Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nightlight Newsletter by Chuck Spezzano, February 2013 [Update: dead link]

Nightlight Newsletter by Chuck Spezzano

February 2013

Listen to Chuck [Update: dead link]

German Translation by Anke Schuppan [English version included]

The key word for February is freedom.  The key motto is a quote from A Course in Miracles, “Investments last as long as you value them.”  Freedom saves us; it is the release of all limitation including the limitations of the body.  It is the recognition of ourselves as spirit, full of boundless love and joy that we naturally want to share.

Yet, if you look around you see that very few people are free and then only in certain areas.  One of the big traps of the ego is that it convinces us that dissociated independence is freedom.  Au contraire, the more free we are the more bonded we are.  All pain and lost bonding come from the hidden desire to seek independence and control, thinking that would make us happy.  In regard to investments, we have invested in the ego, the principle of separation, all our lives at the cost of a split-mind regarding love, success and happiness.  We have built up an identity and closed ourselves off from others and God and even cut ourselves off from our being as spirit and ecstatic joy.

This month vicious circles and conspiracies will surface.  If you wish to stop investing in an identity that sets you against the world then the conspiracies of competition, fear, anger, guilt and failure, as well as the great wars and vicious circles in the mind that cause duality are likely to become evident.  These include the Great Wars of Good and Evil and, even more fundamental to our ego, the Great War of Right and Wrong with vicious circles that go along with them of superior-inferior, winners-losers, and domination-submission.  This keeps us locked in Oedipal, sacrifice and other compensation conspiracies the ego uses to keep us fearful of moving forward and to stop the equality that brings success from occurring.

Our ego blocks grace and keeps us distracted from miracles.  It locks us into hard work and busyness conspiracies afraid of the success and intimacy we ostensibly want.

There are a few key steps that we can use to invite in the miracles which is what we really want and which God gives for any problem we are trapped in.  The first step is to ask ourselves using our intuition how many of each of the conspiracies, vicious circles and great wars already mentioned do we have within us.  The second step is to ask what impact these obstacles have had on our lives.  The more we are aware of what is happening, the more we are motivated to give up such traps.  February is meant to be a month to help us give up the most chronic problems of our lives and relationships.  How this is accomplished is first by awareness and second through taking responsibility.  This is not to be confused with guilt.  Responsibility makes you responsive and available to connect.  Guilt attacks you and others, has you withdraw and punishes you as a way to avoid the lesson that is crucial for your freedom.  All of these traps set up a conglomeration of conspiracies.  Part of the beauty of February is that this conglomeration of conspiracies can be dissolved, and we can live a much freer life.

Underlying these conspiracies at the root of all of your pain is the Judgment Conspiracy.  It is the condemnation of others through judgment that we use to separate and feel superior.  This opens the door to feeling inferior.  It locks us into competition and the suffering that comes from being attacked because if we believe we could attack then it follows that we believe attack is real and could do damage, opening ourselves to the illusion of harm as a result of our own judgment and attack.  Judgment covers over our innocence, being and spirit.  Judgment stops love and happiness and causes all the problems of separation, a split mind and conflict.  February helps us to expose our radical investment in the ego and to choose for love this time.

This is the month to set free all of the arrested selves within us and find ourselves back in the flow.   We can break the back of the Roles Conspiracy this month.  Every time we lost bonding through judgment and the desire for independence, we got not freedom but the roles of victim, sacrifice and independence all of which block the feminine, receiving and equality.

As we become aware of judgment and how it attempts to hide guilt and put others down by projecting our guilt, we are motivated to let it go because of the suffering it generates.  Yet judgment breeds more guilt as illusions beget illusions and suffering grows as a result.  If we realize that our condemnation doesn’t allow us to escape attack as the ego promised, we would quickly give it up.

February can be a gold mine of healing.  Invoke awareness, strength and Divine Presence.  New layers may come up every day.  Recognize this as a grand opportunity.  If you get stuck for more than a few hours this month, you simply fell into one of the classic trap patterns.  Being stuck or in pain suggests that we listened to the ego and invested in what it suggested instead of the truth.  Get a second opinion.  Ask your Higher Mind for its suggestion.  Your ego is always telling you the worst and sets you on a path toward death.

Jettison your conglomeration of conspiracies and all of its ancillary traps and be especially dedicated to giving up your Judgment Conspiracy with all of its attack, self-attack, lack of responsibility, projection and superiority.  Give your whole heart this month to your healing.  It will have great dividends.  This is a month where you can have so much more freedom by stepping out of your self-imposed prisons.

This is the month you prayed for.  Heaven is here to help.  It simply needs your strong intention.  This is the healing you have come for:  to release the past from all the pain you and others around you suffered.  You can dissolve the illusions that your judgment bred.  Yes, you made grave mistakes, but this is the month they can all be corrected if you would not hold onto them.  You don’t need them.  Whatever the ego promised you was a lie.  It gave you none of those things; it only looked like it was going to give them while silently building itself and lining its pockets.  Do you feel free?  If it is real freedom, it contains that much love and carefree happiness.  If instead you feel overburdened, in sacrifice and scarcity, cut off or victimized, the ego’s got you.  It is time to bring in the happy illusion of forgiveness that frees you and others.  The others in the painful situations of your past just needed help, and your reaching out would make all the difference instead of the distance and false superiority of judgment that generates pain and greater illusion.

February is a great month for inspiration, vision and success.  There is also the fun and laughter of friendship bubbling through this month also.

In the first week of February, we will be dealing with our Authority Conflict.  This is one of the roots of all problems giving us bad attitude, fear and a choice for the ego instead of love.  It is time to move through this trap that hides Heaven.

The second week we are dealing with our Guilt which our ego uses to build itself and generate fear.  This keeps us stuck in self-attack rather than learning the lesson and moving forward which dissolves the ego.

In the third week, we can catch ourselves in our Mistaken Priorities and make the appropriate changes that allow success and reward instead of sacrifice and delay.

In the final week our Idols of Depression surface to be let go of.  And since “Investments last as long as you value them,” we can stop investing in this manner.  What we lost became a source of need and guilt, and this makes us depressed.  But Idols of Depression represent places where we think depression will free us, make us happy and thus save us.  This could never save us which is why such idols are buried in the deepest part of the mind.  Let these idols go as they surface.

If you are dedicated, this can be quite an exhilarating month.  Dwell on whatever issue is there to stop you.  Undoing and Awakening are just a few of the gifts that are there to release you.  Angels surround you at every step this month.  If you get stuck, use this quote from A Course in Miracles.  It will dissolve the trap layer by layer as you repeat it until you reach peace and then happiness.

“Behind this is a miracle to which I am entitled.”

Have the most blessed month.  Heaven’s Help is within you.  Receive it.  It’s time for a prison break.  Get your life back!  It’s not too late.  Heaven’s Will and your true will are aligned for you to be as God created you and thus experience Heaven on earth.  Your ego has other plans for you, but you get to choose where you will align yourself.  If you get stuck, feel my love and smile supporting you through wherever you are blocked.

May Blessings, Abundance and Faith bring you great happiness this month.

Chuck Spezzano
Kaneohe, Hawaii
Nightlight Newsletter
February 2013

1 comment:

Year of the Cat said...

So Chuck Spezzano doesn't believe in Good and Evil, or Right and Wrong?

Spezzano frequently mentions the Oedipus Complex, does this mean he counts himself as a Freudian by accepting this (now outdated) premise?

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