Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Surrendering to God's Concept of You Download

Lency Spezzano had taken 13 of her 16 Youtube video examples of "downloading" away from public viewing in May, 2015. This is one of the three remaining videos:

This Youtube, "Surrendering to God's Concept of You" Download is eight minutes long was posted on Nov. 19, 2012. 

The transcription with detailed editorial comments can be found at this link:

What follows here is the straightforward transcription:

LKS: So [Saki-san (?)], I understand its your birthday. And I understand that means that you can have anything that you want. Anything you want, we can receive it. All we have to do is be willing to have our mind changed, our brain patterns changed so that we can receive what in truth we deserve. We deserve every good thing, we have a loving, rich father, who wants only the very best for us.
So, of everything you could possibly have, what would you most love to receive?

S: [through a translator] I would like myself to surrender totally to God.

LKS: Surrender totally to God. What would that look like or be like? What quality or aspect are you imagining and wanting to receive?

S: The state of no tension. Its a state of no self-judgement and self-doubt. Without having to ask, am I right or wrong?

LKS: OK. So is it as if you would be willing to receive the self concept that is the concept that God has of you? Does that sound good?

S: [nod yes]

LKS: OK? Yeah, yeah. To just commit to letting go of the self-judgment, the self-attack that who you are is not what you should be. You recognize that this ego that we all have to live with, you know, that that is not you. That who you are is still as God created you. Perfect and whole, and one with Him in Heaven, right here and right now. Alright, that's a good one.

LKS: [looks at audience] Are you ready?

1 comment:

Norman D. Park said...

And after the victim is left as a quivering mass of jangled nerves, then what? And how often is this procedure required in order to attain whatever it is the client is supposed to get?

In many U.S. states this sort of hypnosis is illegal but not in Hawaii-- yet.

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