 16 minutes and was first posted in 2013.

The three remaining "downloading" examples can be found at this link:

The "Healing the Great Wars" Youtube was transcribed before it was taken down. Rather than dealing with an individual, as was usual in the Youtube examples, this was a group exercise. The transcription with detailed editorial comments can be found at this link:

Here is a transcription of the video:

Now I want to give you the gift of healing download.

And this download will come through the higher self, through the Holy Spirit, and it will be using my brain to transmit this healing, or correction, of what at in Psychology of Vision we call the "Great Wars."

[Points to the POV Triangle] So the Great Wars show up here in "Vision." The Great Wars are the major dichotomies of mind. So they're the biggest splits that you have in your mind.

And I just healed these recently so this is fairly fresh. I can remember the process of getting these issues up and dealing with them, healing them. And some of them were pretty dramatic. I think the first one was healing the split mind about superiority, superior and inferior, inferiority. So we had both in our minds. We had this inferiority complex but we also feel superior so this war inside of ourselves that also shows up in our relationships. And the next one that came up in my healing was the split between male/female, and the war, the battle of the sexes, the battle of approaches. All of us are half feminine, half masculine in our minds but because the feminine has been not valued to the degree that the masculine has been valued for so many centuries, for millennia, we all have complexes inside of us about that. And a fight about which is better.

And so healing that was great. It's wonderful for your relationship, I can say that for sure. The next one I remember was life/death and that was quite dramatic for me. I felt like I was at the point of death, really. And when that healed in my mind it was when I realized that the only way I can get through this is if the body is not real. To understand that the body is not real is a major Course in Miracles instruction. The body isn't real because nothing in this reality is real-- as we know from ancient Asian philosophies this world is actually a dream, its an illusion. The same thing is said by quantum physicists.

So reaching an understanding, taking the power away from my belief that I could die, that I'm a victim of things that could happen to my body, that was a tremendous relief. And, boy, it saved my life, literally. There are more right/wrong, good/evil, those kinds of things, anybody remember any others, those who are tracking and along with me in the process? But anyway you get the idea of these major splits in the mind. And when you heal these Great Wars and you're pretty much finishing off this "Vision" stage [gestures toward the POV Triangle], when you heal that what you receive and the pattern in your mind that replaces the Great Wars is value, which is a Mastery level gift. So its the sense of personal value. I have value. I am valuable. And just to have that knowing inside of you is such a comfort and it takes a lot of the pain out your life.

So as the download starts to come through, and I can feel it already, you'll start to feel inside of your brain the change in the brain pattern of your neuro-net. So, if you remember from college when you were studying science, the science of the brain, your thought patterns are in there physically through the firing of synapses, so you get a certain pattern of thought, because you repeat the same thought again and again, these patterns get really deeply entrenched. So like the fight between the masculine and feminine, you've probably had those thoughts so often in your life there's really a superhighway in there about your position, whatever that might be.

So A Course in Miracles calls this process "the light of one mind shining into another." In India they say "the simplicity of one mind is affecting another." But, this is not something that I'm doing. Its something that's organized from a much higher level of our minds, and I'm just being a conduit. Its coming through. And my brain feels the changes that your brain will be feeling. So my brain is transmitting the sort of ironing out of those ruts in your mind and freeing it, allowing it to be simple in the place where it had been caught in conflict and split in those many ways.

So you may feel the emotions of those dichotomies as the healing happens. But you don't have to actually go deep into the emotion and feel everything because the elegance of a download is that its a physical shift in your brain and because you're a holistic system when your brain shifts your emotional body shifts, everything happens together at once. So you can do a tremendous amount of healing. For example it took a few weeks for me to deal with all of these issues and I cried a lot in the process.

Oh, one I forgot was Heaven and Hell, the belief in that split and that was a huge one for me. Yeah. So the beauty of downloads is you can receive the healing in an elegant way that prevents you from having to go through the life experiences that trigger the upheaval so that you can connect with the repressed emotion and the issues that are buried in your body/mind system.

So, its a gift I'm really happy to share with you. And let's get started. You probably can already feel your brain starting to go [makes a sound effect], OK? So that's a good thing and so you can actually invite your brain to surrender even more so that the download happens quickly and easily.

With the download it doesn't take time. Its not dependent on time, its dependent on willingness. So if you're willing to get the correction, get the shift, get the healing and take your mind into the miracle it won't need to take any time at all. Alright, I just invite you to surrender into it, get the healing, and when your mind hits the miracle, when you can see the joke of all of these fights that you have been in your whole life, maybe countless lifetimes, when you can see the joke of it, when you get the humor of it, when you feel completely liberated, and you hit the experience of bliss in your mind, that's a miracle, that's what A Course in Miracles calls a miracle. Its completely healing an issue. So when your mind hits a miracle, invites you to get up and join me and we'll create a bliss engine and everyone who has received a miracle then is transmitting it to the others as well, so we're just of one mind being in the grace. It's just grace, there's nothing personal. You don't have to worry about receiving anything personal that's mine in the transmission. Its just light, its just love. Alright? So we'll have some music, and here it comes.

[Audience member is laughing loudly] Some of you didn't even wait for the music.

And as the group mind has received the miracle now is the experience of revelation which the Course in Miracles says is the results that comes after the miracle and its Heaven's gratitude for what you've done for your willingness to heal. Its so touching. Its so sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gather from this monologue that Lency does not believe in the existence of Good and Evil or consider herself a moralist? I would be curious to hear how she would account for Hitler, Stalin, ISIS, etc. According to the Louise Hay model, confirmed by Hay to a NYT reporter, the victims of these monsters, such as the Jews during the Nazi Holocaust, brought their misfortune upon themselves. I would assume that concept extends to First Nations as well. Does Lency agree with that?

Here's my take. As a non-religious person and even after taking moral relativism into account, I still see clear lines between Good and Evil. In reviewing the documents compiled on this blog, I must say on balance that Psychology of Vision serves the forces of Evil. A small group of people, ALL of them (including the Spezzanos) being professionally unqualified to mess with your life want to mess with your life even though they seem pretty messed up themselves. News alert: Chuck Spezzano IS NOT A PSYCHOLOGIST!

Of course, you need to have enough of the coin of the realm before being allowed to enter the sacred golden gates of POV.

The celebrated long marriage of the Spezzanos sounds great, until you realize the two of them have been seldom together most of the time for many years. Most working stiffs cannot relate to that. The Spezzano reality is much different than that of the average wage slave. It is rather sad how the Allens try to imitate the Spezzanos in terms of wearing loud shirts and posing in the same way in their publicity photos. It all points to a personality cult.

This corporation is not about liberation, it is about enslavement, surrender and mind control. It is not about being a "cultural Renaissance" for aboriginal groups, it is about psychological colonialism by two wealthy Americans who feel entitled. It is an anti-science and superstitious corporation celebrating several strains of quackery. Chuck's lectures in Europe by his own admission on a Youtube video are about selling books. Most of all POV is about making a huge profit.

What Lency calls the Great Wars are part of what makes life Life. Who made the Spezzanos God in the first place where they get to set these standards? The above post is quite the entertaining con game. Or maybe she is just deluded. Either way, spending money on this POV thing is like flushing it down the toilet.

Yeah, I know, there will never be a shortage of suckers to buy into this scam. The Spezzanos have been lucky they are lost in a sea of other New Age grifters. They are experts at flying just under the radar of the media and government.

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